Today is my baby dog's 15th birthday. 14 years and 46 weeks ago I brought her home, the tiniest little miniature schnauzer, and she has been my companion and my confidante all these years; the one who has always been there, who I can say anything to (hey, talking to my dog is better than talking to myself, right?) and who can sense exactly when I need her to jump up in my lap and give me sweet puppy kisses - because she will always always be my puppy no matter how many birthdays she has. Here's to you Abby, and to hopefully many more birthdays we'll share.
Would you believe last year I took the day off to spend with her? Oh, yes, I DO love this dog. Unfortunately I couldn't do that this year, but I will take her for a special walk when we get home today.
Today is also the anniversary of when Buddy Dude found us. I heard a dog barking out front, opened the door and there he was, skin and bones but wagging and smiling, barking at one of my cats. He looked so pitiful yet friendly, so I took him a bowl of food and some water. He wolfed the food down in no time so I brought him more. After the 3rd bowl of food I figured I better stop because clearly he hadn't eaten for awhile and I didn't want to make him sick. Then I pondered what to do next, not knowing if he'd get along with my other dogs (only 2 others at that time). It was cold out and he, being short haired and absolutely no meat on him then, was shivering. I couldn't just leave him outside and besides, after being fed, watered and paid attention to, I don't think he was going anywhere anyway. So I let him inside, he got along with the other dogs just fine, and the rest is history.

The funny thing about Buddy is he's such a cool dog, everyone who meets him says so, and no one can believe he just showed up on my doorstep. The vet said with what he weighed when I found him, he had to have been on the streets at least 3 to 4 weeks, yet no one took him in until me. I will never understand that. I'm just grateful that my cat was in the driveway at just the right moment that day so Buddy would bark at her.
Ok, what else. My weekend didn't turn out the way that I hoped it would. The kid's mom couldn't make it down to get her this weekend after all. I realize that when you don't have a car it must be very difficult to get a 300-mile round trip ride to here from Oklahoma, and twice in the same weekend no less, but she continues to disappoint the kid about 4 out of every 5 times she promises to come get her. I really wish mama would stop telling the kid she is coming, and that way when she actually is able to make it, it could be a wonderful surprise instead of so many disappointments. The kid wasn't the only one disappointed this weekend, either. I love the kid to pieces but a quiet weekend once in awhile is certainly nice.
Quiet. I've forgotten what that's like, I think. One Saturday after my mom had spent the day with her while I worked at the liquor store, as is the norm on Saturdays, they came into the store, my mom looking completely exasperated, and mom said, "that little magpie never shuts up!"
I know she didn't mean it quite the way it sounded. But I also know exactly what she means. And my mom pretty much repeats some variation of that phrase every Saturday after spending the day with the kid, though she generally doesn't liken her to a magpie anymore.
Anyway, the new plan is for mama to come this weekend. We will see. I'm not gonna be holdin' my breath.
I know what you're thinking, if you're someone reading this and all you know about this situation is what you've read here. "Why can't you take the kid up there sometimes? She needs to see her mama"
She does need to see her mama. And I suppose that I could take her up there. But I know a thing or two about mama and how she works, and it wouldn't be a "sometimes" thing. The first time I do it will be the beginning of me doing it every time, from now on, forever and ever, amen. And I don't want that. Not even if she makes the offer of gas money, blah blah, etc. Fortunately, neither mama nor kid has ever suggested it, and I certainly haven't. I have enough on my plate taking her to see dada every few weeks, almost 700 miles round trip.
Besides, I can take mama in small doses when I must, but I really don't think I could handle being in a car with her for all that long. At least not without an iPod and a sleep mask, which would make it just a little difficult to drive.
Oh, and remember my issue in my pet peeves with hypochondriacs? Ahem. (cough cough)
Oh, no, I must be catching a cold. I'd better run get some medicine.