Thursday, June 22, 2006

Let's See, What Else?

Cesar got his stitches out today. I am sure we are all going to be happy he is not walking around with the lampshade/conehead thing on anymore. Poor baby. Poor me and my house. He knocks into everything with that thing, including everything say, on my coffee table, and I think the backs of my legs are totally bruised.

Let's see, what else? Got my new refrigerator delivered yesterday, it is pretty awesome. First time in 7 years I have lived with an icemaker, wheeee-ya! Did a lot of cleaning up in the back yard and made arrangements for the pool guy to come on Monday and finish draining the practically already drained pool and clean it up, get it ready to re-fill. Once that is done and I'm finished cleaning off the back patio, I can haul my new grill out of the garage and have a barbecue. Wanna come?

Let's see, what else? Dog bite looks 95% better. Still feels funny though. I suppose it might for a long time.

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