Tuesday, May 30, 2006
You Know it's Gotten Bad When...
At least it didn't groan. Or shriek. Could be worse, I suppose. Um. Needless to say, though here I go saying it anyway, I won't be attending my ??-year high school reunion this weekend.
Oh, and in case you were wondering - I am still suffering the after effects of my "stupid" hangover. And yes, I am aware that that was weeks ago. Let's not talk about that anymore though, shall we not?
Busy weekend. Friday... we went up to my parents' store for awhile, I went to meet a friend to eat and picked the kid up at their house later. Saturday...worked, went home to check on the 8 dogs, went back to work, the kid went home with Memaw & Papa and I got to go home and enjoy peace and quiet, save for 8 dogs. Sunday... hmmm. Picked up and gave a friend a ride home, went to the bowling alley to collect our season prize winnings (woohoo, can you say CASH?), had tickets for the Rangers game (they won, 4-3), went home, put kid to bed and took care of 8 dogs. Monday... got up too damn early for a day off, took the kid and Randi the foster boxer to do a home visit on a boxer adopter applicant (nice couple, they passed), went up to my parents' store for a bit, me and the kid went to Jen's for lunch, went back to the store, I drove to Sherman (for those who don't know, that is fucking far) to pick up a boxer and drop it off at its new foster home near where I live. But 'cept, I couldn't get ahold of the new foster mother. So, it was 4 boxers, Abby the schnauzer, and me on the bed last night. Fortunately everyone got along with the new gal, her foster mom-to-be called me this morning and she will be going there tonight. She's SO cute, a white boxer, and within hours of picking her up yesterday I had no fewer than 4 people who wanted her. I got to talk to them about the group and the website and hopefully generate some potential adopters!
Good news and bad news re the puppies. Bad news, I heard back from the puppy lady, and she had had no other inquiries from anyone else interested in fostering the puppies. In fact, the e-mail response I got from here merely said "no". No elaboration, no "maybe I can help you find someone else." Just "no." Hmmmm, ok. Good news, in a separate e-mail I heard from the group that is going to be taking over the adoption process on them, finally. So I can get pictures to them and get these cuties up on their website for people to see before they cease to be little and cute. I'd love to see them get adopted together, they're so sweet and cute together. Anyone? Anyone? ANYONE? ANYFUCKINGONE?
Hey, in other good news, Phillip called my mom today, said they got a 2 hour break from their lockdown and that he thinks it might (finally) be over on Thursday. He is getting at least some of the mail we are sending, though my mom had called me before his call to her to say that she got one of her envelopes back. I had gotten 2 of my envelopes back and re-packaged and re-sent them last week. Picky ass mail nazis. Like, I'm sure that Phillip has little else to look forward to there and they gotta jack with his (and no doubt everyone's) mail. Unreal. Whatever. I can learn to comply with howeverthefuckitis they want the mail sent, once I figure out how that is.
I leave you with this...
Subject: A Good Solution
Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
Take the dirt from the moat and use it raise the levees in New Orleans.
Put the Florida alligators in the moat.
Now. . . , any other problems you want me to solve?
Friday, May 26, 2006
My Hesitantly Optimistic Friday Turned Bad
I have also just sent an e-mail to the lady from whom I got the foster puppies. At this point, they are too much to handle along with everything else, and while I don't want to pawn them back off on her (she has a 10-month old baby and 10 dogs herself), I am hoping that she can look for and locate someone else to foster them. They are cute as can be but puppies are a lot of work.
4:18 p.m.: So supposedly, it's the compressor on yet ANOTHER of my vehicles, which I don't understand since it comes on intermittently, and neither does my uncle understand it, and he knows quite a bit about cars. $1371 at the dealership? I don't think so. Between that and the damn high interest rate I'm paying on that car note, I think... well nevermind what I think. Let's just say I think it may be time to focus on fixing the A/C in the Sunfire instead of this car, and let's leave it at that, shall we?
Then again, it seems I can get the part for $140 at a parts store. I can't wait to see the actual estimate and find out what the dealership wants to charge me for the part. They're going to earn that $80 diagnostic fee by the time I am done asking this long list of questions my uncle suggested I ask, along with a few of my own...
Oh, and did I mention that the puppy lady, while normally so immediately responsive to my e-mails, has not yet answered my e-mail from this morning?
Thank goodness for 3-day weekends.
Did I mention that while I am very happy that Taylor won American Idol, I am more than just a little sick of the phrase "soul patrol?"
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
A Day Off?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Still no word from Phillip. Today is the 9th day of their lockdown. He said in the letter I got last Friday that he thinks it may go on 2 or 3 weeks. WEEKS. No phone calls, no visits, nothing. They can get mail, supposedly, though something is jacked as far as him getting mail, because as of last Tuesday when he wrote me the letter, he hadn't received any of the mail I had sent. I don't know if he has by now or not.
Monday, May 22, 2006
It was bound to happen, I suppose. I have taken on a bit too much here lately, methinks. This morning the puppies were the straw that broke the camel's back as it were.
They are perfectly adorable and sweet puppies. Aren't all puppies? And they didn't do anything that one shouldn't expect puppies to do. I am just ill equipped right now I think to deal with puppies and the things that puppies do, on top of everything else that is going on right now.
Anybody in the Dallas area wanna foster/adopt a couple of darling puppies?

Thursday, May 18, 2006
A Better Day

Here is the sweet boxer girl, Randi, who I am going to be picking up tonight to foster now. Isn't she beautiful? She is the first non-white boxer I will have, and also the first boxer with a natural tail. She has been picked up from the shelter she was in and is at a vet's office waiting for me to pick her up. I am told she was found cavorting with some horses and cows in a field along with a pit bull companion, and that she has one of the sweetest temperaments the animal control officer has ever run across. That's very reassuring as far as her getting along with my little dogs. I am going to pick her up today.
Did I mention that on Tuesday I picked up 2 mutt puppies to foster? Lisa and Marie. They are darling, but I'd forgotten what it's like to have puppies around. The last time I actually had a puppy was over 10 years ago. OMG am I getting old.
We have not heard from Phillip since he called Mom on Sunday. They must be in lockdown. Tomorrow will be a week since he has talked to the kid. I wonder if he is getting his mail yet. I mailed something 2 weeks ago and as of 10 days later he hadn't received it yet - mail should take the same 2 days to get to Beaumont that it took to get to Pollock. He mailed me something and it took just 2 days. ARGH.
I was so upset yesterday I neglected to list my American Idol prediction. Of course I always don't list it when I was right. I was very surprised at how totally close the votes were, as were a lot of people I am sure.
I'm out, leaving early to go pick up my new girl!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sad Day
Yesterday I received an e-mail from one of my animal rescue contacts about how 14 boxers needed foster homes immediately or they would be euthanized.
Of course you know I have 2 boxers. Of course you know I loooooooove boxers. So I chose the only white one in the bunch, known only as dog # BIN 090, who just happened to look almost exactly like my Callie, filled out the application to the boxer rescue group, and got instantly approved to foster because I adopted Callie from another boxer rescue with which they are familiar.
I had occasion to check my e-mail last night because I had to go get the kid from my parents' store (no school yesterday, upset tummy). Excitedly I first read that they would call the shelter and have the dog sent to a vet's office near my house and I would be able to pick him up today. Then a few e-mails later, I went on to read this, from a member of the rescue group:
I was so excited that I called the kennel manager from the shelter he is in at home.
BIN 090 attacked and seriously injured another dog today. Upper management of the shelter has made the decision for the dog to be euthanized for aggression. He absolutely can not go to rescue. The kennel manager asked if we would please take the remaining boxer that is there. BIN 107 before he develops kennel aggression too.
In following up, I learned that this poor baby had been a very sweet but scared fellow when the volunteer went to take his picture. Apparently, despite their personality, dogs can develop kennel aggression if they have to stay in a kennel too long.
There are still 13 other boxers in need, who are facing euthanization. So, despite my heartbreak over this one sweet boxer boy I had never even met, I will take another into my home to foster and love and save. Possibly BIN 107 mentioned in the e-mail, or there is another sweet girl who faces certain death on Friday if no one gets her by tomorrow.
Anyone who lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please visit this page, Legacy Boxer Rescue, and consider what you can do to help these sweet boxers, be it fostering or volunteering or simply donating. If you live elsewhere, it won't be difficult for you to find such a group in your area, so that as many of these sweet faces as possible won't have to be euthanized:

One hand
Reaches out
And pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one
It's like whispering a prayer
In the fury of a storm.
And I hear them saying you'll never change things and no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know that it will not change me.
This heart
Still believes
The love and mercy still exist.
While all the hatred rage and so many say
That love is all but pointless in madness such as this
It's like trying to stop a fire
With the moisture from a kiss.
As long as one heart still holds on
Then hope is never really gone.
What I do is so
This world will know
That it will not change me
The Change--Garth Brooks
Monday, May 15, 2006
Not the Worst Monday Ever
The kid's Mama did come to get her on Friday, at a reasonable hour, and even returned her to the bowling alley last night before we finished bowling. The kid will talk about her visit over the next few days and probably say some puzzling aka revealing things. Like this morning. I asked her if she washed her hair while she was there (because it felt very coarse, unconditioned, while I was brushing it), and she said yes, but in the sink, because the bathtub wouldn't drain.
Hmmmm. Sounds as though the septic tank didn't get pumped last weekend after all, which was the reason for not coming down last weekend. (Egads, that must really suck.) I recall that during the course of the original conversation in which she didn't have the money to come down because she had to pay for that, the kid asked her "can't you just put it on your credit card?" Mama said she didn't have a credit card, and that "I'm not rich like Memaw and Papa."
They're rich? My parents are rich? Really? I am SO excited to know that. That's awesome. I had absolutely no idea! That's me, always the last to know.
The other puzzling tidbit came last night, when Mama said they had to hurry back, because she had to babysit her niece for her sister, who had to go to work at 5:00 a.m. this morning. She's available to babysit for her sister during the day? How is this possible? Where in the world is she getting her money when from the sounds of things, she has no job? Time will tell I suppose.
Me and the kid and my parents went out for a nice Mother's Day dinner last night. I felt bad because the gift I got her was rather large and I hadn't wrapped it so it was like, "ok, unwrap my trunk and figure out what in the trunk is your gift!" The gift was a hit though, she was very surprised and she liked it. I also thought I had left the cards up here at work in my desk drawer, but alas, they were not here this morning, and so while I managed to get them bought early, I have no idea where they are now. SIGH.
It's the thought that counts, right?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Apparently, I'm Falling Apart
Not in a heart-attacky kind of way. I don't think, anyway. In an I-pulled-a-muscle kind of way or something. Hurts to move. Hurts to take more than a very shallow breath. Feels fine as long as I'm still and don't breathe.
Sure, I can do that all day. No problem.
Friday. Wheeeee! Haven't talked to the kid's Mama in a couple days, don't know what her plans are or aren't for coming down tonight to get her. I can tell you I am wishing I had not decided to drive up there if she can't make it down, because I have a bad feeling that's what I am going to end up doing and I am not in the mood. I will do it if I must because I said I would, but I don't want to. Of course, I never told either the kid or Mama I would, but I did tell Phillip. He was happy and surprised that I offered, agreeing that she should be with her Mama on Mother's Day. He thinks I am too hard on Mama. But how soon he forgets. If I could sit in the car with her for that long I would take her to visit him and he could spend several hours with her and no doubt he would remember. But. Seeing as how I'd have to spend a lot more hours than that with her to make that happen... I think not.
I dropped the kid off at school this morning and her teacher stops me and says she has something for me. They both go get a cute paper flower and paper heart thing that she made in class, and the kid gives them to me and says "Happy Mother's Day." Teacher says that she knows I'm not "Mom" but since she lives with me I should have them. I'm touched. I kneel down and give her a big hug and a kiss, and then she steps back and says......
"And we can give these to Mama later, right?"
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I Really Posted This on Friday Morning
So we didn't watch American Idol last night, but while the kid was in the tub this morning, I TiVo'd through it. You know, so I could actually see who got booted without first hearing it on the news or online or whatever.
WOW. I correctly predicted the bottom 2, the rather startling bottom 2 since those were the 2 originally predicted to be in the finals. While I may have said yesterday that of those 2, whoever goes home is anybody's guess, I really didn't suppose it would be Chris. He was predicted by many to win the whole thing. WOW. Good for my man Taylor now though because it's looking pretty good for him at this point...
Anyway. I told the kid on the way out the door this morning that I knew who got sent home. She asked me to tell her. I asked if she was sure she wanted me to tell her or did she want to watch it tonight. She said she wanted me to tell her. We went back and forth for a bit - "Are you SURE?" "YES, tell me!"
So finally I told her. Bless her heart - she started to CRY. That, I was not expecting. I hugged her and said awwwww sweetie, it's ok, you wanted Elliott to win, remember? We called and voted for him for you. She said she knew but she liked Chris too and didn't want him to go home. Truthfully I think she may have cried no matter who went home. The next couple AI weeks may be rough.
Now I know how my mom felt when I was about the kid's age and I would watch Lassie every day, and every single day I would cry when it was over. Egads. Nice Mom, that one of mine. I've a feeling if that was me, it'd be "uh, Lassie isn't on today..."
In other news... Richard McNair has now been spotted in Canada. I say spotted... actually, has now eluded capture in Canada, I should say. Yes, yet again, he has wiggled his way loose from the cops. He was pulled over in a stolen car in Penticton, British Columbia, was asked to step out of the car, did so, then took off running. They did not catch him. They verified it was him through fingerprints on/in the car.
He did, however, leave behind in the car a digital camera with which he took pictures of himself. He has changed his appearance as you would expect, and I doubt I would have recognized him. In many ways this man is obviously very intelligent - eluding capture, going to Padre and throwing the authorities' attention to the Mexico border, then heading across the far opposite border. Taking pictures of himself with a camera he then left behind? Not so much smart. Fortunately. Because everyone knows what he looks like now. For all the good that is. Can't catch Osama, can't catch this guy... go figure.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Another I Can't Think of a Title Title
Supposedly Mama is coming to get the kid on Friday, though she admits she doesn't know yet who is driving her down. We will see. I am still willing to make the trip myself if she doesn't manage a ride, though I'd prefer not to and I'm keeping that offer to myself until and unless it becomes necessary. I'm still disturbed by various things - her and her "roommate" barking at each other while she is on the phone with the kid. The "roommate" situation in general. She is certainly free to make her personal choices, but to have the kid there would be the same as me having a guy stay with me, which I do NOT do. She's also not working at the job she had actually managed to hold onto for awhile anymore, now she says she is bartending and roofing, a profession which I would think her hypochondriatic knee would not allow... At any rate, none of it sounds good. Now she is telling the kid that she'll have her for 6 weeks this summer - which is down from the entire summer as she was previously saying, but still wrong. 3 weeks. 1 week per month. Per the court papers. And before you ask, Mama, no you can't have her 3 weeks all at one stretch. My stress level couldn't take it. I worry enough about the occasional albeit infrequent weekends, and particularly the whole weeks at a time.
Speaking of Moms I know what I am going to get mine for Mother's Day. For a change. Can't say here yet though... she has wanted one for awhile and they are ex-pen-sive. Seeing as how I just won $500 on a pick 3 ticket, I figured that was a good use for it. Thank you, 420...
American Idol Prediction: This week is a tough one. Based on vocal performance alone, I'd say Katherine would be the one going. At this point in the competition, no one should be forgetting lyrics, and I'm not sure even her fan base can overcome last night's performances. I figured all along that Elliott would be the next to go, and then my favorite, Taylor, and that we'd be down to Chris and Katherine. After last night's performances... I say it's Chris and Katherine in the bottom two. Which one goes home is anybody's guess but I'll go with Katherine. There are a lot of people voting now, nearer the end of the competition, who have not really previously been voting, myself included, and I think "change is gonna come" and things are going to end up quite differently than they seemed... Of course, I have no idea. I'm just sayin'.
Auuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhh my mouth is on fire... fire hot Cheetos....
Whee, 5 minutes to go. Later taters.
Helicopter Pylori
Remember a long time ago, weeks (months?) ago, when I talked about how my friend Jen might have parasites? Well, all this time later, they have determined it was indeed not parasites, but Helicopter Pylori.
Sounds painful, whatever it is, and indeed by her accounts it was quite horrible. Fortunately it is finally under control with medication. Here's hoping I never get Helicopter Pylori.
Of course, it's probably better than a stupid hangover....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
A Lesson in Hangovers
The effects are the same - your head hurts, you wince all day long thinking back on it, thoughts of "God what was I thinking?" - the usual.
I've had a stupid hangover for a few days now. And that's, um, all I have to say about that... except that this has nothing to do with the apple martinis, other than probably being a catalyst for them...
Monday, May 08, 2006
I came here prepared to post the cutest of pictures of the kid from her dance recital on Saturday; however, something seems to have gone awry with my picture card between the last time I took a picture and when I just put it into my card reader and plugged it in to my computer. All of my pictures are gone! Over 100 dating back from my Dad's birthday in April. Fortunately I uploaded some to one of my online photo accounts to have some prints made on Friday, so I have most of the best ones saved there, but of course I don't have any of the ones from Saturday. The camera won't read the card either, and yet they both read the other 2 cards that I have, so it is definitely this particular card. ARGH!!! I did video the whole thing so once I hook that up to the computer I can do some prints from the tape. I think.
I didn't have a margarita on Friday but I did have an apple martini last night. Or two. Or three. And a half. They were quite tasty. And also the cause of my, um, cigarette slip. It wasn't much of a slip though. My friend was smoking one and I decided I just wanted a drag, and let me tell you - YUCK. BLECH. It was horrible. How did I used to do that all of the time? I am definitely cured. I can however still say I have not had a cigarette in 24 days - for all I had was 1 drag... well ok, 3, but the next 2 were equally bad as the first... technicalities... Anyway. Hooray, me.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Happy This-is-my-21st-Smoke-Free Day
I am not going to say "Happy Cinco de Mayo" as that is too much like speaking Spanish, and why should I? This is after all America.
Oh all right, I suppose that is a bit much. I'm not so ticked about the illegal immigrant situation that I can't say Happy Cinco de Mayo and if at all possible you bet your ass I'll have a margarita later.
On a note that is not a bit much, however, I noticed the other day that now the severe weather warnings that scroll across the bottom of the tv screen at appropriately stormy times are in both English and Spanish. Pretty soon, everybody else who doesn't speak English but who also does not speak Spanish is going to put their 2 cents in and want to be notified of storms in their native language, and then we won't be able to see the program for all the storm warnings in miscellaneous languages. I'll say it again: L-E-A-R-N to speaka de E-N-G-L-I-S-H. Which of course is no use for me to say because those who I'm talking to can't read that. But don't let's get me started on that tangent.
Argh, what a day, even if it is Friday. Is it 5:00 yet?
Tomorrow is the kid's dance recital. I hadn't received any info as to what time and the place, etc., so I called the dance school yesterday to see. I had to leave a voice mail. The lady calls me back today and acts like I am the worst parent-type ever. "Didn't you get her recital costume?" she asks haughtily. "Yes, of course I did," I haughty right back at her. "Well the information about, and the directions to, the recital were in with the costume, if you bothered to have her try it on."
Oh. Um. Oops. Crap.
But WAIT a minute, how dare she talk to me like that! I'm paying that school how much per month for the kid to take these classes and how ridiculously much did I pay for a little recital costume, and you're going to talk down to me that way for daring to call and ask an (albeit stupid) question?
Hmmmmph. Once this recital is over, the kid's going to get swimming lessons instead. Which conveniently is what she wants anyway. So there, you Bitchy Dance School Lady, you.
So Mama called last night after the kid was asleep and left a message about how sorry she is that she isn't going to be able to come and get her this weekend (news to me that she was supposed to) but she says now that she's "renting to own" she is having to pay for a septic tank problem and doesn't have the money. Interesting. It's kind of a good thing that something came up since the kid's recital is tomorrow, and since Mama hadn't bothered to mention that getting the kid this weekend was a possibility, I had no opportunity to tell her about the recital. I especially didn't think that this weekend was a possibility what with Mother's Day being next weekend and all. Now, as much as I... well as much as my feelings towards Mama are not all sugar and spice and everything nice - I do have a heart. Believe it or not. I might be willing to drive the kid up there for Mother's Day weekend. Assuming we have the understanding that she will be picked up on Sunday in time for me to get back for bowling and that this is a one-time special Mother's Day thing.
Don't say it. I know. But it's been over 2 months since Mama's managed to get herself down here, and this would be totally for the kid rather than for Mama, believe me. The kid would be heartbroken if she didn't get to see Mama on Mother's Day. But don't worry, I don't intend to bring up the possibility unless and until it becomes clear Mama does not have another way to get here.
There is a new petition regarding Mercy the Dog and in trying to get new laws enacted. Please please go here to sign the petition. This petition references another horribly abused dog who ultimately had to be put down. I warn you that if you click on the link for Mooie, brace yourself. I couldn't even finish looking at the pictures. Please sign this petition in an effort to see that justice can be done regarding these and future horrific acts of animal torture.
Have a margarita and a great weekend, and enjoy this cute holiday joke Mickey sent me:
Most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellmann's mayonnaise was manufactured in England.
In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York. This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico. But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York.
The ship hit an iceberg and sank, and the cargo was forever lost. The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of Mourning, which they still observe to this day. The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5th and is known, of course, as....
Sinko de Mayo.
WHAT!!!! You expected something educational from me!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Trouble in the Paradise That IS Valley Ranch?
ARLINGTON – The media isn't the only group Cowboys coach Bill Parcells won't give answers to these days. He stiff-armed the Rangers as well.
Parcells, who visited Ameriquest Field yesterday, spoke on the field before the Rangers' game against Baltimore with several players, including Mark DeRosa and Hank Blalock.
But when Blalock brought up new Cowboy Terrell Owens, Parcells went quiet.
"He didn't even comment," DeRosa said with a laugh.
Parcells said he was "coming out of the hole on Friday." He is scheduled to address the media as part of the Cowboys' rookie minicamp.
I can't wait, Bill. I'm looking more forward to what you don't say than what you do say.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
So Long, Tinky! And, Happy TWAD

I'll be making a call today about the next dog I am going to foster. I may have this one for awhile, this is for an actual rescue group and there will be paperwork and fees required for whomever wants to adopt her. Not that I'm not picky about the homes I find, I just don't have any paperwork or require any money. Anyway, her name is Allie and she's beautiful, and reminds me so much of my Nikki, who died coming up on 2 years ago now. Hopefully she will get along fine with the others.
Phillip made it to Beaumont Monday night. He was saying that it is a lot different than Pollock, and I have been researching it online this afternoon. The internet is both a blessing and a curse. What I am reading is not positive in the least and makes me worry more than I already did. As with anything difficult, we will all just have to continue to take it 1 day at a time - but man, what a lot of days are left on this one.
On a more fun note, it has been brought to my attention that today is Tighty Whitey Appreciation Day. So, go send an e-card and wish somebody a happy TWAD.
Somehow, I don't think that either the holiday or the acronym is going to stick.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Allow Me to Toot My Own Horn for a Moment
Today is Day 18 of not smoking!
I know that since I haven't mentioned it lately, you probably thought I had wandered out of the non-smoking section and just decided to phase out talking about it rather than 'fess up, but I have not. And, if ever I was going to jump head first and willingly off the smoke-free cliff, it should have been this past weekend -- on my first long car trip as a non-smoker. But I made it through!
Now, had the drive been the usual 5 1/2 hours each way I might not have. But we got a reprieve of sorts this weekend and got to visit Phillip while he is temporarily at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, just 3 hours and 20 minutes away. The getting through the lobby part and to the visiting room was an absolute breeze compared with Pollock, too. The lady was nice, didn't unnecessarily jack with anybody, it was all good and we had a nice visit. In fact, everyone we encountered who worked there was pleasant.
Now if only the experience remains that pleasant once he gets to Beaumont -- and I can stay smokeless when the trip jumps back to 5 1/2 hours each way.
And did I mention that traffic was simply mah-velous on the way home yesterday, too?