Ok, I know, it's been over a month since I've posted anything, and even my last post was photo montage. Note it was posted during prime time on Valentine's day if that tells you anything. Anyway I know the world is curious about what's going on in my oh-so-exciting world and you're just waiting on pins and needles for an update.
Uh huh. RIGHT.
I guess I can start posting again now that I finally got my friend's divorce paperwork done. How could I possibly spend time posting anything when she's waiting on me to finish her paperwork and I could have been working on that instead of wasting time here?
Anyway. I finally got my washing machine fixed yesterday. Yes, I'll wait while you scroll down to see when I first posted about it being broken. Actually I'll save you the trouble - it was on February 8. Yes, a full 5 weeks later, Conn's finally managed to fix it.
What have I done for 5 weeks without a washing machine, you ask? Ah, but alas, I have not been without for "quite" that long. After Conn's showed up to fix it after taking almost 3 weeks to get the part, they realized they needed another part, I about had a meltdown. I immediately called a local rental place and rented one for a month. I mean, enough is enough already, and at that point it was TOTALLY worth $2.50 a day for a month to have a washing machine. They delivered and installed it without 2 hours of my calling and it was awesome. Go, ColorTyme.
My anger and wrath have since been re-directed from Whirlpool to Conn's. Long story short, the guy came out and diagnosed that "something" had chewed a hole in one of the hoses. He ordered the hose and finally came back almost 3 weeks later, when he then determined that he in fact needed 2 hoses, the other of which also had to be ordered. He finally came back yesterday and fixed it.
Suffice it to say that I'm not buying anything from Conn's that I might actually need worked on at some point. So that leaves what that I can buy from them, a new mattress? For one, I had to call Conn's about when in the hell the part was coming in, and they were like "oh, we're sorry, it came in 4 days ago, we've been busy."
As for the "something" that chewed the hose? No more. My uncle came and rat-proofed the bottom of the washer with a metal mesh. Even Left little sharp meshy teeth sticking out the sides of the bottom underneath so if they dare try they'll get poked. (Not sticking out TOO far, I don't wanna get poked. Well, not by that) Also, the dishwasher is now rodent-proofed too.
For the record, the washing machine I rented is a Frigidaire, and do you know they have sense enough to pre-rodent-proof the bottom of their machines? Uh huh. You know Whirlpool could have been that smart. The repair guy said that for some reason, rats "go for" the type of rubber Whirlpool uses. Why didn't they put a nifty metal plate cover over the bottom of theirs like Frigidaire? GO, Frigidaire. I know what I'm buying next time.
As to the rodent situation... I haven't caught anything in the multitude of traps or otherwise seen any casualties, but neither have I heard any funny ratty noises since Maggie the Jack Russell Terrier came on the scene. Long story.
Maggie was running around my neighborhood, in the street, on a cold day and what was I supposed to do? I left a note on the door of the house I thought was her home, and they called later and the lady said that they had found her too and had been taking care of her, trying to find her owner, but they couldn't keep her. I said I couldn't keep her either. The lady hung up on me. NICE. So almost a month later Maggie is still at my house, and I only thought I'd be keeping her for an hour or two until her nice owners got home.
I put out flyers and a newspaper ad and posted her online, and all I got for my trouble was a lot of SPAM. I'm tempted to keep Maggie since she is good for the freaky noises problem, but she can be a little pain in the butt. She has to be on my lap or on my pillow or under my feet ALL Of the time, and she's a leaker. She dribbles on my floor (or my couch, or basically wherever she is, including my pillow, so thank God and ColorTyme I had a washer) any time I approach her. But she's cute. And sweet. And I haven't heard any funny noises in some time (for the record, you didn't read what you just read because I didn't say what I just said because saying that would jinx it). Hmmm, the pros and cons of Maggie seem to be about even, though I have to admit the lack of funny noises of late bears a ton of weight in itself. She might have to stay awhile...

On the other hand, if you know anyone... but I reserve the right to borrow her sometimes.