I'll be making a call today about the next dog I am going to foster. I may have this one for awhile, this is for an actual rescue group and there will be paperwork and fees required for whomever wants to adopt her. Not that I'm not picky about the homes I find, I just don't have any paperwork or require any money. Anyway, her name is Allie and she's beautiful, and reminds me so much of my Nikki, who died coming up on 2 years ago now. Hopefully she will get along fine with the others.
Phillip made it to Beaumont Monday night. He was saying that it is a lot different than Pollock, and I have been researching it online this afternoon. The internet is both a blessing and a curse. What I am reading is not positive in the least and makes me worry more than I already did. As with anything difficult, we will all just have to continue to take it 1 day at a time - but man, what a lot of days are left on this one.
On a more fun note, it has been brought to my attention that today is Tighty Whitey Appreciation Day. So, go send an e-card and wish somebody a happy TWAD.
Somehow, I don't think that either the holiday or the acronym is going to stick.
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