Neither should I give the location of my blog to people I might want to write about in it at some later point. Not that this person will probably ever look at my blog a 2nd time, it's pretty dull compared with his own blog and probably with most of the ones he's used to looking at. But, just in case he does surf mine a second time, I'd just like to say to him again, here, that, having lunch with you today made my day and I'm looking forward to this weekend. And (also just in case he does read this) that's all I'm gonna say about that. (wink)
It occurs to me that I never tied up the loose ends here on the call from the New Orleans Walgreen's thing. Then again, no one has commented or emailed me dying to know just what that turned out to be about, so I guess no one really cares (sniffle sniffle), or else you know me well enough to figure that whatever it was turned out to be much ado about nothing. Maybe I'll just let this one go and see if anyone ever asks...
Hey on a funny note I can finally take down the bit on my profile about how I work out at 24 Hour Fitness while listening to my Ipod. Plus now I'm armed with the knowledge of how much attention Jennifer pays to my blog. :Þ I'd tell that story but admittedly it would make me look like a doofus. Actually, she could tell that story if she would ever bother to comment. Though I probably wouldn't like the way she would tell it because she'd spin it badly... not that there is a particularly good spin.

And that's a wrap folks. I got nothin' else to say today. Not that I did in the first place. Enjoy another picture of my Buddy Dude.
1 comment:
Ooooh, go ahead, start a blog, I DARE you. Because I have some stories I could tell, too...
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