Ah, the sweet bliss of Friday. Or at least, I was hoping this would be a nice, peaceful, fast day but it's not working out that way. Not slammin' busy, but one of the attorneys I work for is in an extremely foul mood, leftover from yesterday afternoon, so I'm just trying to stay low-key today. The part of this job that I hate the most, when someone's that cranky...
So, who's been watching American Idol? It's on my mind today because I watched Wednesday's episode last night on my TiVo. TiVo ROCKS. Apparently like 90% of America watches judging from the ratings this show gets. It's one of my favorite shows and this to me is the best time of the show, where they have all of the people trying out but mostly just making fools of themselves.
That (ahem) rather large girl from Tuesday I think it was, with the skimpy trash outfit complete with tube top, super short skirt, hooker boots and probably the pottiest mouth they've ever had was really something. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when she actually saw herself on television. Hate to tell ya sweetie, but the camera only added 10 of those pounds and we didn't really wanna see all that skin and other... er, stuff you were showing. Ewwwwww.
But the greatest AI puzzlement to me so far was the guy the first week, I think they called him "Dancing Dave." He was certainly an outgoing and engaging fellow, but as a songster he was awful, just terrible. And Paula and Randy let him through. What was that, the American Idol judges' equivalent to jury nullification? "Yeah, we know he sucks, but we don't care, we're letting him go to Hollywood anyway"? I can't wait to see how his next performance in the competition pans out. Ha, maybe he will end up in the top 12, what the hell do I know?
I really have little else to say today except how happy I am that it's Friday because that means tomorrow is Saturday and though I work, at least it is a different work, and that means the next day is Sunday and my only day off. This Sunday I'll be catching up on laundry and putting my new Gazelle together. Hey, oh local friends o'mine who may be reading this, anybody want to come by and help me? There might be some beer involved... I know, I know. You wish you could, but you don't want to. I understand. I have wanted a Gazelle for awhile and when I saw the "free shipping" deal (which shipping is usually like $40) I couldn't pass it up.
I'll also have to go to the grocery store and stock up on low carb foods. Oh I am soooo not looking forward to this diet thing, but it is time. Past time. This was me at the doctor the other day:

(reprinted without permission but since I'm not making any money on this please don't sue me)
Hmmmm, then again, there's pills for everything these days, right? Which one will make me taller? Because if I could just grow a few inches, everything would be proportionate again and I could forget all about this diet thing. Maybe I'll check Ebay. You can find anything on Ebay, right. Yeah, that will be my "it" thing that I'm looking for. Let me know if you come across them, will you?
1 comment:
My uncle's putting it together for me this weekend, thanks for asking. I think I am going to have to put him on my payroll LOL
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