Thursday, July 13, 2006

At Least I Don't Have...

...bloody poop. Like poor Cesar did. (yes, I know that is not how you spell Cesar, but that is how someone decided to spell Cesar's name and so I am stuck with it.)

Cesar had to go to the vet the other day getting that checked out. Poor boxer. He seemed to feel fine beforehand, eating and drinking and frisky, but since he went to the vet and got medicine for hookworms - he is like a brand new dog! Hooray!

So. You're on pins and needles wanting to know all about the stalker, eh? Well I have to keep your attention somehow. Assuming I actually get your attention in the first place - ha! Unfortunately I am very very busy here at work just now and I'll have to get back to you. I will. I promise. Don't give up on me. Please?


Anonymous said...

* Attention on hook.

* Not ready to give up yet.

* Who is Cesar?!

Colin xx

WendyC said...

Cesar is the white boxer I am fostering for my boxer group. He was abused before I got him and is very shy around new folks at first, but he warms up pretty quickly. He's a doll :) I posted a pic of him here:

No Display Name said...


I came across your blog as I was wandering through the blogosphere (lol); just wanted to say hello and let you know I liked it :o)