Here is the sweet boxer girl, Randi, who I am going to be picking up tonight to foster now. Isn't she beautiful? She is the first non-white boxer I will have, and also the first boxer with a natural tail. She has been picked up from the shelter she was in and is at a vet's office waiting for me to pick her up. I am told she was found cavorting with some horses and cows in a field along with a pit bull companion, and that she has one of the sweetest temperaments the animal control officer has ever run across. That's very reassuring as far as her getting along with my little dogs. I am going to pick her up today.
Did I mention that on Tuesday I picked up 2 mutt puppies to foster? Lisa and Marie. They are darling, but I'd forgotten what it's like to have puppies around. The last time I actually had a puppy was over 10 years ago. OMG am I getting old.
We have not heard from Phillip since he called Mom on Sunday. They must be in lockdown. Tomorrow will be a week since he has talked to the kid. I wonder if he is getting his mail yet. I mailed something 2 weeks ago and as of 10 days later he hadn't received it yet - mail should take the same 2 days to get to Beaumont that it took to get to Pollock. He mailed me something and it took just 2 days. ARGH.
I was so upset yesterday I neglected to list my American Idol prediction. Of course I always don't list it when I was right. I was very surprised at how totally close the votes were, as were a lot of people I am sure.
I'm out, leaving early to go pick up my new girl!
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