Friday, September 01, 2006

I Interrupt This Blog to Brag on Myself

I don't recall if I mentioned (and I am far too lazy to go back and look) that I entered a couple of pictures in the upcoming State Fair of Texas' photo contest.

The results of the judging came in the mail yesterday. Let me begin by saying that, according to my results sheet, I am Exhibitor No. 14,257.

And yet, somehow, one of my pictures won 2nd place in its category, Texas Animals/Wildlife.


Well, not so much. I worked HARD on this picture. Terribly. I was at Jennifer's house for her baby's birthday party, happened to look over at her squirrel feeder and say "oh look, a squirrel," and managed to snap a picture of it before it darted away.

It was the only picture on the disk that wasn't of the kid's party.

Go figure.

What did I win for this wondermous feat? Just a ribbon, my picture on display for the duration of the upcoming State Fair, and bragging rights, apparently. My letter said "Total prize money awarded $0.00." But that's ok.

Thanks to Jennifer, without whom I would not even have known about the contest, much less managed to actually enter anything.

And thank YOU, little squirrel. I wonder if he'll ever know he's famous?

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