Thursday, April 03, 2008

Part 2.... I guess

I'm too damn tired to bitch today.

But, I'm going to anyway.

Anybody watch Guiding Light? Yeah, me neither, most of the time. I actually TiVo 4 soaps though, the CBS soaps, and there is one that I watch religiously. The others, I'll read the daily updates online and if there is something I want to see then I'll watch. Or I may watch if I run out of other TiVo'd stuff to watch. There hasn't been anything I have wanted to watch on Guiding Light for some time. But nevermind that. THEY KILLED GUS! They freaking killed Gus. I love Gus. Gus is hot. And now he's gone. In protest I am going to, um, continue not watching their soap. Of course as soon as I read online that Gus died, I immediately watched all of the episodes I had TiVo'd. But no more. That's it. After his funeral.

Gus, you had better show up on a cool prime time show, that is all I can say.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Not so much on main stream soap operas. I am more an L Word fan myself. I don't need tivo for that..just showtime on demand. But keep recommending tivo..I have shares in that bitch.