The long awaited, by at least 2 whole people. ;)
These are awesome, awesome, AWESOME. Oh, and did I mention, awesome?
This washer is huge, HUGE I tell you. Well, it's a standard sized washer, but the inside is huge. I never dreamed one could wash so many clothes at the same time. And have them all come out clean. The only downside is that once they are dry, you have so many more clothes to fold/hang up/put away all at once. Which I hate to do. Anyway.
The Cabrio doesn't have the big agitation thingy sticking up in the middle taking up most of the room in the washer. Thus you don't have to situate your clothes around it, and you can get a LOT more clothes in. I got the black model with the clear lid, which is awesome, you can watch it wash. This model has a few more features than the white model without the clear lid. It has some awesome features, like double rinse, and features for extra-dirty clothes. It has a digital "remaining time" display, so as you set your features for the current load, you can see how long it will take to complete. It has 3 automatic dispensers, one for soap/color safe bleach, another for chlorine bleach, and a third for fabric softener. You can use either liquid or powder soap, but if you use a color-safe bleach, you must use the same as your soap is, i.e. both liquid or both powder, but not one of each.
So far all of my clothes have come out wonderfully clean. My only real complaint is that if you don't go put them in the dryer as soon as they are done washing, they sometimes get so wrinkled from sitting that even the dryer can't get the wrinkles out.
The Cabrio dryer is awesome too. Plenty big enough to hold the large loads of the washer (well, one would hope, they are a set), and dries quickly. It also has a boatload of settings to choose from. It too has a digital remaining time display, which adjusts as your clothes dry. It actually gauges how wet your clothes still are and adjusts the time accordingly. One thing you will want to do is make sure you have the setting for how dry you want them set to "more," otherwise you may find several items still damp when it stops. Changing this to "more" very nearly eliminates that problem. If, however, you want to take your clothes out while they are still damp and hang them to finish drying, there is a setting for that as well.
Ok, that's my take on them. A lot of money, I never would have dreamed I'd spend THAT much on a washer, but after using them, I am completely satisfied that I did the right thing.
If you have any questions about them that I haven't answered here, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.