Friday, March 24, 2006

It's Friday, it's Friday, Friday-Friday-Friday!

Oh yeah it's Friday, it's Friday, Friday-Friday-Friday!

Hmm, being around a 5-year-old who sings lots of kids' songs does strange things to your thoughts sometimes.

It was particularly fun when we had all of that rain last weekend and all she did the entire time we were in the car during all of it was alternate singing "rain rain, go away, come again some other day," and, "it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring..." Actually it was pretty cute. I turned off the radio and sang along with her. At least, it was pretty cute at first...

Anyway, can you tell I am happy it is Friday? It will be a busy weekend but it's still better than work. I have to get my oil changed tonight in preparation for our trip to visit Phillip, and I'd like to go ahead and get that dishwasher returned. And I need to clean out the car and do some laundry and... well, you get the idea. And of course I have to do all of that tonight because I have to work all day tomorrow at the liquor store and we are leaving tomorrow night. Busy busy.

This is kind of funny - it seems that those who are pro-T.O. are as passionate for their side as I am for mine. Here is an e-mail exchange I had with one of my fantasy football buddies, he being pro-T.O., following a heated online discussion we had on the subject:

Me: This about sums it up - link to editorial

Him: You just need to stop.

Me: Awww, what's the matter? OMG, someone agrees with ME!

Him: You guys can agree all you want. Wont be the first time multiple people were wrong at the same time. See Napoleon at Waterloo, Custer at Little Big Horn.

Me: oh you did NOT just make those comparisons LOL

Him: Thought you would like that!

And so, the battle rages on, as it were.

Have a great weekend, and here is a link for you to have fun with:

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