Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer and Dryer Review

The long awaited, by at least 2 whole people. ;)

These are awesome, awesome, AWESOME. Oh, and did I mention, awesome?

This washer is huge, HUGE I tell you. Well, it's a standard sized washer, but the inside is huge. I never dreamed one could wash so many clothes at the same time. And have them all come out clean. The only downside is that once they are dry, you have so many more clothes to fold/hang up/put away all at once. Which I hate to do. Anyway.

The Cabrio doesn't have the big agitation thingy sticking up in the middle taking up most of the room in the washer. Thus you don't have to situate your clothes around it, and you can get a LOT more clothes in. I got the black model with the clear lid, which is awesome, you can watch it wash. This model has a few more features than the white model without the clear lid. It has some awesome features, like double rinse, and features for extra-dirty clothes. It has a digital "remaining time" display, so as you set your features for the current load, you can see how long it will take to complete. It has 3 automatic dispensers, one for soap/color safe bleach, another for chlorine bleach, and a third for fabric softener. You can use either liquid or powder soap, but if you use a color-safe bleach, you must use the same as your soap is, i.e. both liquid or both powder, but not one of each.

So far all of my clothes have come out wonderfully clean. My only real complaint is that if you don't go put them in the dryer as soon as they are done washing, they sometimes get so wrinkled from sitting that even the dryer can't get the wrinkles out.

The Cabrio dryer is awesome too. Plenty big enough to hold the large loads of the washer (well, one would hope, they are a set), and dries quickly. It also has a boatload of settings to choose from. It too has a digital remaining time display, which adjusts as your clothes dry. It actually gauges how wet your clothes still are and adjusts the time accordingly. One thing you will want to do is make sure you have the setting for how dry you want them set to "more," otherwise you may find several items still damp when it stops. Changing this to "more" very nearly eliminates that problem. If, however, you want to take your clothes out while they are still damp and hang them to finish drying, there is a setting for that as well.

Ok, that's my take on them. A lot of money, I never would have dreamed I'd spend THAT much on a washer, but after using them, I am completely satisfied that I did the right thing.

If you have any questions about them that I haven't answered here, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.


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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments about the Cabrio. I just purchased them last night and, like you, never thought I'd spend that much money on either one. I was hoping to find positive feedback and appreciate your comments.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering...it's been over a month now with your new washer and dryer...do you still love them?

WendyC said...

I do, indeed, still love them! They are awesome :)

Anonymous said...

I need to replace my old top loader washer and wondered how the Cabrio is being received, so appreciated your enthusiastic review.

The biggest problem I have with my current washer is load imbalances. I'm holding off on washing a couple of small cotton quilts because they will be heavy when wet. I know a front loader would be good for them, but have heard front loaders have other problems. Have you been able to tell if Cabrio is more or less likely than a regular (tall) agitator top loader to have things pile up on one side?

WendyC said...

I have washed some pretty large loads in it, and have not experienced any imbalances at all. I hope that helps :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you - that's reassuring! It's a little risky to go with such a new and different model, but since we can't get a front loader (door hinged on wrong side, except in the trouble-plagued Neptune) and since old technology top loaders prone to imbalances, I think we will try the Cabrio. Thanks for being a pioneer -- Whirlpool should send you a nice gift!

WendyC said...

Boy, wouldn't THAT be nice? I think they should refund all of my money and make me the spokesperson LOL

Anonymous said...

I just ran into this posting via google as I was looking for feedback on the Cabrios - mainly to see if others were having the problems I am having. The size is great and there are lots of features yes. I have had the Cabrio set for just over 3 months. The motor on the dryer just quit today. Repairman won't come until Tuesday. (It's Friday)
The washer just can't seem to wash jeans without having them come out so wrinkled that unless you "smooth out" each individual pair before placing into the dryer, they are basically so wrinkled when dry that they're un-ironable. Sorry for the bad news for those still thinking about the purchase, but if I had it to do over, I'd have spend the extra $1,000 and bought the LG set. I went with the Whirlpool based on cost and the "largest capacity ever" (which is very nice) but got burned by an inferior product.

Anonymous said...

I purchased the cabrio washer and dryer a month ago and I have never been so disappointed with a washer and dryer. I tried to call them today. The dryer takes hours to dry and the washer keep showing different symbols doesn't matter what size the load. I am calling Whirlpool Monday to ask them to service or pick them up. Too much money for the results. Even small loads take too long to dry.

WendyC said...

As to the drying time, there must be a problem with the dryer. On the conrary, mine gets clothes dry very fast. I dried a pair of my niece's jeans this morning in only 10 minutes. Hopefully you have contacted someone by now and had it fixed under the warranty :)

Don H said...

Thanks for your opinions on the washer and dryer. I've seen some criticism about the washer putting high stress on the clothing--clothes torn, stretched, really wrinkled, etc. Is this something you have seen in your experience?

WendyC said...

I haven't had any of mine torn or stretched, though sometimes my jeans come out with the legs all kind of twisted together, and they're really wrinkled when I untwist them. So long as I smooth them out as best I can before putting them in the dryer, then the dryer takes care of the wrinkles. You can set the strength of the agitation, I have never set mine all the way to high except on towels, blankets, etc. Maybe that's how some folks' tearing and stretching problems happen, agitation is set to high? Not sure. My towels and blankets come out fine on high though.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...


I am very close to making the decision on a washer and dryer set. I believe I want to buy the Cabrio Washing machine. Just a few questions left to be answered. Hope you can help....

I want to know if it will dry the three baskets of laundry in 30 minutes as it claims?

Also, have you ever used the delayed wash feature? If so how did it do on the wrinkle front with the clothes.

WendyC said...

Apologies for the tardy response.

The dryer is great, it dries very fast, but of course 30 minutes depends on what you are drying. 3 baskets of heavy jeans are not going to dry in 30 minutes, but for most everything else, I'd say 30 to 45 minutes.

I haven't used the delayed wash feature on the washer as yet.

Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi there
My husband and I are doing some research and we came across your posting. It appears that we have come across more negatives on the Cabrio that positive. Can you tell us what you do not like about the washer/dryer?

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER been more disappointed in a washer! I have owned the cabrio for 2 1/2 mo. now and my clothes are not clean and they no longer feel soft. I've tried experimenting with different detergents and the amounts that I use, different fabric softeners, etc. and there's no change. I actually stood and watched the entire delicate cycle perform and the clothes on the top and outside of the wash load never even agitated under!! (Which explains why my clothes aren't getting clean) I also have a big problem with wrinkling and unbalanced loads (even 1 blanket washed on the delicate cycle became unbalanced). I know that this machine is supposed to be an energy saver but I can barely see any water during the wash cycle. I've tried contacting Whirlpool via their hotline and web site but can never get through. I wish I had my old top loader back. If this machine had not cost so much I would pitch it in a heartbeat. Thank God I didn't buy the matching dryer. I bought an LG because of space limitations and I love it!!

For anyone reading this review, PLEASE do not waste your money on this washer!! I've always bought Whirlpool washers and dryers---but NEVER again.

Anonymous said...

I got the F51 error code and I'm waiting on part. I'm starting to think I made a huge mistake purchasing the Whirlpool Cabrio washer. Has anyone had it repaired without future problems?

Anonymous said...

Did you have yours on a basement floor? I have heard many complaints about vibrations when mounted on a second floor with the newer faster spinning machines. Is the top Glass? If not does it scratch?


Anonymous said...

We purchased a Kenmore Oasis washer and dryer. Visually the visible working parts look like the Cabrio. We are getting the same results as the worst reports for the Cabrio. We've had two techicians and results are the same.

A big problem for us is that the wash water comes in at 110 F. This is on top of cooled wet cloths. What is wrong with 153 F which is supposed to be what it takes to kill dust mites, etc. How does the Cabrio handle this?


Anonymous said...

Hi I got the whole cabrio set Nov/06. I have now been using it for 3 1/2 months. If I had to do it again I wouldn't buy it.
You must use the exact cycles to come out with acceptable results.
Example-all jeans on dark load.
Courderoy's- delicate (or else too many wrinkles)
Comforters-big and bulky load

I am not convinced of any great cleaning power either. My old top load agitator did a far better job.

Bottom line - I wasted $2000.00 on an inferior product.

Anonymous said...

HI, I have had my Cabrio set for a couple of months and am disappointed with the dryer. It won't dry stuff - I even time set it for 70 minutes to dry and the waistband of my sons sweatpants is still wet. The clothes say to dry on low so I follow that. I called and they said I should use a higher setting but I don't want stuff to shrink. Any advice.

WendyC said...

Well, there is a button on mine that asks basically "how dry do you want them?" It defaults to the 2nd dryest setting (which I find odd) and I always have to change to the higher one, I believe it is "more". Not sure if yours has such a button/setting but it might be worth checking out :)

All in all I am fairly happy with the set still. I do sometimes miss having the ability to actually soak things in water - The way that this one soaks is not very... convincing.

Anonymous said...

I've had the cabrio washer & dryer for about 2 months. Love the size of both & the clothes come out very clean, I know this because they have absolutely no smell (free & clear detergent). Although, I'm on my 2nd dryer because the 1st one was very loud. This 2nd one is still very loud. Thought it was just me til I found a couple other complaints on another site. It's like a loud droning sound.

Anonymous said...

After reading your comments tonight and finding that I am not the only person learning that it takes only 3 months to realize that the Whirlpool Cabrio washer was a big mistake. My washer have the F51 code. You can complete your cycle with the F51 code if you turn it off, let it drain, turn to rinse and spin, turn off, turn to drain and spin. That is just what I wanted to do with a $1,000 washing machine. If I am washing jeans,it is hurry, hurry to washing machine, take out jeans one pair at a time, shake, straighten and smooth, put in dryer quickly. If not you have wrinkles that an iron will not remove. Just start over and wash again unless you like to wear wrinkled jeans...what a mistake. Of course you have to get it repaired first.

Don't buy from Sears either. They can't get a repairman to come check it for 2 weeks...2 weeks without a washer...but if buy the extended warranty for a few extra hundred dollars, they can help you quicker...what has happened to customer satisfaction.

Sears says call Whirlpool if I am unhappy...why bother, just let the clothes pile up..

Anonymous said...

We purchased our set about 3 months ago and are generally pleased with it. We love the huge capacity of the washer and the dryer does dry really quick. If I had a complaint, it's concerning the wrinkles in the pants. The pants seem to come out of the wash really really twisted, and because of the high spin cycle, they're almost dry when you put them in the dryer. They're not in the dryer long enough to get them unwrinkled. You have to remember to untwist and straighten them out before you put them in the dryer. Especially jeans.

Anonymous said...

I purchased the Cabrio washer and dryer set two months ago. I will be calling out the service man for the second time tomorrow. I loved this set in the beginning but 3 weeks later the hell began. The first time I kept getting an F code on the washer, now I'm getting an F51 code. I cant wait to see how long it takes to get it repaired this time. Anyone wanting to purchase this particular set would be wise to think twice!!!!

Anonymous said...

We had our washer about 3 months before we started getting the F51 code. The Whirlpool repairman who came out just removed a sensor and reconnected it, now 2 months later the same problem. The problem only seems to occur under heavy load like towels or sheets. I am not happy with this washer at all. Between the F51 codes, clothes that are so knotted up the wrinkles are impossible to get out and now the plastic aggitator at the bottom is showing grooves in the plastic after only 6 months of use. I would avoid this washer at all costs.

Anonymous said...

I have been using the washer and dryer for over 5 months now and realize that the clothes are not coming out very clean from the washer. The dryer does an ok job drying the clothes. I am a bit disappointed with the washer. I barely see any water in the Normal cycle. I feel some of the clothes dont even get wet. I have been using the Bulk setting including Extra Rinse and Soak cycle. Any suggestions on how I can get a cleaner wash out of this washer?

Anonymous said...

I just purchased the cabrio washer today (5-25-07) and im already in doubt with it. 2 reasons I picked this washer...I got 20% off and the HUGE tub.
I read every 1's comments and my biggest concern is the "not enough water". I just dont get that. The salesmen told me that the washer fills up acording to the weight of your load. Well the fisrt load I put in was already wet because my last washer died in mid cycle. I thought that might have something to do with the weight issue...BUT NOT. The 2nd load was dry and I got the same results...NO WATER. I could hear the tank filling (for a long time) but I dont know where the water was going. It sure wasnt filling in the tank. Almost as if it were filling in a holding tank somewhere. Got me. So, I guess my question is....Why dont it fill with water like every other washing machine out there? I even put it on the heavy setting thinking it might show a lil more water, but I was wrong. Is this right? I have a load of jeans to try next. If they turn out wrinkly like everyone says, then that $900 machine is going back before I start getting that F51 error code like the rest of u. Well maybe I should wash every comforter in my house and what ever else I can find that I wouldnt normally like to wash in my washer.

Anonymous said...

I have had my Cabrio for about 8 months now. Never had a problem and loved the way it worked. UNTIL now! I am getting the dreaded f51 code now. repair man will be out in about a week. Those that have had the f51, once fixed, does the problem come back again?

WendyC said...

Sorry I haven't responded to anyone's comments for awhile.

Once I got mine fixed, I haven't had any further problems with it as far as the F51 code, or anything else.

The main thing I decided I didn't like about it while I waited for it to be repaired and rented another kind in the meantime was that I missed my inability to soak clothes by filling the tub and turning it off.

I also experienced some incidences where clothes weren't getting clean enough.

Here is what I have found:

Just because you CAN put SO many clothes in it, doesn't mean you should. I no longer fill it up when doing laundry, though to be sure I do still get more clothes in per load than my old washer.

I have also found that if I change the spin setting from the fastest to one of the medium speeds (there are 4) that the clothes don't come out of the washer so wrinkled. Yet, they are dry enough to be dried in the dryer for a normal time and come out fine.

When I first went back to using this machine after it was fixed, I was so unhappy I was searching out new machines, figuring I could get *something* for this one and move on. By modifying the way I use it a bit, I find that I like it again. Clothes are coming out clean, even very bad smelling doggy items (I have several dogs and also foster dogs so a lot of dog laundry) come out smelling very nice.

In sum, not filling it completely full and turning the spin cycle speed down will help immensely. Even at not filling it full, you can still wash plenty of clothes per load. If I had it to do over, I would probably choose something different, but I can deal with this one for awhile. I think. Ask me again next week LOL

Anonymous said...

This is a useless machine. We purchased 2 weeks ago and it never worked for us. It stops in the middle of the cycle and gives some stupid signals which no one can decipher. Apparently it is taking too long to drain. We called Whirlpool who sent a technician after a week. Even he could not figure out what it is doing and called their tech support. After 20 mins he told that the drain is OK and the control panel might be a problem. He told that he would order a new one and it would take another 2 weeks. I got sick of this after paying 1000 dollars and asked the retailer to replace it.Initially they refused saying that after 7 days the company would take care of this. I would never again buy Whirlpool again

Anonymous said...

I just wish I knew what it was doing? It appears to take 5 minutes or so, at various spinning speeds, before any water pours in. This is with a load of "colors". Is this normal?

I'm guessing that it is weighing the load to determine how much water is needed.

Anonymous said...

Also, what the heck is "Tap Cold" as opposed to "Cold" ?

Anonymous said...

We purchased this set last week and absolutely love it. Clothes come out clean, stains are gone even without pre-treating. I have 2 little boys so we do a LOT of laundry. Just washed a king sized comforter this morning and it came out perfect. I'm sorry so many people seem to be having trouble with their machines, but I've found that using the pre-set functions work the best. I just let the washer do it's thing and don't mess with the options much. The dryer works quick and the clothes are always dry. Would we buy this set again? YES!!

Anonymous said...

We purchased the Craprio washer and dryer set last October, and I have hated every minute of washing that I have done. I cant even wear my cotton pants after a washing. They come out in wrinkled knotts.
I wonder if they would exchange them? I dont know what all the hype is about the cabrio dryer? You put the clothes in and they come out dry??? any yard sale dryer will do the same thing.
Do not buy the Cabrio washer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure wish I would have listened
to my inner instinct about buying
a Whirlpool Washer..EXTREMELY
unhappy with my $1000. Cabrio
washer...goes off balance all the
time...NOW the dreaded F51 code
that everyone else is getting and
can't get rid of even with service
calls!...Repairman due tomorrow,
but if it doesn't solve the problem, I'll get the GE Harmony
like I should have in the first
place! Just consider it a loss....

Anonymous said...

I wrote yesterday that I should have gotten the GE Harmony....
anyway, I talked to the repairman on the phone last night and he said
that Whirlpool is AWARE of the F51 code problem and have solved it, so he's bringing out a whole new
???? whatever. BUT, before this happened, I was washing everything
on the BULK cycle since that is the
only cycle that gets ENOUGH water in it to actually clean the clothes. I am still unhappy with the washer for some minor issues and would NOT buy this machine again even if it worked okay...
I just think the technology in these top loaders with no agitators
is too new...the "bugs" have not
been ironed out of them as yet...

Anonymous said...

The salesperson just sold me on this washer, 3 hours ago, and decided to check online for reviews before it's delivered on Friday. I'm canceling it tomorrow morning after all that I've read. I'm so glad I checked. It all sounded wonderful, but obviously is not. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was going to buy one of these washers. Thank God that I did extensive research before I did. The washers that came out with this same technology, made by kenmore and whirlpool (at the same factory no less) were the subject of a class action law suit and were recalled. Both were number one one consumer reports when they came out. I started to get a little scared when I read that... This is actually the first I have read specifically about the cabrio, but if you can find some way to take your washers back or start another suit, I would get it done as soon as possible. those first models, broke two months after the warranties ran out. when I say broke, I mean broke. I could be slightly wrong about the time frame, it has been a few months since I read about it. I ended up getting a front loader, LG steam washer in fact. Only bad reviews I could find on any tromms were about mold when the door is left closed. I am so sorry that these companies continue to sell these machines that they know are faulty. I wish there was something we could do. Even though I did not buy one, I still feel that I was taken in by the hype, because I was about 5 days from buying one, and had been planning to buy one for months before I changed my mind. If you are curious, see if you can find anything online about the class action suit about the previous models. They were basically exactly the same as what is out right now. They know these don't work and that is why you cannot get them on the phone and why they take so long to come out and fix it. They knew it was broken when they shipped it to your house. My final advice, NEVER believe anything an appliance salesman tells you; don't trust the companies that you think you can; RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!; never buy anything until you have read so many reviews by consumers that you can't see straight anymore; and never by an appliance when it first hits the market unless it is only very slightly different than the previous model (i.e. Tromm and Tromm steamwasher). Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

I have owned the Cabrio topload with the clear glass washer and dryer for a little over three months. Many things about it are great! I haven't had any problems with things not coming out clean. BUT, I have 3 dogs and wash throw rugs weekly. I can only put ONE rug in at a time or I get the low fill signal. Now I can't mix towels and sheets. I did laundry today and could do no more than 10 pieces (we are talking shirts, socks, underwear). I bought it at Lowe's and I am hoping they will do something to make this right (like exchange the washer).

Anonymous said...

I wrote last week that I wish
I would have gotten the GE top
loader...anyway...service man
came out and replaced the part
for the F 51 Code...machine
worked great for about 6 loads..
Now tonight..the F 51 Code again!!!
How upsetting especially when
the price of the Cabrio was
$1,000. I talked to the appliance
company where I bought it and I
"think" they would take it back,
but will have to have a few more
service calls to prove it's a

Anonymous said...

I just got the F51 code when running the washing machine self cleaning cycle. Much to my suprise, the error occured when the washer was completely empty (not water in it at all). What gives???

Anonymous said...

I also bought this cabrio top loader and this has been the worst ordeal I have ever been through with a washer. The clothes get tied in a know and I have to untangle them three or four times during a wash. I tied one of my jacket sleeves so tight it was ripped off. My clothes are not getting clean, so I have to wash them over or take them out and hand wash them. I have emailed whirlpool, wrote them, and they only talk to me as though I am not intelligent enough to wash clothes. This washer should be recalled, that is too much to pay for a washer that basically do not work.
O. Smith

Anonymous said...

I wrote awhile back about wishing
I would have bought the GE machine.
The service man said the problem
with the F51 code is electrical.
The company put some sort of
coating on a connection and as a
result it's causing the F51 code.
It has nothing to do with the load
balance or anything else. He has
supposedly ordered a part for my
machine from the factory....I did
buy the extended warranty (3 years)
and when that's up and I'm still
having problems...then I'll just
junk this machine...Very very
disappointed in this machine
especially for $1,000. I have
found the few times it does get
through a cycle, IF I wash every
thing on the Bulky cycle...clothes
don't tangle as bad, and seem to
get cleaner because the machine
actually gets enough water in it
to clean with...
You would think Whirlpool would get a clue with so many unhappy

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your comments. I was getting ready to purchase the Cabrio, now I won't. Thanks again for your honesty and saving me a lot of heartache. Is there another top loader out there without an agitator?

Anonymous said...

I bought on a month ago.
Big mistake this thing is a hunk of junk.
Does not clean the cloths or rinse the soap out.
Worst washing machine ever and I paid a grand for it.
I am truly bummed.

Anonymous said...

Just got my "Craprio" fixed for
the second time in one month...
(I got that term from some other
UNHAPPY customer- it's so fitting).
Same problem, same part for the
F 51 code..Same repair company,
different serviceman. I just
figure, I'll be seeing them on a
regular basis...he said next step
is a "wiring harness"??? After
that, he suggests, I try to return
the machine...Since it will have
been over 6 months...Good Luck on
that one!!! I just feel I'm stuck
with this lemon!

YES, there is another top loader
that works great..GE Harmony...
my daughter with a new baby got
one 2 years ago...never has had
to have one service call..she
washes two or three loads a day
with a child...She asked my WHY
did I buy Whirlpool..My LAME
answer..because the other
appliances in this brand new
house were Whirlpool!!! DUMB!

Anonymous said...

We have the the pair (washer & dryer) of Cabrio for several months and I have HATED them since the first wash - water that did not cover the clothes!!! I wish I would have read about them before buying - this is the worst purchase we have ever made. The washer ties the clothes in knots, even towels are twisted up. If you put in sheets with the towels, like it says, then all the towels or clothes are covered by the sheets, just one big ball!! Everything is getting worn out, ripped up and can't possibly be clean.
The dryer is just as bad - takes so long to dry and still most things are wadded up!!
We got them at Best Buy and my husband went back and talked to a salesman and he said they know they are crap and so does Whirlpool, so we are going to try and get them to take them back. Hopefully we can get rid of them and buy a normal washer and dryer!!

Anonymous said...

Like I said in a previous comment,
IF you wash everything on the
Bulky Cycle, the machine actually
gets enough water in it to clean the clothes...I only use that and
the delicate cycle...the other cycles are worthless, in my opinion.
I bought my set at Standard Appliance and they actually called me since I'd had two service calls and told me they want me HAPPY with the machine...so I'm considering going in to the store and getting either the GE brand or
possibly a front loader?..Good luck
to all of you that have Whirlpool washers...It is sure frustrating to pay $1,000 for a washer that does not work......

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ive never done this before but felt so strongly about the Whirpool Cabrio that I should post our experience. We bought our set 6 monthes ago from Lowes and like most people liked the idea of the large capacity tub. We also have always used Whirpool for most of our large appliance choices. But Whirpool dropped the ball on this idea. We have had nothing but problems almost from the very beginning. Clothes not coming out clean enough and going off balance for really no reason. The dryer took forever to dry a regular size load of clothes. Not sure why that would be considered high efficiency? Finally 2 weeks ago the washer just went nuts. The main control board quit functioning properly. Wouldnt allow it to spin, etc. A few days later the dryer wouldnt complete a full cycle. We would put 60 minutes on it, and it would run 22 minutes. Luckily we were still under warranty having it only a few months. The repair man Whirpool sent out had nothing good to say about them, that he'd been called out on numerous sets for the same complaints. Well I am elated to say that we went back to Lowes and voiced our concern about this very exspensive set breaking down everytime we turn around and asked what they were willing to do about it? They most happily agreed to pick them up and take them away. We then picked out a wonderful set of front loaders from Bosch, who I might add cost a couple of hundred more, even after they gave us a 10% cut in price for our trouble. They were great about everything. Hat's off to Lowes. I have only had my Bosch set long enough to wash 4 loads but the cleaness of our clothes is 10 times better than with the Whirlpool Cabrio, which in our opinion were Whirpools lemons. Lowes said they had many complaints about them. I hope this review helps to dissaude someone from taking on a inevidable headache if they purchase this unfortunate set.

Anonymous said...

For the third time in one month,
my Craprio got the F-51 code last
night AGAIN! So out will come the
repair people again...
Standard Appliance, Portland, Oregon is now "waffling" about
taking the CRAP back...so I'm
thinking of calling an independent
dealer to see if I can "TRADE" the
set in on the Bosch Front Loader.
I'm so mad at myself for not
listening to my inner instinct about buying anything Whirlpool..so I get to pay the price for my stupidity!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Standard Appliance, Portland,
Oregon is taking back the CRAPRIO
set!!! $1700! credit toward a
different BRAND! I'm thinking of
the Bosch front loader like
another person bought in this
comment area...I'm currently reading all the reviews on the
BOSCH and can't find very much
negative stuff on it...so think
I'll get the Bosch front loader.
So hope all of you that made the
mistake I did buying Whirlpool will
have some "recourse" to get a machine that will work for you.
Good Luck......FORMER Whirlpool washer owner

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am the person who posted that we were lucky enough to have Lowes take back the Whirpool Cabrios after several months of problems and we traded them in on the Bosch front loaders. I have had the Bosch set for about a month and absolutely love love love them. They wash and dry fantastic. I expected them to be louder because they are front loaders, and because of a few reviews I read. But Im very pleased to report they are undoubtedly the quietest set I have ever owned. Even my husband noticed how quiet they are. So highly recommend them.

Anonymous said...

I considered the BOSCH front loader but after talking with the salesperson at Standard Appliance in Portland Oregon, I decided on the Maytag front loader EPIC. He
said he, personally, is NOT recommending the CABRIO to his customers simply because of the new technology. He did say Whirlpool front loaders are the top seller in the nation and that is what he has for his own home use. He said Maytag is the second top seller...He wasn't overly impressed with the BOSCH and my husband really wanted me to go with Maytag (although I think at some level Whirlpool owns or runs
Maytag?) Regardless, I'll be rid of
the CABRIO tomorrow! Since Standard sells EVERY brand, I really relied on the salesman's advice. So will keep you posted if I've made YET another horrible mistake! I tried to read all the reviews I could find on the Maytag EPIC and could only find one negative comment..The salesman did say the Maytag NEPTUNE series had alot of problems, but the EPIC is their upgrade and the problems resolved!??? LET'S HOPE

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to report that the
CRAPRIO is GONE!!!! I now have
the Maytag EPIC and so far, so good. Clothes are amazingly CLEAN!
Uses very little water and even
less soap. Delivery man said it
is the "same" machine as the BOSCH.
I didn't hear the Bosch, but I'm
thinking this EPIC is probably a
little noiser from what others are
saying..but fortunately I have a
laundry room that I can shut off.
Maybe YEARS down the road when the
technology of top loaders with no
agitators is VASTLY improved, I'll
reconsider one...but for now, this
will be it.....I hope all of you that are as UNhappy as I was with
the Cabrio will have some recourse.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything about the Whirlpool Cabrio model that has an agitator? I've read good things about that, but I'd like to read more. It doesn't have as large a capacity as the Cabrio with the wash plate (the one everyone is having problems with. Thank you, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh ... We live in Canada and bought the cabrio set in April and we have been fine until this month (September) when we first started getting the F and F51 errors. Anyone else in Canada with these issues and has anyone in Canada used the warranty ?

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine just moved into a house that has this Cabrio set. What she was concerned about was having to use some "High Efficiency" detergent. And not knowing where or what to look for. Did anyone else buy "special" detergent?
Since she doesn't have much of a choice but to use them, any advice?

Thank you very much for any helpful responses!

Anonymous said...

I'm an appliance repairman and I'd just like to note a few things.

Used PROPERLY the Cabrio's are an amazing washer and dryer. The fact is, most people put too much soap in, and try to stuff them too full just because they're big. This washer (Not made by whirlpool, actually made by Fisher & Paykel) is a repairman's dream. No belts, no pulley's, 1 moving part. We love them. The dryer is the EXACT same dryer as every other whirlpool except the duets. Best dryer on the market. Design hasn't changed in over 20 years, should tell you something.

As for the Maytag EPIC. This IS a great machine, but don't be fooled. It's not "the same" as a Bosch, not even close. It's not even a Maytag. It is a Whirlpool Duet with a different look. Same, exact, machine.

Anonymous said...

To the repairman: I realized that
the EPIC was really a Whirlpool
(in disguise)..I read all the reviews I could before making my decision. The salesman at Standard
in Portland, Oregon was real upfront about all the washers. He
said the Bosch was not made in
Germany..I think No. Carolina? He
had nothing against the Bosch..it
was the delivery man that made the
comment that the EPIC and Bosch were almost the same machine?
So far, I'm very happy with the EPIC. When I had the Cabrio, I had
the repair people out 4 times for the F-51 code in a 2 month period of time and it was doing it again when Standard finally let me return
it. Aside from that hassle, we're
a 2 person household, so my loads are SMALL..and even washing two items the machine would go off balance, not get the clothes clean, and worse, the load would end up in a big tangle ball which sometimes was a real struggle to get apart! It might be a repairman's dream because it has no
"moving" parts, but it's a washer
person's NIGHTMARE!

Anonymous said...

I bought a Cabrio Washer and Dryer set from Bray and Scarff a couple of months ago. I am very, very happy with this purchase. There seems to be a lot of negative reviews on this blog, but Cabrio Washer so far has worked incredibly well for me. I bought the one that has a glass top so I could see what's going on. The drum definitely does not fill up with water, but watching how the clothes get mixed and cycled, I am convinced this washer does a very, very good job at cleaning! You really do not need a full drum at all. The wash plate really gets the clothes from the bottom up the center of the washer and out to the sides and back down underneath -in short, it circulates the clothes really well! -And with a whole lot less water, too. Having the glass top allows you to see what exactly it is the machine is doing (it's fascinating and scary when you realize how long you've been watching!). It goes through a series of spins and water-fills before it starts the actual wash process. You see the water fill the soap compartment first, then it pours soapy water on the spinning drum so the clothes get soaked. It does this several more times, and each time, the clothes are actually mixed up so the soap gets into everything. Then it goes into the wash cycle for about 10-15 minutes. I am still amazed at how little water is actually used and comes out when it drains and how little (HE) soap is required, but the clothes still come out very, very clean. I think part of the problem people have is that this machine cleans in a totally new and unfamiliar manner, and they just don't understand. But let me tell you, it seems to be very effective! My clothes come out looking and smelling fresh and clean! Also, about the wrinkles: the clothes do come out wrinkled and almost dry, but giving them a good whip-snap before tossing them in the dryer solves this problem. Just make sure you get them into the dryer right away or else they will dry like that-wrinkled.

The dryer, on the other hand is a bit overkill. It's cool that it has a "dampness" sensor and all, but sometimes the clothes are still a little damp when they come out. The dryer was about twice as much as others, and I don't think it does anything extraordinary.

I hope this helps some. I am very, very happy with the washer...and the dryer, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are people out there that are "happy" with the
Cabrio...and I PROBABLY would have
put up with it if it had not been
for the dreaded F-51 code...That
was a HUGE problem and no matter
how many times the repair people
were out, it started doing it time
and again. I had laundry stacked
all over the place waiting for the
repair people...then after about
6 loads or so, it would start up the F-51 again..it seemed to get
progressively worse until you just
couldn't do any wash at all.
Like I said my daughter has the GE
Harmony and that's where I got the
idea in the first place to try the
top loader, with no agitator..her
set works great, clothes clean, etc. As far as the glass top, I
couldn't never see through all the
condensation to figure out what was
really going on, except I did finally figure out by washing everything on the Bulky cycle, there was enough water to get the
clothes fairly clean.
No, Whirlpool needs to go back to the drawing board on this one!

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is unbelievable.

My friend has one of these washers. I couldn't believe it. You put clothes in it...it sprinkles them with a little bit of soapy water, the "agitator" shakes the pile of clothes for awhile...then it periodically showers the knotted up pile of clothes with a little more soapy water...and keeps shaking the clothes a little bit with the "agitator". Oh my God...I can't believe they put this on the market. So then, it spins the clothes at a high speed to push out all the water, similar to a front loader, which kinda pulls the dirt out, but not really, just like a front loader.

So, for clothes that are just a little dirty (odor mostly), you get your clothes "washed" (i.e. they smell ok). But this is not WASHING clothes. WASHING clothes = agitating them in soapy water to remove DIRT.

HEY Mr. Repairman...you call this washing clothes??? Guess that's why your career never made it past repairman!

Anonymous said...

What they tried to do is...and this is why you all got Duped...is to make the economics match to find the sweet spot.

So this machine's $$$ numbers show that it costs less than a front loader and has the same low cost of operation as a front loader...so you thought you were getting "new" technology...that was priced right. Drrrr!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the "repairman" said "OUCH"
for the negative comment about his
career choice...I'm a professional
person with a college education,
but trust me, I know ZIP about
repairing a washer, so we need
those people to do their JOB in our
work place world..

These were NOT cheap machines...
I paid nearly $1,000 for the Cabrio
washer alone...
BUT the technology has to be
sent back to the "engineering dept"
to GET IT RIGHT...for some reason
my daughter's GE Harmony works
great and is almost the same
design EXCEPT it actually works!

I hope the Whirlpool people are reading these comments....

There are other machines out there
that are doing GREAT jobs...I was
lucky enough to get a "second chance" on my poor choice of the
Cabrio....to get RID of it!
Don't settle for the Cabrio...if
your one of the MANY unhappy people
that are stuck with this lemon!

Anonymous said...

We purchased a Whirlpool Cabrio agi (top-loading with agitator) washer 6 months ago. 3 weeks ago the washer turned itself off in the middle of a wash cycle. I could not get the power to come back on. As you may know,there is an automatic lock on the lid...there is NO WAY to open the washer once it loses power, so my washer was LOCKED and full of water and clothes!! Sears (where we bought it) said repairman would be here in TWO WEEKS, so I had to call another repair service that honors Whirlpool warranties. They came the next day, had to PRY OPEN THE LID so I could get the clothes and water out, and informed me that the TOUCHPAD CONTROL BOARD had blown which, in turn, blows the MAIN BOARD!!! The repairman told me to use a surge protector as a precaution, but said he didn't think it would matter because they have this problem CONSTANTLY with this washer! He also said that Whirlpool stopped making the Calypso and the Cabrio because of continuous problems with these models. I don't know if that is true because I've just started researching and don't have all of the facts yet.
PLEASE talk to people who work on these machines before you buy one!! I sure wish I had!!
If you have experienced similar problems, I would like to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

"WARNING" should look at a few
of the above comments...one repairman thinks the Cabrio is
"wonderful". The repairmen I had
out also thought that too only
because they don't have the
traditional "moving parts" of regular washing machines...so very
easy for them to work on. Makes
their job easy, but I'm learning
that if you want to know the REAL
story on anything, go online and
check out all the praises and/or
complaints about a product...Only
the people that have to use them will give you a straight forward
answer...I'm sure that the Cabrio
(as we know it) won't be out there
too much longer and then back to the re-design department to figure
out how to make it work!
The saleman where I bought my machine said he is NOT recommending
the Cabrio until they do get it
figured out. There have been some
class action lawsuits against Whirlpool products in the past...this could be one of them.
I was VERY lucky to be able to return the Cabrio I mistakenly bought.

WendyC said...

Interestingly I was at Home Depot the other day and noted that Maytag is now making a model that looks and works exactly like the Cabrio. Well, I hope it doesn't work "exactly" like the Cabrio. Mine has been fine since it was repaired though.

Anonymous said...


Along with all the other "problems" noted by Cabrio owners on this site, some we've experienced, some not, some we hope don't come up like the dreaded F code a lot mention, this machine has a KNOWN WATER LEAKING DEFECT - with the tub ring design. The first redesign tub ring designed doesn't really work. Another is in the process of being "made" to correct the defect. Release date: who the hell knows.

For those of you who may not have paid attention, check around and UNDER your washer as your washer may be leaking water to the floor and you might not even know it.

We have complained and complained and gotten nothing but the run around from Whirlpool and been lied to over and over. They are very aware their washer is defective.

I am very disappointed that Whirlpool has chosen to act in bad faith on this one having been a customer buying all Whirlpool products for eons. We really like Whirlpool products - have recommended Whirlpool Gold and other products to friends for years. NO MORE.

They lost a customer permanently and earned themselves a complaint to the Attorney General.

Class action lawsuit on the Cabrio leak problem and the bad faith dealings from Whirlpool encountered over it may very well be next and I will join the list if I don't lead it myself.

Make a bad product and act in good faith equals keeping the customer. Make a bad product and lie and act in bad faith - lose that customer and everyone they can tell about it.

See ya Whirlpool, and Maytag and Kenmore - You and your subsidiaires get no future business from us anymore.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, 1991, I bought a
Whirlpool washer and the agitator
was so "aggressive" it literally
ate up the clothes..Whirlpool came
out and put in an agitator from a
"more expensive model"..no
change! After numerous phone calls
to Benton Harbor, Mich...no help
whatsoever. Finally the dealer
that sold it to me in the first
place, took it back. So I've dealt
with them before. With the Cabrio,
I didn't even bother going there,
I just went directly back to the
dealer and according to them, they
dealt directly with the Whirlpool
people. It was my understanding that when they got my Cabrio set back they were going to "tidy" it up and re-sell it...pity the poor
souls that get that one!!!
Bottom line, Whirlpool is probably the worst company that I know of
for "customer service"....
I did get a Maytag Epic and so far
(knock on wood)...I'm VERY happy
with it...but again, any problems
will be taken up with the dealership and NOT Whirlpool...

Anonymous said...

In contrast to what appears to be a lot of anonymous warnings and negatives, I would totally recommend this machine! We bought our Cabrio last Spring and have never had a problem with it (except I really don't know the difference between 'tap cold' and 'cold'). Thank god we haven't gotten any of those dreaded errors some of you have posted, and I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune if we had as many problems as some of these posters have had. All I have to say is, we have been very, very, very happy with this machine. We got it for less price than the usual --at Best Buy, by waiting for the machines to go on sale, and we had a 12% off coupon (which they said couldn't be used, but scanned anyway--and actually worked!). So I suppose we really lucked out on this! I love being able to wash comforters and sheets! I even stuck my son's sleeping bag in there once, though I probably wouldn't do that again for fear of breaking the machine.

This machine may not be for everyone, but it really does work, and it gets the job done! -Lisa

Anonymous said...

I have never in all my 57 years, had a worse washing machine than the top load Cabrio. It is a piece of crap! I have had the repair person out twice, but the machine is still ruining my clothes, and not getting things clean. It twists everything up so badly, the wrinkles don't even come out in the dryer. My daughter bought the same machine, with exactly the same lousy results. She tried to wash her husband's work clothes, and they came out just as dirty as they went in. When I watch the washing action through the clear lid, sometimes it doesn't even turn over in the water. The top items stay on the top. I wish now that we hadn't bought it, because Whirlpool won't even stand behind it. Who ever engineered this peice of sh.. they should go back to school! If I hadn't spent so much on it, it would have found it's way to the dump. Frankly, I'm mad as Hell.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that I bought this! I have the washer and dryer, and have had the repair man out twice now, waiting on three times. Repair man said "Get used to it" as these are a huge problem. Big complaint he gets is the clutch goes bad, and will not balance out the load on rinse/spin cycle. The washer does indeed tear clothing. I am in the middle of filing a complaint with the BBB, and am awaiting "parts" as they will not give me a replacement. I am furious!


Anonymous said...

I hope this comment area serves to
save ALOT of people from the
DREADED Cabrio Top Loader. I see
a couple of people are "happy"
with it...can't believe it, but
glad that they are!!!
Like I said previously, if you're
stuck with the machine, wash
everything on the bulky cycle
BECAUSE that is the only option that gets enough water in the machine to "half-way" sorta clean
the clothes...I didn't settle for
keeping the machine and all of you
shouldn't either...BUT you have to
deal with where you bought it and
NOT Whirlpool. You'll get no place
with them...Good Luck...and I
couldn't agree with above more,
it is absolutely the worst washing
machine ever made!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi to all,
Thanks so much for your comments. I was about to take the plunge and get a Cabrio but I've decided not to risk my hard to come by funds. It's back to the drawing board (and laundromat for big items).
Again, thanks from New Jersey

Anonymous said...

We've had our Cabrio set for almost a year. Had one problem with an LED burnt out on the display which was fixed pronto. Cloths come out clean and with reduced costs of operation. The dryer is gas. Cloths come out no more wrinkled than the last dryier. I find the moisture in the cloths in dead-on, unlike the last dryer that dried too much leaving the cloths stiff and shrunk. We are very much pleased with the preformance.

Anonymous said...

Hi to New Jersey, I bought the
Maytag FRONT loading EPIC, but I
also heard good things about the
FRONT loading BOSCH. They will
hold big items...rugs, comforters,
etc...you do NOT have to go to a
laundro-mat since these front
loaders do a great job on large
items IF you chose to go that
route for a washer...Good Luck
So far, LOVE my EPIC by Maytag
AKA Whirlpool, but no problems,
cleans great...uses minimal water
to do it....So GLAD to be rid of
that nightmare Top Loading Cabrio

Unknown said...

I just purchased the Whirlpool Cabrio washer/dryer set from Best Buy (BB); they will call tomorrow to schedule delivery on Monday. After reading all the negative comments, I'm going back to BB to have my money refunded. Consumer Reports (CR) rated the Whirlpool Cabrio as the #1 washer but based on my experience with CR, they are usually WRONG about their product ratings. Thanks to all for the feedback- I’m leaving this lemon to someone else to buy!

Shawna said...

I have had the cabrio for almost a year now and i love it. it works great but I have just started to get the f51 code. hopefully this gets resolved soon but I bought a 3year warranty so I have time to get it fixed. I really wasn't going to leave a comment but I was getting more and more annoyed at some of the retarded comments that i just had to say something. To all the people that are complaining about the water level, HELLO it's a more efficient washer. Let me guess you are all old! You do not need to continue wasting water to get clothes clean. my clothes all come out clean. It's suppose to use less soap and the least amount of water needed. my water bill has gone down about 5$ a month since I got this machine.Plus I am not wasting unneeded water.we are living in new times where you do not need to waste our natural resources to live. I bet you drive a big truck and get 15 mpg too. The dryer also has a senser to keep it from running after the clothes are dry, therefore saving you $ on the electric/gas bill by keeping your usage down. It's people like you that have put us in the climate crisis that we are in. Get with the times.

Anonymous said...

I have to return a comment about
water usage. I got tired of
dealing with F-51 code...3X...the
clothes a tangled mass. The dryer
was fine. I'm so much happier with
the front loading Maytag EPIC and
I think it uses even less water
than the Cabrio did? I got my
State Energy rebate for buying it
BUT the Cabrio top loader didn't
qualify!!!!!My clothes are CLEAN,
NOT TANGLED...and also uses just a
dab of the HE soap...
Everyone has a different opinion
on clothes washing..but clean and
NOT tangled is nice!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love my Cabrio Washer dryer. Washes & drys great. No problems at all

Anonymous said...

I purchased the Cabrio washer a week ago. I am exchanging it. I get the "UL" symbol /unbalanced load often after I spend time strategically placing items in the washer that appear to be balanced. While in the wash cycle items get pushed into the center (no center aggitator)during the spin cycle. Items become a ball if you don't make it a very full load .Maybe the clear top is intended for you to see when you have to open it and re-balance the load-? I prefer not to spend time watching my laundry spin around.

Anonymous said...

They are junk and the single worst purchase ever. Your clothes come out wrinkled and twisted because they never get enough water. Don't fall into the trap of believing your clothes are clean just because they smell like detergent. Lucky you to those that got their money back.

Anonymous said...

Three months seems to be the life expectancy of the Cabio washer. I had a service man here today one month after I called to get service. The first load I washed after he left did the same thing I called about in the first place.I am so angry! I know all of the new washers only have about a five year life but this is crazy. I could have hired a maid to come in and wash my clothes by hand cheaper!

Anonymous said...

My Cabrio washer is ruining a lot of clothes. Sure, it conserves water, but at the expense of my clothes. I've had numerous pieces of clothing torn, stretched or totally ruined. Also, the bleach dispenser apparently doesn't distribute the bleach correctly because I've ended up with quite a few new brand new towels come out with bleach spots on them. WHIRLPOOL should be ashamed of putting out a piece of junk like this.

Anonymous said...

I haven't looked at this site since
before Christmas...and see even
more unhappy people. All I can say
is: GO BACK to where you bought the
Craprio and DEMAND a machine that
works! I did, and Standard Appliance in Portland, Oregon let
me pick out whatever I wanted..I
chose the Maytag EPIC..so FAR, SO
GOOD!!! I was NOT going to put up
with having the service people out
every week, ruined clothes, unclean
clothes, having to literally stand
over the machine to keep it running
when the F or UL codes popped up
which was continually!!!
Even if I had to pay for another
machine myself, I was just going to
JUNK the Craprio if need be..

Stand by your consumer rights!
I even contacted our State's local
attorney general's office consumer
affairs division.

Anonymous said...

I bought my Cabrio set about 6 months ago. It does take a bit of getting used to. I absolutely love the fact that I can wash and dry sooo many clothes in one load.
I agree with everyone else about the wrinkles, they can be pretty bad. Like Wendy said, I adjust my machine to the medium spin speed rather than the highest one. There have been a few occasions when I found that my washer had just stopped itself before the cycle was complete. When that happened I restarted it and it worked fine the next time. When I remove our blue jeans to dry them, I shake them out and "pop" them to take out as many of the wrinkles as possible. This seems to work pretty well. I admit it's a bit inconvenient, but still takes ALOT less time than before when I was having to wash about 3 loads in my old washer. I highly recommend using liquid fabric softener in every load, it helps alot with the wrinkles.
Our clothes smell cleaner coming out of the Cabrio than they ever have before! I know it's getting everything extremely clean.
Overall I am very satisfied with my purchase. I have recommended these to many of my friends.

Anonymous said...

Have you been using the HE detergent. I have been looking at a lot of replies, and everyone seems to have the same issue. If the sales person that sold it to you told you, that regular detergent would work just fine, well there is your probelm right there. If you look in the manual it tells you that if you use regular detergent, it can cause component failures. the HE detergent is designed specifically for that purpose, and works great. I have had mine for a year now, using the HE detergent from day one, and mine has worked like a champ. My sales guy, however told me that I could use other detergents other than the HE, but when I read the manual all the way, it absolutely said not to use anything but HE. looking at all the reports, it expains everything that has happened to everyone. spend the extra money and go with HE.

Anonymous said...

Just bought the Cabrio, installed it and it doesn't power up at all. Repair man due in 5 days. Worse purchase I ever made.

Anonymous said...

I hate this washer and dryer. I replaced a far less expensive Maytag Performa with this set three weeks ago. Two days after we started using it the dryer developed a high pitched whine. Repairman came a week later says it needs a new motor!!??! Motor is on back order (go figure). We have had the same problems everyone else has with this thing wrinkling our clothes too. I NEVER had to shake out my clothes from the old washer before putting them in the dryer. In addition to that, the new dryer doesn't even work as well as the old one! My wife is so mad that she refuses to even use it anymore. I called the store we bought the set from and they are going to let me exchange it! YAYYYY! I can't wait to get this piece of junk out of my house. Oh yeah, we also had the problem with the clothes on the top never getting clean too. Jeans were the worst for us. This thing actually TORE the sleeve off of one of my shirts as well. I've only gotten the F51 error a few times, but it goes away after I hit cancel and start the cycle all over again (waste of about 40 minutes). I have no idea why anyone would like this piece of junk. The design is horrible, I can't imagine that it would work any differently for anyone else. We too have tried every setting the washer has and came to the same conclusion as everyone else. Use Bulky setting and medium spin. It helps, but the clothes still get all balled up and twisted together (not to mention large loads don't get clean). DON'T BUY THIS MACHINE, OR ANYONE LIKE IT! Maytag Bravos is the exact same machine.

Anonymous said...

I bought my set from Costco in August 07, paid around $1400 for both. All was well until April 28, 2008 (about 8 months later). I kept getting the F51 code that day. I would turn the power off and then back on, but did not help...the F51 code kept coming on. I called Whirlpool and the lady said to disconnect power cord and wait 15 minutes. She said that F51 meant something like "motor connect failure". I watied 15 minutes and reconnected, same thing happened. I called back and she said that she would schedule service with A&E Service....but could not get an open day for 12 more days. What the heck....I could not wait 12 days to get my laundry done with my large family. I called Costco and told them the problem and they said to bring it back. I brought it back this morning....tool less than 5 minutes to get a refund. I ended up buying the Whirlpool Duet front loader. My husband installed it and I am using it right now....it is 3.7 cubic feet versus the cabrio being 3.8. It matches my dryer well enough and only cost $88 more after tax.

I read several other people mention the F51 code and that they had to keep calling for service. I am glad I just returned it to Costco instead of waiting 12 days for service.

Anonymous said...

I bought the Whirlpool Cabrio, front clear loader. I bought this washer a year ago and just this past few months, I have major problems with it. Everytime I washed towels or blankets, not together, it malfunction. It is too heavy for the cycle. I would get this flashing warning that there is something wrong with it. Yes, I did bought the extended warranty. It comes handy. I called the technician out 3 times and he said there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. So how come I cannot wash my towels. He said that I washed too many towels at once. Yeah right, so I tried to wash 6 towels and it still malfunction. Do not buy this wm because it sucks.

Anonymous said...

Continuing with the comment above, I forgot to mention the code F51. I get this everytime I washed towels and blankets. The service guy is coming out next week. I hope that I can get another washer or a refund.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found you guys...I'm so frustrated about my towels always ripping...I've ruined almost every towel in my house. I thought it was my dryer doing this damage, but now I'm thinking it is my washer? Does anyone have a solution on how to wash my twels so they are not all ruined?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

i was considering buying this washer n dryer but not now after reading this forum. by the way the model number 6400 is know for the wrinkles, the new model number 6700 is suspose to fixed this. but i don't wanta deal with any problems if im spending a grand on a washer, this thing should fold the cloths for that much.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm glad I found this site. My wife and I looked at the Cabrio 6700 washer and dryer tonight at Lowe's. I wasn't sold on a top load since I assumed they used too much water. It sounds like that would be the least of my worries with the Cabrio.

Thanks again....we're going to continue our search...and exclude Whirlpool.

Anonymous said...

Do Not Buy The Cabrio it is the worst buy I have ever made. Tangled twisted clothes from every load. I bought a new washer because I wanted a bigger washer. I have been getting F1 codes for over a month now the washer is about 16 months old. I bought this washer because consumer reports said it was a best buy they should have said it was a worst buy.

Anonymous said...

If you are still researching the Cabrio, stop. Error F1 code that's now all over posts is going to be costly. Now facing motor replacement for 16 month old washer at my expense. I am consumer reports fan but this is the worst recommendation ever.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've had my Cabrio washer for a at least six months with no problems. The washer works well when you use as directed ie. using the settings properly as intended. It seems that alot of you folks are a little anal about wrinkeled jeans, I have never ironed a pair of jeans in my life and if you don't underload the washer you don't have that problem at all. As far as drying I have used a UNO- S/Ld model dryer for the last 35 years and it dries perfectly every time, for those unaquanted with that model that would be,me, using the sun and a rope line, very energy efficient. No sun, no problem, I use my Whirlpool Dryer it dries clothes to. I have no complaints about my Cabrio Washer & Dryer set that I bought at a Scratch and Dent store for half the price at Lowes. Also mine doesn't anbalance because I leveled it when I installed it and mine is on a tiled first floor with no noise problems. Dryer tip #1 Dryers dry best went there heat vent has the least bends and the shortest route to the outside. Well thats it.
Whirlpool Forever

Anonymous said...

WOW, I see the originator of this
BLOG is FINALLY seeing the "light" about what a piece of CRAP that the
Craprio really is!!!! Good for you
Wendy C.

I was LUCKY apparently to get the
company I bought the set from to
take it back and let me pick out
any set I wanted to...still
EXTREMELY happy with the Maytag
EPIC after almost 1 1/2 years...
Nice CLEAN clothes...not a hint of
a problem!!!! Portland, Oregon

Anonymous said...

I have the cabrio washer for about 5 months now, and can say that my clothes have become more and more dingy as time goes by. The machine may be energy star but the price for that is clothes that are not clean. I now have to pretreat everything and iron as well. Even with the extra effort, 4 different brands of detergent he and non he, the clothes are still unacceptable. I am ready to take a loss and trash this machine. Anyone want to buy for $500. ?

Snort said...

I have a 16 month old machine that cost $1022 and now requires a $357 repair bill to replace a defective control board.

Whirlpool customer service is horrible, too, which adds insult to injury. If you try to call their 800#, plan to stay on the line for a LONNNNGGGGGGG time.

However, you can pass that time usefully by posting messages such as this!

Anonymous said...

I bought my Cabrio washer 8 months ago, and love it. I was a bit confused by it at first (using little water), but then I read the manual from front to back. I can say that I haven't had any problems with clothes getting ripped, torn or coming out dirty. I wash for 5 people (2 of them toddlers) and find that everything is cleaner than with my old set, and laundry no longer takes the whole weekend to do!

I had some trouble with the unbalanced load at first, but once we got the machine nice and level, that has not been an issue. I have experienced an LD symbol lately, where it takes to long to drain. Has anyone else had that issue? I would be curious to hear more about those problems...
Overall, I am very pleased with the washer. I bought it for significantly less than everyone else at a scratch and dent sale, so no warranty and no returns for me.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, in this day and age, there is no reason that any company should be making top-load washers.

This Cabrio is the worst piece of crud ever made.

Who cares if there is no agitator in the middle - try washing a load of sheets/blankets and see the whole thing turn into a BALL in the middle all bundled up - you call that washing?

My older folks went to Sears and were CONNED into buying this set as it was on a "discount" - no wonder.

Even in Japan, where space is a premium, their drums are at an angle, diagonal, and has percussion washing where the drum bounces to help jostle the items around so that they don't get tangled and completely wrinkled.

When your wash is done with Cabrio, you HAVE to put it in the dryer for at least 5 or 6 minutes to just to get the wrinkles out before you could even hang dry them.
I've always hung-dry my nice clothes after the wash, but with this you can't go straight to hang dry as the machine totally obliterates your clothes in a ball of twisted, wrinkled mess. Even my jeans, the tough clothes of the lot, are so wrinkled I have to use the dryer to at least work some of the wrinkles out - so you end up using MORE ENERGY because you have to fire up the dryer!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I have a solution to the Whirlpool Cabrio Wrinkle Nightmare(WCWN)!
My t-shirts were so wrinkled after a wash and dry that they were unwearable. Here is what worked:

1)Select "low spin" under the casual cycle.
2)Use fabric softener.
3)Select extra rinse (with low spin)
4)For drying use high heat with the "more dry" cycle.
5)Take clothes out and folder right after they are done in the dryer OR touch up with high heat if you don't get them out right away.

Anonymous said...

I use white dress shirts for work and was extremely embarrassed when one day my boss said, your shirt sleeve is dirty. The cuff and top of the arm crease had a long black mark which appeared to be dirt. My first thought was that the cleaning crew did a poor job of cleaning the desks the night before. When I got home I checked my closet and 5 of the 7 shirts which were supposed to be clean were also dirty in the same areas. I also checked the collars and they too were still dirty. I thought I must have forgotten to clean them so I threw everything back in the cabrio again. Low and behold they came out dirty again. I never had this problem with my old agitator washer in the 13 years I owned it. Don't be mislead by the visions of having clean clothes with this washer. A review of all my other clothes including darks, and lighter color clothing also showed poor cleaning quality when I compared them to older clothes which I no longer wear that had been cleaned with the old washer. I'm not going to tell you what to buy or not to buy, my experience has been a negative one with the cabrio.

Anonymous said...

Hate these machines -- especially considering the price!

The washer tends to tangle clothes and wrinkle them so much that they are still teribbly wrinkled after drying. I have never had to iron so many pairs of jeans -- the creases are crazy!

I have seen many posts about the quick drying time -- this is not my experience at all. I can't beleive how long things take to dry. I'm calling for repair -- I assumed this was just the way it worked since it has been this way since we purchased it. When we use the "sensing" cycles, things are always still very damp when the dryer stops. Things will routinely take an hour to dry.

Would never, never spend this much again for these machines. We had a "basic" washer and dryer for years and other than the larger capacity, I think it was far superior and cost about 1/3 of the cost of these "more efficient" machines.


Anonymous said...

I've had the Cabrio Washer for over 3 months now. I am so unhappy with it that I feel like crying. It takes forever to wash clothes, stains do not come out, clothes come out all wrung together. Takes forever to detangle sheets, towels and pants. I could go on forever about this horrible washing machine. I called Whirlpool and was informed that they would send a technician to look at it. I told them that the problem was not that the machine was not working but that it was all of the above and they told me that it cannot be returned.

colliegirl4 said...

This is the WORSE washer I have ever had. The water does not cover the top of the load when washing. Why did the engineers allow such a stupid design? This is disgusting. Because there is not enough water to cover the colthes. . . They never smell fresh they never get cleaned and they become very lack luster. We went on a cruise and used the passenger laundry washer and wow the difference was amazing The cruise washer clothes came out smelling and looking clean. . .something we do not get on the whirlpool cabrio.
Big money for a big failure. Will never buy whirlpool again.

Anonymous said...

I check this site every now and
then just to see how many MORE
people have been DUPED into that
apparently to be able to return
my set and get a different brand
and one that WORKS!!! Still loving
the MAYTAG EPIC...1 3/4 years later. Clothes amazingly CLEAN,
NOT wrinkled..NO complaints...
BUT, If I had not been able to return the CRAPRIO..I was going to
JUNK it..and call it a loss..I was
not going to put up with the
Unbalance Load...and F 51 code any
longer and the biggie...dirty,
wrinkled clothes....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have had my Cabrio washer and dryer 18 months. Things went along pretty well. 8/1/08 the service repairman had to order a part, which today, 8/15/08 I was informed is backordered and they have NO idea when it will be available!!!! Half a month and I still don't have a washer. Beware.

Unknown said...

First, my English isn't perfect, it's not my first language, so sorry for all the spelling mistakes.

I really love my Cabrio washer and dryer!

I hate ironing, so the one thing I didn't like about it in the beginning was the wrinkles. But after doing a few tests, I did notice, like other persons in this forum, that lowering the spin speed helps. But if you plan on letting your clothes dry without using the dryer, they will be more wrinkled than usual.

For all you who are wondering what's the difference between Tap Cold and Cold, I guess you have to live more to the North than were you are. Where I live in Canada, the tap water can be so cold in the winter, it's almost as uncomfortable as putting your hands under very hot water. It's just too cold. So the Tap Cold would use this very cold water, and the detergent would work less. With cold water, it would add a little hot water so it wouldn't be so cold, but also not medium or hot water.

Also, don't forget to use HE detergent AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS on the bottle. My detergent says to use 1/8 of a cup, witch looks like not enough to me. But the clothes are cleaned very well (cannot understand why people are saying this washer doesn't clean properly).

For people saying you need alot of water to clean clothes (to soak in them), that is not true. Water doesn't clean alone. Friction does. And this washer always uses clean water, as it is filtered all the time.

For the unlevelled loads and rattling, guys, make sure that you did level the washer and that it hasn't moved and is unlevelled. Just basic physics. this unit spins at 1000rpm or so at high speed. With the weight of the clothes, if it's unlevelled, what do you expect ? It's electronically balanced, and it works well. I push the machine to it's limits, and it's responding pretty well. I want to try and break it by I just can't. I've washed two king size White Goose Down Comforters AT THE SAME TIME, and it fits, and it comes out clean (had numbers of spots of various nature on it.) And it too record time to dry with the High speed spin. I've washed some dirty industrial oil stained clothes in it, and they came out perfectly clean, without the oily residue and odour like the other washers I had. We even cleaned (I'm sooo ashamed) our car's carpets in it. The got heavy with the water in them (they are big bulky carpets) and the machine levels itself automatically.

I almost always use the cold water setting (with extra rinse, because of a skin allergy to soap) and the clothes are very clean. I never use bleach, because it's too strong on your clothes and the environment.

Would I by this washer again ? Yes. Definitely. But with the knowledge that they will come out a little more wrinkled than usual. But the rest is quite fine.

Anonymous said...

I bought mine at Lowe's about about 18 months ago. Have never had any luck with it. Clothes do not look or smell clean. They come out wrinkled and stained. My water bill has increased because I have to wash so many things over; that is if they are not completely ruined and have to be thrown away. Just the other day it ripped the collar off of a new bathrobe. When washing towels I put it on soak and extra rinse, and they still come out stained and torn. All of my sheets, some of them new, come out with discolorations. Sheets and towels form a big ball in the middle of the machine. Also, bleach dispenser does not work proerly. After paying a grand for "Craprio", I'm sure I have spent more than that, replacing items and paying higher electricity and water bills. It really surprises me that so many people "love" this washer, but it will not surprise me later, when they come back with complaints, and believe me, they will. Anybody who is thinking of buying one, please don't. Whirlpool has made enough money off this high-priced piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

I have never left a comment, but I had to join all the others and warn any potential Cabrio customers-Buyer BEWARE. Absolutely do not buy this Whirlpool washing machine. Has torn up clothes, left wrinkles that will never be able to be pressed out and now after just 16 months the dreaded "F" symbol. I just wish I had been smart enough to take the machine back to Lowe's right after I got it. I have contacted Whirlpool, but to no avail. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BUY A WHirlpool CABRIO!!

Unknown said...

I have read all the comments on the cabrio and I've had it for a month now. It's done really well espcially the amount of uniforms I wash day to day. I'm in the Army and believe me, we do alot of field exercises and we get muddy, sweaty, you name it. The washer does a really great job and the dryer alot better from what I use to have.

Anonymous said...

I wish HH Gregg, and Whirlpool had this washing machine stuck up....sorry!!! I just get so irritated when I start thinking about this kinda pricey POS! 2 board replacements so far, but at least they are easy enough to change yourself without moving the machine from its spot. Any new machine shoppers, one word sums up this decision for you, NEVER!!!!

Unknown said...

I just bought this set (6700) 9/12/08 at the Brick in Canada my friend got an employee discount, no issues yet but just used 3 times. It washes the clothes in a way that I have never see but they come out clean. I will have to do more washing. I hope that this is the newest model and that any serious issues have been fixed. This is the first replacement set since I moved to my house 11 years ago. I wonder how many people would post about how good their washer is washing.

Anonymous said...

STAY AWAY FROM WHIRLPOOL CABRIO'S MODEL #'S WTW6300SW0 WASHER & WED6400SW0 DRYER. Only owned these costly machines for a year and the service men have been out over 4 times and another service call has been scheduled for next Tuesday. HORRIBLE MACHINES, always breaking down or off tilt. This time the ON button doesn't work anymore. Why as consumers are we not standing out against the crap we are being sold. What happened to good ole customer service, what happened to getting your money's worth, what happened to products that last and work well? All Whirlpool cared about is if we wanted to be protected with their additional Service Plan, because they know their stuff is crap and they want to seperate you from even more of your HARD EARNED money. BOO to big companies who continually take advantage of the end user. CONSUMERS RISE AND DEMAND THE QUALITY EQUAL TO WHAT WE ARE BEING CHARGED!

Anonymous said...

F51 Most likely same as my prob. my washer got to sounding like a frieght train coming thur the house on high spin F51 motor senor failure the prob. with mine is a bearing on top the aggitiater shaft water gets around the seal causing rust in the bearings called whirlpool to get bearing they said it had no shaft or bearing in it duh im lookin at em they only show a tub assembly its only about $400.00 shipped to you bearings could be replaced if you could find them i hav'nt yet made in korea odd size normally 2 bearing and a seal $20.00 thats most likly causing vibration F51 good luck

Anonymous said...

My washer broke. The seal and bearing failed after just 18 months. Sears repair man said with parts & labor, it will cost my $800. Called whirlpool and was told out of warranty, sorry. What a piece of junk. $1100 down the drain plus $2000 to get my carpet replaced!!!!! Don't buy!!! Run away!!!

Anonymous said...

I too had bearing go out just after 18 months! But my repair bill was only $436. Still washers and dyers should last a good 10 years in my opion.

Anonymous said...

I have it for 2yrs... it no good.. uL error.. F1 error.. cost me $500..00 to fix it..



dirtyinTO said...

The machine is ****. First one delivered did not work. Replacement took 3 weeks of shouting to achieve. Now less than 20 months later, the pump has gone and Whirlpool don't know when part will be available!! They don't seem shocked by this nonsense. Very Owellian. Drones do not allow you to speak to a higher level in the management chain. Spooky and totally bogus. Will never buy one of them or any other brand under the umbrella.

Anonymous said...

Help, has anyone started a class action lawsuit on the Whirlpool Cabrio??? There was one on these when they first came out several years ago. Then Whirlpool changed the name to Cabrio and changed some functions. We have had the repair man out 5 times for the same reason. They don't clean and they leave your clothes a tangled mess!
If anyone knows of a class action, please let me know. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I am so happy I stumbled upon this site while researching washers & dryers. I was on my way to Lowes this evening after work to purchase the Cabrio W/D set...They are having a $300.00 rebate this weekend on the set! Sounds like I would have spent more than the rebate on repairs and frustration! I will keep researching before I buy...My old pair still work, just looking to upgrade! Thanks for all the great info and warnings about the Cabrio...You have saved me from wasting $2000.00 on a set of crap! PLP in Arkansas.

Anonymous said...


I now had my Cabrio set for 1 year and the only problem experienced was that the dryer was not drying the clothes within 30 minutes or so as it did when I first purchased the machine. After thinking of the possibilities of why this was occurring, I decided to remove the back panel of my washer just to discover that clothing items had some way been lodged b/w the outer washer shell and inner tub therefore causing the washer not to spin as effectively and efficiently. After fully dissasembling the washer and removing the articles (easiest washer I ever worked on), the washer runs smoothly and the dryer is drying clothes again around the 30 minute mark (it previously required two drying cycles to dry clothes). Even though I don't know how long the clothes had been wedged inside, at no time has any codes been identified on the control panel. Apparently, you do have to be careful of how full you fill the washer b/c clothes will slip through the spacing located b/w the top of the tub and the top panel (glass top) of the washer. Check it out for yourselves to see what I'm talking about. With this posting, I hope that some of who are experiencing some of the same symptoms might be able to determine the cause. Otherwise, both my wife and I are still satisfied of our purchase. GL Royse City, TX

Anonymous said...

Well , we had started out with a set of w/pool front loaders, and I'mm going to tell you they sucked, broke down three times in the month that we had them.The washer was not sound as they stated , it rocked the house. so we took those back and got the cabrio's ... major differance, no breaking down , does the laundry in half the time, that the front loaders did, and you can barely hear them going and it does make a differance in water useage and electricity...kudo's all the way!

Anonymous said...

I bought my Cabrio 6 months ago and I hate it with a passion. Clothing tends to get twisted to one side of the machine and it begins this awful/frightening banging that sometimes cause it to have an UL error message. I have to contsantly babysit this machine. I hate washing clothes because I know I have to stay close by to readjust the clothes. Nor does it clean clothes well at all. My whites no longer get white using this machine. The people that say it's a great buy must be joking. Also, for some reason, some of my clothes get this horrible mildew smell--it makes no sense. I wish I had never bought this machine!!

Anonymous said...

The problem with the dryer is in the design of the lint filter. When you pull it out to clean it, something inside the unit pulls the lint down and into the dryer. That causes a build up very quickly, no air flow and it stops working. I had problems from the first minute I bought it. I got tired of waiting for a repairman and watched what he did. I now take my dryer apart every few months to clean out the lint. In between the only cycle that I can use that won't turn off due to the air flow issue is the timed dry. This is the worst appliance I have ever purchased.

Anonymous said...

I have had my Cabrio washer and dryer for almost 2 years- and have not had too many problems with them, except the jeans coming out extremely wrinkled. I just shake out each pair before getting them into the dryer. The drying time seems pretty good for our dryer. We now do have a porblem- the F50 code just started coming up and that means something wrong with the rotor motor. Ugh - I am dreading the phone calls to Whirpool for this. Also- it is a holiday weekend so I will not get thru for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Please take the blog comments seriously. In two years, you too will be calling a repairman to repair the F1 error code and to replace the glass top which just shattered on my Cabrio. I will make sure there is a "repair" history before my next big appliance purchase.

Anonymous said...

What a moneypit mine has been. I've replaced 4 waterpumps, at $100 each, in the last year because of change that slips through the basket and ends up breaking the plastic housing on the pump. We diligently check for change in pockets, etc, but 1 tiny little dime is all that sneaked through last night, and today I had to buy another new pump. Honestly, I cannot believe that an engineer could design something this poorly.

Anonymous said...

Just for everyone's knowledge, I have had HE front load washers for the last 6 years and guess what, they all twist up the clothes, especially jeans. The manuals even address it and say to make sure you shake them out before putting them in the dryer, it is a function of higher rate spin cycles. I now own a Cabrio and have no problems so far (maybe they have fixed some issues) but these are not you mom's washers, any of them.

Anonymous said...

February 10, 2008
We purchased the Cabrio agi WTW6200SW1 Washer and the matching dryer.

I have been running the washer/dryer for about 8 loads now. I absolutely love them both. The most impressive thing to me is that I can wash a load with a load in the dryer and the clothes get dry in time for the next wash load to go into the dryer. Usually I am waiting on the dryer to finish before I can start another load.

There have been many complaints that I have seen and read about the Cabrio, but I am not sure that we are comparing apples to apples. Some issues seem to be with the model that does not have the agitator (mine does) and others seem to be about different models all together.

I read the manual on how to wash certain clothing items and I have found for the most part, the "casual" setting on the washer cleans my clothing and does not spin them to death and wrinkle them. I normally shake out my clothing a bit before throwing it into the dryer any way, so I have no problems with wrinkling. I have not had any of my clothing tear or get caught in the agitator.

The washer is extremely quiet, with the exception of when it is draining the water, which does not seem to take as long as my previous washer (Maytag Atlantis).

The only thing that is inconvenient for me is that the lid has to be closed and the cycle set before it starts to fill, which means since it instructs to dilute your fabric softener, you cannot use the washer fill to capture the water you would use to dilute the softener. Now this is only a minor inconvenience to me as I have a sink and in my laundry room.

The only other semi annoying thing is that the lid on the washer is large and bangs into my cabinets above if I am not careful. I rememdied this situation by moving my supplies to another cabinet so that it was not an issue.

So far, after doing one weeks worth of laundry. No problems and I love, love, love the quiet of the washer.

Anonymous said...

Crap, Crap Crappy washer.... 2 years old and it is in the trash.... $1100. out the door for this washer. the rods to blance went out first causing it to be unbalanced all the time. the circuit board went out next...$ 300 to fix, now it sits with water in it and a load of towels... Grrrr.
I will say it washed my clothes very clean, spin out was super, the water hose to empty out the water needs to be at a perfect 36 inches...causes all kinds of problems if not...Just so many problems with this one.... oh and i forgot,,,,it has rust 1/2 wide 7 inches long inside the shell right where you put your clothes in and out.. like i said 2 years old next month...great waste of money!!!

Unknown said...

I bought the new Cabrio with the tall agitator It has worked fine for 1 year then the MAIN problem is the Bleach Dispenser not dispensing. Unless there is a fix that wont cost $100's I'llo just add to fill cycle. Whirlpool was supposed to be a good buy but if this is what happens after 1 year its time to go back to Sears Kenmore

Unknown said...

2/17/09 Still no complaints (6 months).. it's great..No errors... everything is working and its quiet and balanced... just use commonsense when loading the washer. Just because you could fit 15 jeans doesn't mean you should... I will updated in 6 months or when my first issue comes up.

Anonymous said...

I purchased the cabrio washer and dryer 2 1/2 yrs ago... I have been very disatisfied with the washer, I have had to replace the electric board and also the tub after only 1 year of use. No matter what size load I was washing I was always getting an unbalanced load signal. Repair man came out and stated it was because I was not using High efficency soap. I started using the high efficency soap and obviously that was not the problem because here i am 1 1/2 years later with the same problem. This washer was the worst appliance i have ever bought.. nothing but a money pit. I have had much better luck with a 200.00 washer.. If your looking to buy this washer SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!

Anonymous said...

So, I've read a great handful of comments... does anyone have any other recommendations --- other than the Cabrio?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3-15-09 Just checking in all the
complaints...STILL HAPPY with
my Maytag EPIC set...which I was
so FORTUNATE to be able to get
in EXCHANGE for the "worst night
mare" Cabrio....Portland, Ore

Anonymous said...

I have had the Cabrio Washer for about 9 months, I have had several over the years, and I have always bought the large capacity, heavy duty models, but this is the best by far. The only problem is I still have my old dryer and a full load in this is more than the dryer can handle.

The good part is that this uses so little water I don't mind running a small load, its still economical.

I have washed quilts and never had it go ot of balance, I do take the time to spread it evenly in the beginning, but it stll stays in balance.

I still can't believe it get the clothes so clean on so little water, but it does.

I am very pleased.

anonymous said...

I read several blogs about the driers taking a long time to dry. maybe you should check the vent on your house, its probably stopped up which it says on the owners manual. Alot of people only read it but take no action because it costs to have someone to clean it. I realised it costs way more to repair your drier when it gets damaged than doing what the manual tells you to.

Jennifer said...

I have to add here that I found a less than 1 year old Cabrio set online for 500.00 (divorce sale - she loved the set but was moving 1300 miles away at the end of the week) and even with only paying that small amount I was scared that I was going to be unhappy.

Well, after one month I am still thrilled with my set!! I have the 6400 Washer and I love it. I have checked and re-checked the water settings by opening the lid during different times of a cycle and each time there is plenty of water. The laundry for my family of 4 is done quickly, it is cleaner than ever and smells wonderful. Jeans, towels and sheets do tangle, but I shake them out before throwing them into the dryer and there are no wrinkles.

I am one happy Cabrio owner! My husband is happy as well - he doesn't have to listen to me complain about my old set which I would have loved to dump off a cliff somewhere! The only upset customer in my household is the dog - he used to love to lay in the piles of laundry that used to litter my laundry room floor. He'll just have to get over it!

Anonymous said...

the washer is a piece of crap...balls large items up, won't rinse well unless i untangle everything at least once during the rinse cycle...leaves soap (yes, i use the correct amount of the high-priced "HE" stuff)...can't control water levels...no hot/warm wash...can't select spin cycles independent of the wash setting...good thing i only paid about $450.00 for this as a dent reduction otherwise i'd really be pissed...DONT' WASTE YOUR MONEY...BUY ONE WITH A REGULAR AGITATOR...you've been warned...

Anonymous said...

After 2 years of really wrinkled jeans and having to spin blankets twice, I have gotten the F51 code. I am so furious!!! I will never spend this much money on a washer ever again. Whirlpool knows this is a problem and they have made kits you can have installed to help reduce the risk but of course you have to pay a pretty penny for them.

I feel really bad because I told my parents I loved it so much when I first bought it that they bought one...The first thing they said to me after they bought it was, the pants get really wrinkle...

Way to get us Whirlpool!!!

Anonymous said...

This was a bad purchase. The electronics went bad one month after the one year warranty costing me $500. Also, the washer so badly wads the clothes it shuts off from the imbalance or I have to unwad them for the dryer.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here reading reviews about a washer I bought two years ago. I have a Whirlpool Cabrio washer wtw6600sw2. The repairman was just here and I will owe $159.50 to have a new water pump put on. It was leaking water onto my floor, warping my lamenet flooring. If you pay $1000.00 dollars for an appliance shouldn't it work for more than two years? My mother had the same washer for like 20 years, no problems. Everyone save yourself some trouble and don't buy whirlpool. Thank golly I didn't buy the matching dryer!!!

Anonymous said...

im soo upset and dissapointed with the whirlpool cabrio. my clothing comes out less than clean.. they were coming out cleaner in my older model with agitator that i had in my condo.. i called whirlpool customer service and they treated me like i dont know ho to do laundry. i wish i can return this peice of **** because i spend way too much time rewashing things.
NO ONE by the cabrio washer! (thank goodness i opted not to get the dryer!)

Anonymous said...

I have had my cabrio almost 2 years and no problems at all - we are foster parents have 5-7 kids in our home all the time and wash every day - no issues ever!!

Anonymous said...

Was looking at the HE Cabrio 6800 with dryer. Was hoping the kinks were out by this time. Anyone have news about this model?

Unknown said...

Don't bother buying this set...you can have mine! Worst appliance purchase I've ever made. Washing machine had a bearing go out which required the entire tub replacement to the tune of $450. Now it howls and doesn't clean any better than it ever did. A load large enough to warrant the size of the tub will not dry without massive wrinkles impossible to remove without starting the wash process over. Researching my replacement online lead me to this link...

Unknown said...

Don't bother buying this set...you can have mine! Worst appliance purchase I've ever made. Washing machine had a bearing go out which required the entire tub replacement to the tune of $450. Now it howls and doesn't clean any better than it ever did. A load large enough to warrant the size of the tub will not dry without massive wrinkles impossible to remove without starting the wash process over. Researching my replacement online lead me to this link...

pat said...

I never thought to check the wesite for comments, but i to am tired of the error messages, repair men have been here several times then it will work for okay for a short time then error messages start again, my washer won't drain regardless if i fill it up or do a small load. applianceland where i bought it won't take it back or let me trade it. and they didn't tell me when i bought it i had to use he detergent which is so much more expensive and i don't like the smell of them either.Glad i took the extended warranty so it hasn't costed me any money so far and one time a curtain valance did find its way under the wash tub and that caused me problems and i have noticed a leak comming from under the machine so i guess i place another service call monday. my error messages are f5 and f51 and ld. I would defineatly join a class action lawsuit. as i am disgusted with this mess. pat

Anonymous said...

Pls folks, leave your model number when posting a comment for us "Newbies" who are buying washers and dryers so we know what model to avoid. I appreciate everyone comments on the Cabrio. Here is what I found out today... when I called our Local Washer and Dryer repairman. Get this... he claims that the parts on the older Cabrios models ending in SW are digitally programmed on the Cabrio to fizzel out after 3 years. He claims he been working on many Cabrios and its a ploy to get you all to buy new product. BEWARE OF THE CABRIO MODELS THAT END IN SW HE STATES, THEY DID MAKE A NEW VW MODEL DUE TO ALL THE COMPLAINTS!!

Anonymous said...

I bought the Cabrio 4.5 with the agitator....and THE WARRANTY... NOT TAKEN ANY CHANCES!! WTW6200VW IT PAYS TO BLOG. Thanks for everyone comments...I'm staying away from the "HE" models until they get more perfected.

Anonymous said...

We purchased the Whirlpool washer and dryer about a year ago and approximately one month ago the Cabrio dryer (Model WED6600VW0) stopped working. Since then, A&E was sent out to repair the dryer and each week thay have been replacing a part and ordering a new part.
I spoke to Whirlpool about this and they said they needed a second opinion. They setup an appointment with another local service provider and they showed up ordered tow more part and never showed up again. Their number is now disconnected 4 days later.
Whirlpool really sucks is my final opinion. They do not have a clue on how to identify an issue since they were contacted by A & E for support.
Please stay away from Whirlpool if you can because they look good but quality and support is lacking.
We still do not have a working dryer after 1 1/2 months for a dryer that cost me the most.

Ms_Lynn said...

I basically wasted 2K on BOTH the Cabrio washer and dryer. As for the washer... my clothes come out twisted so badly that when I dry them they look horrible and takes quite a bit of effort to even iron them. My thought on why this is happening is that there is no wringer in the middle that, to me, would assist in keeping clothes untwisted.

As for the dryer... i have to dry loads, sometimes 3 times before they are even dry. I am truely dissatisfied!!!!

TX-Techman said...

Whirlpool WTW6600SW Junk

We purchased this with our new home in Oct 2006 and always had concerns but should have complained: Couldn't handle more than 6 towels, 5 jeans, or a single king sheet without getting unbalanced. We usually there to shut it down or it would stop itself, but 2 weeks ago we put in a single queen blanket before going to bed. When we got up the washer had walked out to the middle of the room on our ceramic tile over concrete floor and would not run because of the DL code. I also found huge chunks of plastic under the machine when we moved it back in place.

Fortunately we purchased the extended warranty but the service company they sent out was not very through. The first trip they didn't bring any parts even though they knew the code was door switch. I mentioned the plastic but he never opened up the top he looked under the machine and said he didn't see anything damaged. He decided just to order the switch and control board over $200 for the parts. I was concerned about the plastic so opened the unit myself and found the drum had beaten the plastic tub to death. I called the repair place and they were supposed to check with the warranty company (GE Federal Warranty) in my case to see what they wanted to do. I didn't hear back so I called again and was told that the warranty would pay for repair regardless of cost. I didn't want the machine repaired and called GE myself and after several hours ended up getting a check for the price of the machine.

This still does not address the safety issues with this machine. Had a small child been beside it could have caused serious injuries or had the water lines pulled out I would have had water damage to our home. I would certainly like to see a Class Action lawsuit against Whirlpool for this machine. Not only does it not work, it is also dangerous. I have pictures of the damage but do not see how to post. My email is kharbin@hotmail.com if you would like to see.

Anonymous said...

Please leave model numbers for those of us looking for new machines. We have a Cabrio dryer, electric mod #4WED6200SW that has been great for almost a year now. Looking to find a matching washer, but we are getting scared about all the negative reviews.

Is ANYBODY happy with the Cabrio? If so, offer the model # and purchase date.

TX-Techman said...

Whirlpool model WTW6600SW Junk

Whirlpool says they have fixed the issues with these but check out the pictures on the link below of our 2 1/2 year old washer and you make the call for yourself. We haven't had issues with the drier but want matching and are replacing them both Samsung.

I also have a picture os the blanket that caused the washer to get out of balance and caused this damage, it weighs less than 5 lbs dry.

Photobucket Pictures


Anonymous said...

Have had our cabrio set for about 2 years. Have had NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS with the washer. The tech told us this last time he has basically rebuilt the whole washer except the outside. WHirlpool does not stand behind their product at all and will do nothing for the consumer. The part we are now waiting on again (2nd fix) is on back order and they have no idea when it will be in. Last time we waited 6 weeks. This time I am not staying quiet, they will fly it to my front door they are going to be so sick of me! DO NOTTTTTTTTTT BUY THIS WASHERRRRRR!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Cabrio SUCKS. IT DOESNT WORK FOR SHIT. Hopefully theis comment will steer others away from buying this P.O.S. kiddie pool trying to pass off as a washing machine

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2009 - I am researching the Cabrio Washer/Dryer and I actually checked out this blog to find out information regarding a steam dryer (6800 series) vs. a regular dryer (6400 series). Does anyone have any info about the steam dryer (pros/cons)? I would think it would help with the wrinkled clothes issue. I have also read all of the comments on this blog and I am going to talk to the Sales Consultant again (he actually owns the set.) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love the Cabrio. I use a lot, do lots of loads, large and small. Clothes are always clean. I put delicates in a delicates bag. Use HE detergent, it uses less water on purpose. It gets all stains out, clothes are clean and fresh. Shake the wrinkes out before putting them in the dryer. The dryer has been fine. But --- you guessed it. F51. I am so upset!!

Anonymous said...

August 15, 2009 - To the last person who wrote a comment: Thanks for the input. What dryer model do you have? Regular dryer or steam dryer? What washer model? How long have you had them? My sympathies to you for getting the F51. Hope you get it resolved. My sales consultant is on vacation, so I will be talking to him next week. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am also considering buying this set. The washer rated highest in the latest consumers report---the dryer not as good. Does anyone know if the model has been changed since this blog started in 2006? Seems odd all the complaints with it being rated the best?!? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Whirlpool Cabrio WTW6600SW 7/2009

Why would anyone consider this machine with complaints abounding since the beginning. They have changed the model number which includes some enhancements "mainly a different control board and more options most will never use and good fo causing more problems in the future." But the same probelms continue, there is a Class Action Lawsiut pending in California. CR runs some good testing but longitvity isn't one of them. Do yourself a favor, buy a Samsung! A salesman is going to point you toward the product where he makes the most commission and many times a bonus for hitting sales goals from specific manufactures.

Anonymous said...

Most complaints are because people don't know how to use them correctly because they decided reading their user guide took too much time. I haven't had a single problem with my Cabrio washer ever in over a year. Then again, I work for them so I know what I'm doing when I'm using it.

Anonymous said...

I have had a Cabri washer for about 2 1/2 years. At the very beginning when washing jeans when I took them out of the dyer they had a musty smell. I called whirlpool, but they were no help, I remedied that by adding baking soda to the wash and that helped.

I do find that my clothes get washed but it takes a little extra pretreating for stains.

I too find that when washing large items, they do ball up and become unbalanced and require you to babysit it during the washing cycle.

I had noticed little holes in clothing (mostly in t-shirts)but didn't think anything of it until my sister recently purchased one (at my suggetion) and she notice the same thing as well as the clothes being extremely wrinkled.

This passed wknd I washed my son's new jean and they came out all torn. After calling whirlpool and telling them what happened to the jeans they suggested that it was a defect in the jean material and the only suggestion they had was that I should have a repairman look at the washer to be sure there is nothing wrong it, I asked if I have to pay for the repairman and was told to call the warranty company since I had the extended warranty and that I probably wouldn't have to pay because it was about the functionality of the washer, but according to the warranty company, they only cover mechanical and electrical issues.

I decided to go online and read some reviews and now see this is a HUGE problem for other people.

The person at whirlpool I spoke with made it seems as though this was an isolated incident but now I see it is not. All those little holes in the clothes should have warned me that this isn't something that should be happening

Anonymous said...

I had not thought about all the little holes we were finding in our clothes being related to the washer. I am glad the thing cratered a few weeks ago and has been replaced by a Samsung. FYI here is the email address to the lady at Whirlpool I escallated too diana_l_seely@whirlpool.com

She was very helpful and I believe she would have helped more had I not had an extended warranty. She gave me a few bucks which covered the sales tax on my Samsung and the warranty company (GE) paid the original price I paid for the Cabrio around $900. What has happened to American pride and quality?

Also there is a class action lawsuit pending in California specifically related to the Kenmore model but they are also investigating the Cabrio. I have already sumitted my information and pictures of the cratered machine. The contact information is:

Andrus Anderson LLP
155 Montgomery Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, California 94104
Tel: 415.986-1400
Fax: 415.986-1474

Laurie Jacobsen at (415) 986-1400, ext. 209. She is available on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons; 1:30-5:30 p.m. (PST).

Anonymous said...

I purchased the Cabrio washer and Dryer in 2006. The basket stopped floating and I get the OL error code with every cycle. I called Whirlpool and they sent a repairwoman out for $70, only to tell me that the basket is stuck on the shaft. To fix it, I would need to replace the shaft and the basket since she would have to break the basket to get it out of the machine. The cost to repair is $561. These machines are horrible!!!

zm said...

all of u are complaining about problems about this washing machine (cabrio) have u been cleaning it monthly because you need to for he machines you can buy special tabs

Anonymous said...

Sept 2009: Got my new Cabrio set - wtw6800vw - yesterday and plan to exchange at Lowes tomorrow. I am very environmentally conscious and in fact decided to buy a new HE set because I wash many loads of cloth diapers and toddler / baby messes. I have used HE frontloaders and was impressed with their cleaning performance despite minimal water but wanted a top loader HE mainly for the "add a garment" feature. Found mostly positive reviews of Cabrio. First load I tried was cloth diapers. Before machine washing, I use a diaper sprayer to rinse off 99 percent of the poop - which is totally water-soluble breastmilk poop - into the toilet, but that isn't even necessary. So I first washed about 24 diapers and inserts - definitely not overloaded. After FIVE different cycles starting with a soak and including "heavy soil" and "deep clean" options, small pieces of poop remained untouched, especially where the fabric is gathered around the elastic on the legs. Diapers smelled clean and otherwise looked clean, but obviously could not be thoroughly cleaned by Cabrio. Strike one. Next I tried mixed load of clothes including a few soiled toddler shirts I had sprayed with Shout. Stains washed out, but even after an extra rinse, every garment smells so strongly of Shout that I can't wear them. Strike two. Next a load of two cotton sheets and four king pillowcases, obviously on "sheets" cycle. It stopped midcycle due to "unbalanced" error. Everything had wound into a ball as round and tight as a basketball. Strike three, it's out. And for the record, I thoroughly read and carefully followed instructions and tips in owners manual and of course used HE detergent. No complaints on dryer but haven't tried steam function yet. Conclusion: Need more movement and/OR more water to clean effectively.

Anonymous said...

To Whom it May Concern

I just want to tell you how bad a certain washing machine is —The Whirlpool Cabrio, Model WTW6600SW3, Serial No. CW1170236, that I purchased at Sears in Galax, VA on April 8, 2008.

This is the sorriest washing machine I have ever had. Regardless of Consumer Reports’ high rating, it is a bomb. You obviously had not used it long enough. It was very expensive and not worth the price at all. It doesn’t use enough water to clean the clothes. The friction because of the lack of water creates holes in the clothes. It is almost totally preprogrammed and the user cannot change much of anything—like the water level, etc. Supposedly it manages the water level based on how many clothes are in it. It wads the clothes up into balls. You should see the sheets—at the end of the cycle they are wound up like ropes. Now tell me how anything can get clean in a washer that does that?

The other horrible thing about it is that you have to clean the washer at least once a month with a cup of Clorox, or more often than that. It begins to STINK and the clothes smell sick. Now this is the only time when it fills the tub with water and it takes an hour to complete. If you don’t clean it once a month, it will be very nasty smelling which transfers to the clothes, especially towels.

Another complaint is that it takes the High Efficiency detergent which is difficult to find and when I do find it, it is more expensive than the normal detergent. I have absolutely nothing good to say about this machine. If anyone else has had a good experience with theirs, I would surely like to know about it. Maybe I have a lemon. But I can tell you now, it is NOT worth the price. I hate it so much that we are ready to replace it for the conventional type washer.

I have been using the deep clean, the extra rinse cycle, and pre soak which runs it for 82 minutes to get one load half way decent. Some of the towels still were not fresh smelling. This is ridiculous. I am just sick that I was stupid enough to buy this machine. And to think that I did that because Consumer Reports had rated it as one of the best machines. I wash almost every day and the loads are very small, too, and we are not dirty people!

Buying new clothes is more expensive than the water that would be used to clean the clothes in a regular washing machine. But maybe this machine is a conspiracy with the clothing companies—clothes wear out sooner and consumers have to purchase new ones!

I have contacted Sears and Whirlpool. All Sears will do is give me $100 off on another machine since the warranty has run out on this one. I wish the Whirlpool Company would do something about this situation, but I have not had a response from them.

If I am doing something wrong, I wish someone would tell me, but so far, I have gotten no help. I have read and reread the manual. The one thing that really bothers me is that it uses recycled water. Is there really a water purifier in that machine to make the water clean when it puts it back into the washer? I don’t think so.

And don’t send me a long survey form to fill out either—I am telling you like it is in this letter and I don’t have time to fill out survey forms. But I am going to take your recommendations hereafter with a grain of salt.

I might also add that you always rate Kenmore products highly. Well I got the top of the line appliances in my home from Sears (Kenmore) and the refrigerator was a lemon. At first the repairman was blaming me—well it turned out that it was faulty and they had to replace a part, but this took a couple of years. AND I had to pay money for a maintenance agreement, which is a racket, by the way—because it was causing me so many problems.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know 90% of Kenmores that are rated so highly are manufactured by Whirlpool. The biggest problem with any appliance is USER ERROR. Most customers don't know what they hell they are doing because they either don't read their manual or it doesn't register in their teeny tiny little brain. So they use too much soap, that overworks the pump and makes it break down faster. They stuff it to capacity, and not all the clothes get wet and the detergent isn't able to dissolve and clean properly. They decide to keep messing with the settings while its running, that screws up the control board. Try slamming your keyboard repeatedly and see what that does to your computer over time. All of you are idiots. You know your less than 1% of Whirlpools customers that have problems? I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Most of us know that Whirlpool makes most of the Kenmore stuff. It used to be good stuff and maybe the old style washers still are but the new highend top loads are crap. Buy at your own risk and expect to replace within 5 years so buy the extended warranty. As for as the 1% deal, I am certain that is within the wwarranty period of one year, if you notice a lot of the complaints are at the 2 year period. Another note is that Whirlpool also own Maytag. They have encountered class action lawsuits on the Maytag Neptune and now this piece of crap. These problems are not user error, they are design flaws, check my other postings and contact the lawfirm in CA handling the Class Action on these machines. And if you want to see pictures of my 2 year old machine check them out here - http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/aa141/TX-Techman/Whitlpool%20Washer/
This damage was caused by a single queen sized blanket which is shown in some of the pics. It was certainly not overloaded according to specifications, this thing weighed 4 lbs wet!

Anonymous said...

I am convinced by all of your comments and am taking this washer off of my possible choices to replace my 40-year-old Maytag. Thanks to all for your time and comments. Now what do I buy?

Anonymous said...

I hate them both. The dryer is noisy and the washing machine bunches all the clothes into little wrinkled balls. I get a lot of uneven load messages for bulky items despite how evenly I place or replace them. Everything is so wrinkled by the time it comes out. Regrettable purchase.

Anonymous said...

Tangled, wrinkled results. I would never recommend this machine.

Anonymous said...

Brought a Whirlpool Cabrio WTW6600SW1
From the start this has been a piece of crap and It is not user error.
New mother board, new water pump, new belts and a few other repairs.
This has been a huge money pit that keeps sucking in more and more money the longer I keep it. I will never buy another Whirlpool again!

Unknown said...

I have read through the comments and have not seen anyone dealing with what we are. And it is not good news. Our Craprio washer started to sound louder and louder on spin cycle it currently sounds like a A300 landing in our laundry room. We called and were refered to A&E. After we were stood up twice we had a repair man show up and identify the problem. The problem was the bearing in the outer tub. Another week for delivery of part, and another repairman visit. It was determined that the outer tub was damaged in shipping because it is the cheapest, light-weight plastic I have ever seen. The repairman rush ordered another outer tub, I called Whirlpool and these tubs are on 2 week back order. I was told by the repairman that these bearing that are pressed fitted into the outer tub are starting to go on machines but has never seen one under a year old have this problem.

So after dealing with this for 5 weeks, we were told that the part might not be here for another 2 weeks. I am not sure what are rights are as consumers with such a lemon. I asked the whirpool service person and they said as long as parts can be supplied they won't replace the washer. I would go back to the place we bought it but it is almost a year old.

A&E is a whole different story. The two repairmen that showed up were excellent and very knowledgeable. The problem with this company lies with the coordinators you call on the phone. I got so tweaked I lost it and asked to talk to a manager. I was told that they would call me back, after a persistant line fo questioning I found that the person I was talking with wasn't even in my state and the manager was in a different state. I apparently got a red mark in my file for vulgar vocabulary and questioning their business practices.

We liked this washer when working and had no complaints. With luck we will have this situation cleared up before Christmas!!!

Frustrated beyond belief

Anonymous said...

I dont believe for a second anyone that owns A Cabrio washer and dryer would refer to them as "AWESOME".
I own both. Actually I am on my second washer in the past year.
First one was replaced on warranty.
The second one has been serviced three times so far. I'm calling tomarrow to have a service man come out for the fourth time because it has become so loud I can not hear myself think.
Not to mention the washer destroys your clothing. I contribute that partially to the fact even with three rinse cycles this washer is unable to rinse out the soap.
I have never owned a washer that needed to be ran through two wash cycles and three rinses to get my clothing clean. Well until now. Now I have owned two!
The dryer, when it works is poor at best.
Both these Whirlpool products are absolute garbage!
Anyone stating they are "AWESOME" is an absoulute liar! And has something to gain by telling you they are "AWESOME".
I would love to tell you my other experiences with Whirlpool products that were explained as "top of the line" that turned out to be absoulute junk but it looks like plenty of others are sharing their stories.

Anonymous said...

My Cabrio washer was OK for the first year.
Then the motherboard went out just after the warranty expired, there's a couple hundred.
Now, it is always out of balance even with a light load, and shakes the daylights out of itself.
The tub floats around excessively
if when it's off if you move it by hand.
Whirlpool has been ZERO help with this POS.
Never again, just avoid Whirlpool.

Anonymous said...

I had to write to give a contrary viewpoint after reading all these negative posts. I have had my Cabrio set for 2 years and love it. My clothing comes out very clean, the capacity is enormous, and the washing and drying cycles remarkably quick. We are a family of four with kids who go through endless clothing, so high throughput is really important in my house. I love all the features and don't have any problems with my clothing (in fact, my old washer with the agitator destroyed quite a few things - not a problem with the Cabrio). Laundry is far easier now, since I can wash so much per load and can check in with the display to find out when it will be done. The bulky cycle works as well as the delicate cycle, and the dryer is twice as fast as my old one.

On the down side, I will say that I have had one repair each on the washer and the dryer. Nothing big, but I was still glad I went for the extended warranty. All in all, if I had to do it again I would get the same set - they are fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we know there is one in a million happy with this POS.

Mine was 2 1/2 years old when it killed itself while we were sleeping. Now we have Samsung and they are great!

Anonymous said...

Bought mine in august of 07 it is now November 09. Have never had any problems,i saw the ul(unbalanced load) once. I've only used HE detergent and i have used all cycles at some point. I would recommend it to family and friends.

Anonymous said...

save your money and DON'T buy the cabrio whirlpool washer or dryer. Mine is only 3 years old and after having the dryer worked on 4 times and needed a fifth problem we deceided to put it on the side of the road and buy a new dryer. Now my washer is in disrepair -again. It will also be placed on the road and I will have to buy another washer. I worked so hard to be able to buy this "top of the line" washer and dryer to now have to throw it away. Oh and by the way, whirlpool does NOT stand by this product. Good luck and save your money

rach said...

a lot of the complaints posted here are similar to my complaints with the european front-loading machines. (i live in europe) there is just not enough water to clean the clothes, and the lack of the center agitating pole just causes some huge tangle-ups with clothes. i have had the same problem with wrinkles in jeans and clothes going through a whole cycle without ever moving much (some come out still folded if they happened to be folded). So, i'm glad to see that you all are spreading the word. There is all this hype about saving water. I say that laundry cannot be done properly without the right amount of water, and filling up the tub and soaking clothes is a great method. I want a washer that does that automatically... agitates every 10 minutes, soaks for 40 minutes or so and then carries on to finish the cycle.

Anonymous said...

My wife bought the matching set 2 years ago and it's a good thing we bought the extended warrenty. The washer has been down for a total of 7 weeks during the time we've owned it. Talking to customer service makes you want to eat razor blades (that's you Nathan who can't give out your last name) Do Not buy these machines they are junk. My 34 year old sears washer has never broken down and it's a good thing to have a dependable spare if you do buy a Cabrio

Anonymous said...

well for those who are having cabrio woes heres little secret a birdie told me:

not enough water try using the "sheets/towels" setting it uses the most water! zip zippers and button buttons load evenly mix jeans with shirts and dont fill pass the 3rd or 4th row of holes down form the top. adjust "spin speed" to reduce wrinkling or trade the cabrio for the "cabrio AGI" agitator version uses a hell of alot more water and does the same job in half the time its only slightly smaller and still gives energy savings hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

1-2-10. Sounds like the last attempt at a revolutionairy top load. The Maytag Neptune Cyclone!!!! I am glad I read this so I don't make the same mistake twice. I think Whirlpool, Maytag, and Kenmore will be off of my list completely. Thank you all.

Anonymous said...

I bought the Cabrio washer and dryer 8 months ago. After 6 months of owning them, the dryer stopped dead in the middle of a cycle. We had to have a technician in to repair the air fuse. Then in December the washer started flooding water in my laundry room. Technician came in and said I need three parts replaced. Needless to say 3 weeks to get the parts. Why did I pay that much to go to a laundry mat? All I keep getting from Whirlpool and Leons is "sorry for the inconvenience". I will never buy Whirlpool products or items from Leons again. They got my money and could care less that I haven't had a washing machine now for 3 weeks and count

Anonymous said...

I just read all of your comments and most of you have had your washer or dryer only a few months. I've had mine over 3 years! The first couple of years they were great! Then..unbalanced loads, water leaking from the washer, the power button has to be begged to turn the washer on!!! No error sign yet, but sounds like it's just a matter of time. I love the dryer..so far. We have a big family, so I wanted to be able to wash really large loads. The down side was the WRINKLES!! I hardly ever had to iron before. Now everything has to be ironed. The water leaking and the unbalanced loads are my two main gripes though. When you have to rearrange loads up to 10 times per wash it gets REALLY aggravating!! This from a washer that's supposed to straighten itself out! Good luck to everyone who has one. When this one does quit...it's back to the "old - fashioned" washer.

Anonymous said...

User error!! With the Whirlpool Cabrio and the Kenmore Elite Oasis Lines 99% of the problems are most probably due to product error and NOT user error. Control panels failing, rusting under the lid of the washing machine, motor relays failing, etc. and all of this within 1 year or less of machine useage for some. This is not user error. Whirlpool already did a recall for the control panel on the washer for some of the original Oasis and Cabrios. However, that did not resolve the problem in many cases. These machines are problematic, especially the first series. If you go to the Sears community forum you will even read posts by the "blue crew" stating that the newer machines don't have the problems that the older machines had becauses changes were made(even admitted that the machines had problems). Unfortunately, seems like the changes are not 100% effective. Good luck to any of you who have these overpriced pieces of junk. You are very lucky if you have no problems (or few) with these machines. All I can say is avoid at all costs. I am speaking from experience regarding this. Have had control panel replaced on washer - still get leaking, although inconsistently. Rust under lid. Have an Oasis dryer paperweight sitting in my laundry room. Replaced once and 2nd one goes bad within 2 years: bad product, bad design. Read manual, followed directions, nothing to do with user error. Stay away from the computerized dryer/washer line especially from companies that won't stand by their product line. Neither Sears nor Whirlpool will be helpful except for the control panel replacement if your washer qualifies. Not worth paying this much for these machines and then shelling out extra for that extended warranty. Next time I will buy a Speed Queen, standard 3 year warranty and excellent reviews. No more Sears or Whirlpool for me.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm what to do....I thought I might get these tomorrow but now I'm not sure. Does anyone have a review for the 6800 series? thanks

Anonymous said...

I have had my set for a year now. NO F51 codes for me...yes, if you put too many jeans in one load, you get tangled jeans. Overall, I am pleased with my Cabrio set. :)

Anonymous said...

I purchased the Cabrio 6700 washer and matching dryer from Sears. I have had nothing but headaches from the washer, Whirlpool and Sears. Our first machine failed completely and was quickly replaced by Whirlpool with the identical model. Our second machine fails to add sufficient water when washing sweaters and bulky items- they never get completely wet no matter what the settings are. Because there are no obvious parts to replace, Whirlpool and Sears (who have been out at least 8 times and have documented the low water level) will not replace this machine. DO NOT purchase this machine under any circumstances.

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