Friday, April 28, 2006
Beware the Scary Tomatoes Outside
PLEASE PLEASE go here and sign the petition asking that the maximum sentence be handed down on this guy. You don't have to live in Dallas or even in Texas to sign it and be heard. I just got an e-mail from Operation Kindness stating the guy has been charged with torture as opposed to animal cruelty - torture carries a possible 10-year sentence while animal cruelty is only 2 years. They're on the right track, at least. Let's sign the petition and urge them to follow it through to the maximum.
So you may find it odd that I'm so against that Phillip got the amount of time that he got, and here I am rallying for the system to throw the book at the dog torturer. The dog torturer is way different - he intentionally set out to do what he did - be cruel and inhumane to a defenseless animal. He deserves to have the book thrown at him. And that's all I have to say about that.
The kid's chickenpox are already in the beginning stages of crusting over, so that is a good sign. I am thinking she can probably go back to school on Monday. No word from Mama, who originally was asking about this weekend. In fact, we have heard nothing since we tried to call her and she was in bed at 7:30 p.m. and her friend couldn't wake her up to talk. In the wake of the chickenpox disaster we haven't tried to call again. We are going to visit Phillip in OKC this weekend as he hasn't been sent to Beaumont yet. We will drive almost right through Mama's town. I'm thinking we should definitely surprise her on the way back...
The weather here is just lovely. Practically a 100% chance of rain the rest of the day and apparently now a tomato watch. That's a joke between me and Jen; she called tornados, tomatoes when she was a kid and so we do that all of the time now. They sound less scary that way. Who'd be afraid of a tomato, right? I don't like them of course, but I don't completely freak out at their mention the way she does. I really hope there isn't bad weather tonight. I am supposed to go pick up my new foster dog and I wanted to go to Home Depot.
Have a good weekend.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
A business man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F.!"
He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T."
She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more, slowly.
He again answered, "S-H-I-T."
The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she, smiled her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possible, "T-G-I-F."
The man smiled back to her and once again, "S-H-I-T."
The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain.
'T-G-I-F' means 'Thank God It's Friday.' Get it, duuhhh?"
The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, Its Thursday!'
Thanks to my friend Mickey for that laugh :)
Of course, that could also be 'So Happy It's Thursday.' Nah....
Speaking of SHIT, I didn't get to make my Idol prediction yesterday since I had to leave suddenly. For the record, I would have been right. Kelli did not sing at all well and was the sure one to go in my book. Paris will probably be going next.
I am going to be fostering another dog. Possibly 2 because me and my big mouth were a little quick on the e-mail draw. I really have to get off this dog rescue e-mail list. So many dogs and my heart goes out to all of them and I just want to help them all. Oftentimes they have places to go but need people to transport them. There seem to be quite a few trips between Dallas and Houston, so once Phillip gets to Beaumont and we'll be going through Houston occasionally, I may be able to help with that. That would be cool.
At least they FINALLY made an arrest in Mercy's case:
Reprinted here without permission (but also without financial gain to me) from the KRLD website:
"Suspect in puppy's burning death caught in Corinth
(Thursday April 27) -- Less than a week after the puppy named Mercy died from being set on fire, police now have the man they've been looking for. Dashawn Brown was arrested after leaving his mother's house in Corinth early this morning after police staked out several locations where he had been seen. He's accused of setting Mercy on fire, leaving her with burns over more than half her body. She died Sunday despite more than a week of intensive treatments. On Saturday, her care-givers from Operation Kindness will hold a public memorial in Carrollton."
I hope they throw the book at the will-someday-be-a-serial-killer-if-they-don't-throw-his-sorry-ass-in-jail-now-for-a-good-long-time-and-even-then-he-may-be-anyway dude.
I wish I could go to the memorial, but it's on Saturday, and, you know, I can't like, do anything on Saturdays but work.
What else? Quiet here today. Most of the attorneys are at some golf thing, I dunno, the Byron Nelson or the Colonial or something. Naturally it's supposed to rain tomorrow, because it always does during one or both of those, hehehe. Though actually I'd prefer that it wait until Saturday. Yes, in case you were wondering, I hate golf. Well, except of course on nice quiet days like this one.
Mmmm, yummmm, that new Dr Pepper Berries & Cream is deeeeeee-lish! Check it out.
Chickenpox is a Funny Word
Rather than wait for the doctor to call me back, I called the daycare center's director and asked her if she knew what chickenpox look like. Of course she did. So I had her pull the kid out of class to see if she had them. She does. The director did say it was unusual, as they usually start on the "trunk" and then move out to the extremities, and the kid only has them on her arms and legs, but in kids that have been vaccinated, anything can happen. The good news is, they should not be nearly as bad as if she had not been vaccinated. Needless to say I had to leave work and go pick her up immediately.
The good news is, the kid doesn't look like the person in that gross picture who has them all over her face. She really doesn't have very many and, as I said, only on her arms and legs. Bless her heart. I tried to get her to wear long-sleeved pajamas to keep her from scratching them, but she wouldn't, she likes nightgowns, so I had her sleep with socks on her hands, which she did not like one eency bit either. She cried and cried and said it was going to hurt. I tried to reason with her that wearing socks on our feet doesn't hurt, why would wearing them on our hands hurt, but she wasn't having any of that. Finally she calmed down and went to sleep though, and woke up in a good mood.
Is it me, or shouldn't a pharmacist know what chickenpox look like? I've half a mind to take the kid back up there and say "guess what, you moron?" And I'm moving all my prescriptions somewhere else.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
What the Hell am I Doing?
I picked her up from school yesterday and there was a notice that the center has confirmed 1 case of chickenpox contracted by a child who had indeed been vaccinated against it. Bummer, was all I thought at the time.
But on the way home, when the kid began complaining of the red bumps on her leg... I began to think serious bummer. Chickenpox are contagious you know. And though the kid has been vaccinated, so had the other kid been...
I couldn't look at them until we got home and then I freaked out. There were indeed red bumps on her, probably 6 or 7 on one leg, 3 on the other leg, 4 on one arm and 2 on the other. I knew they had not been there that morning, as it was her ballet/tap class day and I put her tights on her that morning. There's no way I would have missed them.
So I called my Mom. She asked about a fever. The kid had complained of being hot when we left the daycare, then cold when we got home, and felt a little warm though I hadn't taken her temperature. Fever is apparently one of the first symptoms. We talked about it, and decided that taking her to the doctor would do no good, there is nothing they can prescribe for it, they would just confirm it and tell me to put calamine lotion on her and keep her from scratching them.
So we headed to the pharmacy. Where the pharmacist looked and said... those aren't chickenpox, they are bug bites.
Bug bites? I was skeptical. Extremely skeptical. But he assured me that chickenpox are not "raised" but rather flat. These bumps were raised. He said get some Benadryl to help stop the itching.
So I got some Benadryl anti-itch spray and we went home. The bumps actually looked better this morning and so I thought, hmmm, I guess the pharmacist was right. Then I was trying to figure out how the hell she got all all those bug bites, because if I didn't know, how could I prevent it from happening again?
To school and work we came this morning, and finally 3 hours after I was here it occurred to me to look on the web for pictures of chickenpox. Looky here:

Specifically note the raised blisters. Which, unfortunately, look exactly like the kid's.
Thank you SO much Mr. I Don't Know Fucking Everything After All Pharmacist.
I'm waiting for the doctor's office to call me back.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The Plot Thickens...
I dialed up the kid's Mama last night and as it began to ring, gave the phone to the kid to talk. Someone else answered, the kid said it was one of Mama's female friends who she has met before. I heard (via speakerphone) the friend try for a moment to wake Mama up (at 7:30pm), and then she told the kid that her Mama was sick and had been throwing up and that she was in bed and could we call her back in the morning.
This gets weirder and weirder. First hysterical about the "horriblest" day ever on Sunday, then chipper and cheerful and isn't life grand the next morning with no mention of her voice mails of the day before, then sick and throwing up and in bed before 7:30pm later the same day... I recall that yesterday morning Mama had made it a point to tell me that she is "clean" whilst telling me about all of the other great things in her life... odd because we have talked about that before and supposedly she has been clean for a very long time. I wonder.
I hope Mama doesn't have plans to come down here and take the kid to Oklahoma for the weekend any time soon. Because despite her legal visitation rights, that is not happening until I find a way to figure out what is going on.
And Then There Were 5
We went up to the liquor store first, and the kid decided to stay there and play with Pawpaw while I took Shelby. She didn't express any interest in going, and it didn't seem like much interest in saying goodbye to Shelby. But then later on the way home she started crying that she missed Shelby. Not the easiest thing to deal with when I wanted to cry cuz I missed Shelby too, but we had a talk about how Shelby is better off not having to compete with 5 other dogs for attention and that she has a really good home with a nice lady and we can still see her sometimes, and then we both felt better.
We love you Shelby!

Monday, April 24, 2006
Well it Sure is Monday
The kid and I had a busy day yesterday - we met some friends at Six Flags, then went home for a bit so I could take a shower then went to a long-overdue family birthday dinner, for 4 of us that had not had a birthday dinner yet since November, then we went bowling. It was a fun, busy day.
I am fast determining that the kid's Mama is possibly more psychotic than I already knew. I had not talked to her myself lately, but she has been filling the kid's head with ideas of spending the whole summer up in Oklahoma with her, and going to school up there, etc., which is not about to happen and I don't appreciate her springing things like that on the kid without talking to me. There's just no way any of that is going to happen. She has moved twice in the last month, the first time saying she had to move very suddenly but was getting her own place within a week, she still has no car, and I never know what her job situation really is. She got a new cell phone for a week or two then somehow went back to her original one. It's all very unsettled and... strange.
So she called yesterday as I was getting out of the shower. The kid was watching cartoons and brought me my cell phone as I was toweling off, and said it had been ringing, though it was no longer ringing. I glanced at it, saw that it was Mama, and went on and hurried to get ready so we wouldn't be late(r) for dinner, figuring we'd call her back later. At the restaurant, my Mom hands me her cell phone to listen to a message that Mama left for her right after she called my phone. She was crying, hysterical, saying she just had the shittiest day of her life and all she wanted was to talk to her daughter etc etc.
So then I listened to the message she left on my phone. I give you, verbatim, not as hysterical as her message on my Mom's phone, but upset and through tears:
"I guess it's just a waste of my time trying to talk to my daughter. I don't know what I did to piss you off, or what I've done to not piss you off or what I could do different, but all I wanted to do is talk to my daughter. I've had the horriblest day of my life and all I wanted to do was hear her voice and you can't even call me back. I pray for you and I pray for her and I guess I'll see you when I see you, I don't know what else to say. Please tell her how much I love her and I miss her. Please. Bye"
Now, bear in mind that that was the first time she called yesterday, and she had talked to the kid a few minutes the day before, Saturday morning, and told the kid she would call her back but then never did. Thus the ball had been in her court to call, though had we not been so very busy all day yesterday then the kid likely would have asked to call her at some point and we would have. I have never refused to call Mama when the kid asks to.
We ended up getting home from the bowling alley past the kid's bedtime, though I really wouldn't have wanted to call Mama back even if it hadn't been so late, because I didn't know if her mood/demeanor had changed and I certainly didn't want to expose the kid to that kind of hysteria. I told the kid that Mama called but that we would try to call her back this morning. I actually figured she would be at work, but that the kid could leave Mama a nice voice mail and then we'd try to call again after work/school.
As it turned out, Mama answered, and did not go to work today. So the kid and she chatted a few minutes then she asked to talk to me. I got on the phone and asked her how she was doing, explained our busy day yesterday and asked if everything was all right. She quite cheerfully told me that everything was great, no mention at all of yesterday's horribleness, said she was enjoying living in her very own 2-bedroom house, she has a room for the kid all fixed up, she has changed jobs and is making more money, in fact has 2 jobs, 1 being part time in a bar, and that she had to take the day off to get her water bill changed over to her name.
Um, can't you take care of that with like, a phone call? And taking the day off from a new job?
What I'd like to know is how Mama can suddenly afford her very own 2-bedroom house when just a few weeks ago she was telling me she was looking for a second job to try to get a finance company (aka basically a loan shark) off of her back, while living with some guy and presumably sharing bills. I'm particularly interested in how this sudden awesome house relates to her desire to have the kid there full time ASAP...
I'm looking into it.
And on the 8th Day...
Day 8 of not smoking was Saturday. My formerly most smoke-filled day. Well, still smoke-filled, because I work at the liquor store and both of my parents smoke. Last Saturday I was sick as a dog and didn't want one. This Saturday, another matter entirely. And yet, I made it.
The closest I came to slipping was when Mom got there and set her pack down where I often set mine. I saw them there and unconsciously reached for them, then was like, WHOA, what are you doing? It went ok.
Day 9 - more challenging. My family went out to eat at our favorite steakhouse to celebrate 4 birthdays (yes, we were a little behind on birthday dinners), and of course I always have a beer there. Or two. Tall ones. Wheeeee. That is how I began smoking, when I drank. And though we adjourned to the bar/smoking section after the meal so the others could get their fix, still I resisted.. Even later at the bowling alley, where 2 of my teammates and most of the rest of the bowling alley smoke, I resisted.
And today is Day 10. Ten whole days. And the strange (but nice!) thing is, there haven't really been any bad moments. There have been some "gee I kind of want one" moments, but definitely not any "OMG I really want one, I don't think I can make it any longer" moments.
The nicest thing I've noticed so far is that I do not constantly have to keep up with my pack, or get all the way out to the car and have it started, ready to pull out, only to realize, oh shit, my cigs are on the coffee table in the house, gotta go back in and get them, I'm certainly not leaving without them, are you KIDDING?. And, I don't have to worry about how many I have left, when do I need to get some more, etc. It'll save me more money than just cigarette money too, because I'll inevitably pick up crap I don't need while stopping for cigarettes.
Go, me!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Oh, This is SO Discouraging

Celebrity Love Match
Your Celebrity Match is: Ricky Martin
Born: December 24, 1971Pop star Ricky Martin has dazzled crowds with his number 1 hits, including "Livin La Vida Loca", "She Bangs", and "Cup of Life."
Your next closest matches were:
James Van Der Beek
Michael Jordan
Bill Murray
Who is yours?
A Friday Afternoon Ramble
So it looks like Richard McNair is or has been in South Padre, Texas. They have numerous sightings of him there (though I think about 1 in 5 males looks something like him; in fact, when we visited Pollock last Friday, there was a guard who looked remarkably like him), and authorities intercepted a letter he mailed to his mother from a post office there. Now, if I was McNair, I'd have mailed that letter on my way out of South Padre, figuring like the smart guy he is that it would get intercepted and traced but I'd be long gone from where it was mailed. But law enforcement is acting as though he is still there. I suppose he could be. But then, they thought he hung around Pollock/Ball/Pineville, LA too and clearly he didn't. No one will really *know* where he is until they catch him.
Now they are suddenly moving a lot of inmates in Pollock (and presumably other federal prisons) around. It's my thought that it's some sort of shake-up as a result of the McNair thing, but who knows? They of course can at will choose to move anyone at any time. Phillip is suddenly in the process of being moved to Beaumont. He found out the day before. Beaumont makes no difference to us as far as visiting, it's nearly the exact same distance and travel time as Pollock, but apparently Beaumont is different than Pollock, not in a good way. More fights, more gangs, etc. I'm crossing my fingers that getting in to visit will be a far less unpleasant experience.
I'll tell you what else I don't like about this move, hurricane season. Beaumont is 35 miles from the Gulf Coast. Hopefully they'll be evacuating quickly if it looks like anything is going to happen. I heard they evacuated with Rita, and am trying to find confirmation online, but so far all I've found is that they were "making plans to if necessary". I have learned that in addition to the 4 federal prisons there, that Texas has 4 state prisons there as well. A total of nearly 12,000 inmates in all. A lot of evacuating that they are going to want to wait until the last possible minute and do only if it becomes absolutely necessary in their eyes, and I don't like that.
There are just way too many people out there who have the attitude "they are all just criminals, who cares?" Well, hey, guess what, surprise, they are people, too. Yes, some of them are bad dudes, like McNair, who clearly is potentially very dangerous and seemingly has no regard for anyone. But most of them are sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, uncles, etc. who made a mistake and are paying their price. And this I did not learn only as a result of Phillip's situation - this I have known since back in the day of working for the federal government myself. That was in many ways a difficult job because even then, before I had the misfortune of seeing the other side of the system, I found many of the releasees/probationers quite likeable and sympathized with them. Little did I know then.
I just got off the phone with Sprint to change my 2nd cell phone from an Alexandria, LA based number to a Beaumont, TX based number. The difference in price of Phillip's daily phone call to a number based local to where he is, is significantly cheaper enough to warrant a separate cell phone with a number based there. $.60 a call versus over $3.50 a call. The phone pays for itself the first half of the month. I love it when I'm clever like that. And hooray, for the first time ever, I didn't have to spend a dog year on the phone with Sprint to accomplish what I wanted.
But augh. I still have a headache. BC's, please.
Happy weekend.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
My 101st Blog Entry!
Within hours of my last post, someone stumbled across my blog by Googling "sugar daddy." Wow! It never occurred to me that I could Google myself a sugar daddy! Why didn't I ever think of that? Hey, I bet I could Google the winning Powerball numbers too. Let me get right on that.
So the kid's Easter dress was beautiful; pink of course, and has this glittery stuff on it. Yeah, it got a little glitter here and there, but I really didn't think anything about it. Glitter's pretty, doesn't bother me, isn't toxic or anything, looks nice on the dogs, etc. However...
She wore the dress to school Monday and I didn't think anything about that, either. Until I picked her up and Teacher complained about the glitter and how many times they'd had to wash it off of her face that day. Why would you have to do that? Was it hurting something? Is there some weird fact about glitter being harmful that I am unaware of? It'll all come off in the bathtub. Teacher made a huge deal out of it though - to the point that it makes me want to go buy a shaker of glitter and put it on the kid's clothes every day.
Oops. I guess I'm not supposed to think that way, huh? Or at least not supposed to say it out loud. My bad.
That's why I keep you around, so I can say all the things I'm not supposed to think.
The other night the kid was on the phone with Dada and she cracked me up. They were talking about something and the subject of Memaw's birthday came up. She says, "Memaw's birthday! Wow, there are a LOT of birthdays THIS year!"
Yes, and some of us are beginning to wish we could skip one now and then.
This is SO horrible. (click on the link for Mercy the dog) I don't understand how anyone can be cruel to a sweet, defenseless animal. I got this link yesterday, then I saw the story on the news last night and actually seeing video of this dog and hearing described what they think it's been through made me cry. It's an abomination what's been done to this dog and I hope they find whoever did it and put them in jail for a long time. If you ask me, anyone who can do this to a dog... well, it's just a matter of time before they're doing something cruel to people - that is, if they haven't already. Please make a donation if you can. Operation Kindness is wonderful, a no-kill shelter that always does so much for pets, and Mercy needs your help.
Update: Before I even got this entry published, I got an e-mail from my animal rescue network that they were talking about Mercy on one of the local radio stations (KLUV 98.7) and a listener called in offering to pay for all of Mercy's medical expenses, and so now all other donations made on Mercy's behalf will go to Operation Kindness. Isn't it great that for every rotten person out there, there is at least one wonderful person?
Tonight on American Idol: It's Elliott, Paris and Ace in the bottom 3 and Ace goes home. Yes, I watched the show last night. If you ask me Kellie should at least be in the bottom 3 because that last note of hers was so painful I almost had to cover my ears. At least she had the sense to know it. I doubt she'll wind up in the bottom 3 though.
Augh. Tonight I have to go home and work in the yard. I'd rather do just about anything than work in the yard. There's a possibility my uncle will go over today and take care of it before I get home, but maybe not. We went to Home Depot last night and bought the weed and feed stuff and the bug killer to put down. It needs to be mowed first and I would like to get that stuff down tonight because it's supposed to rain tomorrow which would be good cuz then I wouldn't have to water it in.
Did I mention lately that I am still hearing noises in my kitchen? Yes, months and hundreds of dollars to Truly Nolen later, I seem to still have the problem. So at Home Depot I bought 2 things: One of those (probably cheesy) electronic things you plug in that's supposed to chase pests away (yes, I'm probably a consumer idiot to spend $ on that), and a humongous, good old-fashioned rat trap. Enough with the stupid silly glue traps Truly Nolen is fond of. I want to set (rather, I want my uncle to set) a big honking rat trap behind my refrigerator where the noises seem to be coming from, and then one night very soon (tonight would be perfect), I want to hear a loud *SNAP* and the blood curdling squeal (or whatever noise they make) of a dying rat.
Is there something just wrong about me saying that about a rat in the same entry that I talk about how can someone be so cruel to a dog?
Probably. But remember, that's why I keep you around...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I Need to Post a Craigslist Ad
Would it help if the picture below was me? (It's not, but would it help?)
5:00 update: It's up to $13,000. But I'm worth it.
Sold Out
Untitled Entry #1
Kid: Everybody say here when I call your name. Wendy!
Me: Here!
Kid: Aunt Diane!
AD: Here!
Kid: (says her own name) Here!
AD: Everyone present and accounted for!
Me: Which is more than they can say at the prison
As we drove into Pineville and then to Ball on our way to Pollock, there were definitely a lot of police cars around. I don't suppose anyone in law enforcement there has had a day off in awhile.
Once at the prison, people were talking about McNair in the waiting room. As we were escorted back, one of the other visitors asked the female guard if they had caught McNair yet. I found her answer odd - "hmmm, I don't know, you know, I don't think they have." As if it was no big deal. Then another female visitor remarked, "I don't know how in the world he got out, as hard as it is just to get IN to visit." Amen. And as of today, it seems they still have no real idea where he is.
Although we got there at 7:55, we didn't get back to the visiting room until 10:00. We eventually learned that supposedly their computer system had been down first thing in the morning. It sure would have been nice if they had told us that while we were in the waiting room all that time.
Anyway, we had a nice visit although they are never long enough.
Conversation had on the way home from work/school yesterday:
Kid: God loves us very much.
Me: Yes he sure does.
Kid: And he watches over us, right?
Me: Absolutely
Kid: He watches over us and tells Santa whether we've been good or bad because Santa can't keep up with everyone all by himself.
Me: Uh....
I'm feeling better today, finally. I started getting sick Friday night on the way home from Louisiana, and boy was I sick all day Saturday. Fortunately my mom got to the store early and I went down and laid down in the back for about 6 hours. I had a fever and felt so bad I had laid down on the floor behind the counter before she got there. Sunday was a little better and then yesterday I went to the doctor. He tested for strep, negative, and basically didn't know what it is but gave me an antibiotic and a decongestant, which seem to be helping.
I suppose if something good can come from being sick it is that I have been too sick to smoke. The last one I had was about 10:30 on Friday night, and even then I barely had any of it. I started wanting one Sunday night but decided I had already gone almost 2 days, let's see how far this can go. It's been 3 days, 11 hours and counting. Wish me luck.
The kid had a good Easter. She had Easter baskets both at my house and at Memaw and Papa's, and she hunted eggs over at their house. I dozed off on their couch watching Wayne's World (still funny after all this time) and then we went out to eat dinner. It was a nice day, I think she had a good time.
And finally, a laugh...
An elderly man in Florida had owned a large farm for years. He had a large pond in the back, fixed up nice; picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some orange and peach trees. The pond was ideal for swimming, although he rarely did that anymore.
One evening he decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five gallon bucket with which to bring back some fruit.As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end.
One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"
The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or to make you get out of the pond naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the alligator."
Moral: Old men can still think fast when they have to.
Monday, April 17, 2006
And So, it Begins...
Cowboys want more show from T.O.
IRVING - Is controversial receiver Terrell Owens getting off on the right foot in Dallas?Several sources have noted that Owens has not been a regular participant in Cowboys coach Bill Parcells' off-season program.
His initial absences were understood because of a prior commitment, but Owens in the past has preferred to work with his own trainer.
Owens, who signed a three-year, $25 million contract with the Cowboys in March, was present at a Thursday workout.
His publicist, Kim Etheredge, said, "He is here when he is required to be here just like every other player on the team" and added that Parcells has expressed no concern about Owens' regimen.
The Cowboys are not concerned about Owens' conditioning. He always has stayed in good shape and his training methods have served him well.
However, Parcells' feelings on the subject are clear. The "voluntary" program requires players to work out four times a week and get in 40 workouts during the off-season.
"To [Parcells], it's about chemistry," a source said. "He wants you here."
Tee hee!
This may not even take as long as I thought it would. I figured he'd at least hold off on being an ass until after they played Philly in October. Guess not.
Did I mention that my new Peyton Manning jersey ROCKS?!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Hooray, Today is my Friday!
For example, the last 2 vehicles I bought - I'd never paid particular attention to either of them until I bought them, and then suddenly I started seeing them everywhere. So... this is either a case of that, or it's suddenly an epidemic:
From KRLD: (Thursday April 13) -- Dallas County deputies are looking for a prisoner who made a run for it while getting treatment at Parkland Hospital overnight. The last time anyone saw Ray Morales, he was wearing black pants with a hospital gown over them. Morales has been locked up at Lew Sterrett waiting to be tried on multiple charges. Through the night, deputies were checking addresses where Morales might know people but, so far, no luck.
I'm not searching these escape stories out folks, this is just what I hear on the radio that I follow up online...
Conversation with the kid this morning:
Me: Wow, look at the beautiful girl in the beautiful dress!
Kid: (smiling) Mmmm hmmmm
Me: (chuckle) And so modest, too!
Kid: Thank you
Me: Aw, you know you're beautiful, don't you?
Kid: Yes
Won't the teenage years be fun?
We have the day off at work tomorrow. We're leaving tonight to visit Phillip. My mom can't go but my aunt may be going with us. This should be interesting, since it seems that lots of people in the Pollock area are still afraid McNair might be lurking nearby. One article today says the authorities have basically no idea where he is, it's 50/50 he could still be in that area or someplace far away by now. Me, I think he's long gone. To paraphrase George Carlin: "I don't understand why people don't want a prison in their neighborhood. Even if a couple of prisoners happen to escape, what do you think they're gonna do, hang around? Isn't the point of breaking out of prison to get as far the fuck away as possible?" Yep, I would think.
Ugh, wrong wrong wrong on the Idol prediction. I got the given 2 out of 3 in the bottom, but should have stuck with Bucky as the next goner. At least Simon and I agreed, that based on performance Ace should have been the one to go. He'll probably be next.
Oooh, oooh, ooooh, guess what? I filed my taxes today. Yep, I didn't sit around and wait until the last minute and end up stuck in the line of cars trying to go to the post office on Monday. Woohoo! Given the awesome refund I am getting I cannot imagine why I did not file them much sooner. Oh well. It would have all been gone by now anyway so I still have it to look forward to, right?
Have a good weekend.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
My ADD Thoughts for Today
I don't even know what to say about that. I bet that guy who was supposed to be released is hating it, because now they're holding him to see if he had any part in helping the guy who escaped...MANSFIELD -- Police were still searching late Tuesday for a 39-year-old drug suspect who walked away from the Mansfield Jail after posing as another inmate who was scheduled for release.
Given that sort of intelligence, this story really troubles me:
Authorities are still waiting for a defendant to challenge Dalworthington Gardens' tough new policy on drunken drivers, under which officers request search warrants for blood tests in all cases, and then draw suspects' blood themselves.Police are drawing blood themselves? That's a downright terrifying thought. I guess the good news is that everyone around here knows, you don't drive drunk in Dalworthington Gardens. You've got to be careful driving sober through there, they'll pull you over for nothing.
American Idol prediction: I did manage to watch it last night so I can make an informed guess. The first 2 in the bottom 3 I think are fairly obvious, Bucky and Ace, and I'm going with Katharine for the third. Based on performances, I think Bucky may have won himself another week and we can all say goodbye to Ace tonight. Nice try on the "we will rock you," dude, but NO. Puhleeze.
Ok, so like, I totally stole this from Danelle but I told her I was going to, AND I gave her credit, so is it really stealing?

I don't think anyone can disagree with that. I just got the e-mail about hey, everybody let's all boycott Exxon and Mobil in an attempt to get the prices down. I forwarded it on with my personal note that it sounds good to me, and completely effortless on my part, because I personally never lifted my boycott on Exxon after the Valdez oil spill (yes I know that was a long time ago; can I hold a grudge or what?), and once Mobil joined their ranks, they joined my boycott list too.
I don't usually read SPAM but the subject line in this one caught my attention. I have a post office box at which I get most of my mail, and the e-mail subject referenced that. This is what I found when I opened the message:
RE: Your property at p.o. box 12345
It appears from our analysis of homes in arlington that you are overpaying substantially each month.
Really? I think the fee for my PO Box is quite reasonable, thanks, but it's kind of small to be called home...
Whee doggies, I just got back from lunch and I was riding up in the elevator with a man I've never seen before but would definitely like to see again, preferably when I weigh about 50 pounds less and have a great tan. He's almost the spitting image of Matthew McConaughey but with darker hair. He definitely has the same "sexiest man alive" look about him.
It's hot in here. Time to turn my desk fan on.
Things I Heard, Said or Thought on the Way to Work Today accident on eastbound I-30 in Grand Prairie, traffic is backed up through Arlington...avoid I-30 if at all possible...
Oh hell. I'll have to take the long way and go around that. Fuck I'm gonna be late. Oh well, so is half the office.
When did they tear down that old western wear store and build that Maaco there?
I need to either find my QT card or call and have them send me another one. Bet I'd find it if I cleaned out the car or did some laundry.
Oh yeah, I saw that building on fire on the news the other night. Too bad, no more drive-thru beer store.
Will you MOVE IT already? There is the equivalent of 50 car lengths of empty space in front of you, get it in gear, bitch!
ANOTHER fucking school zone?
Well what the HELL kind of time did going around the accident save when I end up sitting in school zones and through 3 cycles of red lights because everybody and their fucking cousin went around, too?
MOVE bitch, it says SCHOOL zone, not STOP zone! And there's still all that empty space ahead of you. I need to get around your ass but there's too much damn traffic. You just wait till we get to the highway, if we ever do. I'll be around your ass so fast...
Is that guy sitting on his front porch watching traffic and drinking a beer at 7:35 in the morning? I do believe he is. And he's nowhere near old enough to be retired, he's probably only in his 20's. Hmm, must be nice. Bet he didn't wake up this early, bet he's still up from last night. He's probably gonna sleep all day. Wish I was still in bed asleep.
You go Ernie Brown! I totally agree. I'll have to put a link to that on my blog today. (Oh, speaking of which, hear. Listen to today's.)
Oh wow, that Starbucks finally opened up! Wish I had time to stop.
All right, finally made to I-30, past the accident. Look out bitch, I'm gettin' around your ass now. Well WTF, why is everybody stopped? The accident was 2 miles back, I don't have time for this shit, MOVE IT. GOOOOOOO!!!!!
(sneeze from the back seat, sounds snot-producing) Bless you, sweetie. Do you need a kleenex? Ok, hold on. Oh, I'm gonna hafta get another purse-pack of those Puffs for the glovebox, these are almost gone. Where did I get those anyway?
Well at least it's not backed up right outside of downtown like it usually is.
It's way too early for a headache. Maybe I just need some coffee. Wish there was a Starbucks in my building. Oh well, at least there's a close parking space.
Well as long as I'm late anyway I may as well sit in the car and put my make-up on.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Everything's a Hoot Today!
COWS: Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that ourOr wait, I know. Let them have demonstrations that will bring large groups of them together, that should make it easy... oh but wait. We did that, and it worked, we just didn't take advantage...
government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington. And they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.
Ok, ok, I know I've gone on enough about that. I just came across that and thought how funny...
Want to see something funnier than that? Go to the official Bureau of Prisons website, click on "inmate locator", and type in Richard Lee McNair's name then hit "name search".
It shows his status as "Released 04-05-06."
Go on, do it, check it out, see for yourself. I'm not kidding. At least it said that as of when I did it a moment ago.
Now imagine, if you can, the tears of laughter that streamed down my face when first I saw that. I never knew before that "released" meant the same as "escaped". Why, that bein' the case, why ever are they lookin' so hard for him? HEY, maybe I can get my brother "released" a whole lot sooner...
(Ok, screener of his mail, that was a joke. J-O-K-E, a joke. You know. Funny. Hahahaha. I write funny things sometimes. It is untrue. I'm not gonna be trying to get anybody "released," k? Calm down. If you don't want me laughing at the organization you work for, tell them to stop doing funny and/or stupid things.)
If you haven't yet seen the video wherein the cop questioned this guy and let him go, it is now available for download (not just viewing) here. It's 101 mg but worth every mg.
Today is my Dad's birthday - Happy Birthday, Dad! :)
Monday, April 10, 2006
What the Hell am I Gonna Write About Today?
I've been monitoring the news and I note they haven't yet caught that escaped prisoner. Now it seems it has made international news, as one of the articles I read had some reader comments posted and in one of them the person noted they saw it on the news in Germany.
Now, I have done some stupid things in my life, believe me, but boy, am I glad I have never done anything stupid that is included in a story of international interest. Knock wood. Guess that officer is getting his 15 minutes of fame... or infamy, as the case may be.
Speaking of news, the headline of one of the Dallas papers today says "Yesterday's pro-immigration rally drew up to a half-million people - the largest crowd ever in Dallas." Hmmmm. Seems to me like that would have been a good time to round some of them up; but then again, that would have started a riot. They said it was all pretty civil with few incidences which in itself is remarkable just for the number of people involved. I saw on the news this morning they were interviewing some of the protestors, and overall they basically just think it's their right to sneak in to the U.S., and then expect us to provide them services. Hello... you aren't supposed to be here in the first place, why are we obligated to take care of you? Personally I don't give a rat's ass what some of them are contributing to the economy, when probably close to an equal number are just here mooching. Now it looks like Congress is going to reward the ones who've managed to stay here for at least 5 years by granting them citizenship. Gee, we don't reward other criminals in this country, why them?
All right, I'll step down off my soap box and leave you with a laugh. I love it:
Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement -- not even her parents' nasty divorce.
Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!
A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new young wife had bought the exact same dress! Jennifer asked her to exchange it, but she refused. "Absolutely not. I look like a million bucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it," she replied.
Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, "Never mind sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day."
A few days later, they went shopping and did find another gorgeous dress. When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, "Aren't you going to return the other dress? You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it."
Her mother just smiled and replied,"Of course I do, dear. I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding!"
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Yeah I prob'ly got a couple'a screws up in my head loose...
I have a confession to make. My current guilty pleasure is Eminem's song Shake That You can click there to read the lyrics (although I noticed that actually some of those lyrics are wrong) and no doubt you can find it on iTunes or someplace to download if you haven't heard it. It *may* be on the radio, I don't know, but if it is, about half of it is beeped out. I have heard it on satellite radio, and some of it is even beeped out there. One time was on the way to Louisiana that weekend that the kid wasn't with us, and suddenly my mom said "WHAT are you listening to?" Oops, I thought she was asleep.
Upon hearing or reading the lyrics, one has to wonder, what woman in her right mind could like that song? But then, we already know I'm not in my right mind at least some of the time. And I guess we know I'm not particularly a feminist, that is if the whole "girls shouldn't have to deal with rats, that's a guy job" thing didn't tip you off already.
But that song is just wrong. It's nasty and degrading to women and no way can I listen to it with the kid in the car (which means I don't get to hear it much and that may be part of the reason for the fascination), and yet...
Almost every song has at least one good line in it. Like this one: "Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up." But can someone please tell me what "crunked" is, or even if that is actually the right lyric? That isn't really what it sounds like to me, although I don't really know what it does sound like. Anyway. You have to admit that "I get more ass than a toilet seat" is funny.
Well of course you know I just Googled "crunked". Apparently I am officially old and "out of it". According to Urban Dictionary, which seems to be a site on which just anyoldbody can submit definitions of words, I found the following entries for crunked:
-meaning drunk and high at the same timeOk, so I guess the lyric really does say crunked.
-A word complete and utter retards use to describe getting smashed.
"Yeah, I was so crunked- Oh wait, here comes the short bus, I got to get on."
A state in which someone's conscousness is altered by both drinking
alcohol and being stoned off their ass:
Emily: Are you stoned yet?
Trevor: I'd thay tho mythelf, and drunk, too.. is there a word for that?
Emily: Yeah, you're "Crunked"
Trevor: Tomorrow when I'm still wasted at my dad's work, I'm going to post a useless definition on along with our conversation.
It means to be really, REALLY Drunk!
Guy1: YO Man I was Crunked-Up Last Night!
Guy2: How Crunked-Up Were You?
Guy1: I was so crunked up that I Did a fat chick from the back n got brain from her!
Guy2: Shitt...
But wait a minute... "got brain from her"?
Brain: Another word for head, or blowjob. This term is most appropriate however, because unfortuantely, most male brains reside in their penile regionsOk, I'd better stop reading that site... this could go on and on... there are lists of hundreds of words on that site that I thought I knew the definitions for, but apparently I don't actually know anything anymore.
"That girl has a foot long tongue, I bet she gives great brain!"
Perhaps this song is a passing phase. One can hope. Damn catchy thing.
Friday, April 07, 2006
57 Minutes till 5:00 Friday
Ok, I'm not going to go on and on and on about this the way I know I do some things, but I do have some more info/thoughts on prison escapee Richard Lee McNair.
Let me start by reiterating that this situation is in no way funny; it's very serious. A convicted murderer with 3 consecutive life sentences is out on the loose with absolutely nothing to lose. There's nothing funny about that. Now, that said...
Did you know when the police officer in Ball questioned the guy and let him go, they got the whole conversation on video? Watching this video if you didn't already know this is the guy they're looking for would be one thing, but the knowing makes this video absolutely hilarious.
Yes, I said hilarious. Here, see for yourself: Video. (I don't know how long that link will be there, but I can't seem to save it as a file, though believe me, I'd love to)
There's so many holes in this guy's story it's not even funny. That aside, had the officer so much as paid attention to the guy's name, he surely would have been detained. At the beginning of the video he asks his name. The guy says it's Robert Jones. At the end of the video the cop says "what was your name again?" and this time it's Jimmy Jones. Of course the guy has no ID on him because he's out jogging. The cop is pretty much yuking it up with the guy the whole time. But don't let me spoil the whole thing for you, you really should watch it for yourself. Half my office thinks it's hilarious too.
As of the writing of this entry, the guy has not yet been apprehended. I'm kind of glad we weren't planning to go visit this weekend. Then again, I don't suppose we'd have anything to worry about. It's not like the guy's going to try to break back IN to the prison.
What else? I was so off on my Idol predictions I don't even want to talk about it. I didn't pick a single one in the bottom 3. Note however I did say that I didn't like Mandisa's song one bit. Guess her fan base wasn't as big as I thought.
I've decided my cookie/kooky friend is developing a cookie addiction. But, only cookies from this one particular bakery nearby; she scoffed at my offer of a Chips Ahoy yesterday when she said she was craving a cookie. I suppose, comparatively, that she's right, Chips Ahoys are not real cookies. She actually wanted cookies and a Starbucks coffee for lunch today. So we did. Well we ate something real, too. If pizza is considered real.
That diet thing is coming along great, by the way. It's called the "eat whatever you want and don't worry about it, you can always buy bigger clothes" diet. Best diet ever.
On a final note, you should listen to this. Listen to the 60 Seconds with Ernie Brown dated today re Illegal Immigration. I love it, it is totally right on with some of my thoughts from the other day.
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
This Would be Hilarious, if it Wasn't Not Funny
Reprinted here without specific permission (but also without economic gain to me and with credit given to the source) from The Town Talk Newspaper, Alexandria/Pineville, Louisiana (because in 7 days the story will go to archives and become inaccessible so it would be foolish to link it):
Escapee questioned by Ball police, released when officer couldn't make ID
Richard Lee McNair was stopped by a Ball police officer on Wednesday not long after he escaped from the U.S. Penitentiary in Pollock, but was released, Ball Police Chief David Covington tells The Town Talk.
Covington said the photo provided to his department by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons was of poor quality, and that his officer could not make a positive identification from that photo. He said it wasn't until hours later, when a better photo had been received, that they realized what had happened.
Covington said that an officer stopped McNair around 4 p.m. as he was jogging along railroad tracks near Gilley Williams and Oak Lane roads. McNair told the officer that his brother had dropped him off in the area, that he had a roofing job in the area and that he was staying at a local motel.
Covington said his officer had no reason to hold McNair, based on the information available then.
McNair, 47, was serving a life sentence for murder, criminal attempt and burglary at the penitentiary. He escaped on Wednesday by hiding in a warehouse at the prison complex and then riding out in a mail vehicle.
Oh, look, the story made, too. I note that at this point CNN's story is quite small and there's been no update since yesterday. I suspect their coverage of the story will get bigger the longer this guy is on the loose. Or perhaps CNN didn't get wind yesterday that the Ball police blew an opportunity to apprehend him, since there's no mention of that in their small article. They might just be all over it when they do get wind of it.
Oh, wait, better yet, let's get that Nancy Grace on the story. I can't stand her, but boy, would she be ALL OVER this. And not just the Ball police, but the penitentiary too. The guy rode out in the mail truck? Goodness. I certainly hope he didn't assault the mailman in the process. That's a federal crime in and of itself, you know, aside from the new escape charge and the fact that he was never getting out of prison anyway because when the feds say a life sentence, they mean life. And when they do catch him (well, assuming), where in the hell do they keep a guy who has managed to break himself out of a maximum security prison?
Am I the only one who's glad they don't live in Ball, Louisiana?
It Just Can't Be Done
So I'm running late for work this morning, as I am pretty much every morning, and I go to drop the kid off and realize at the door of her classroom that I've forgotten her breakfast in the car.
Not a big deal, I thought, because they have a lovely snack coming up in less than an hour and that's not really so very long to wait, plus she'll be playing with her friends and will forget all about it so it will be fine.
Oh. No. It. Won't.
Of course my forgetfulness did not go unnoticed as I hoped, and the waterworks began with a wail. My "but sweetie, you have a snack soon and I'm already late for work, plus when I park today I have to stop and get my April parking pass because my 5 days grace period on March's pass was up yesterday and I really really really don't have time to go back to the car and get your honey bun and can't you look forward to having it this afternoon after school for a snack?" was to absolutely no avail. To be honest, I probably could have gone and gotten the honey bun and been back in the time it took me to try to talk her into not being upset about it.
When finally I told her that I was sorry but she would have to have it for a snack after school because I really had to go, she ran sobbing to her teacher, at which point I was pretty sure I was not going to be up for Aunt of the Year.
Teacher of course looked at me questioningly and I explained that I left her breakfast in the car but I needed to go. "Honey bun?" she asked. I nodded. I'm pretty sure I noticed a flicker of relief on Teacher's face that there would be no honey bun this morning.
Because, as if a honey bun itself does not have enough sugar, they went and frosted them. I've seen the results after the kid intakes what must be the equivalent of half a bag of sugar in a frosted honey bun-- it sometimes ain't pretty. Which is why I usually send them to school with her for breakfast, tee hee. We're slowly whittling down the entire box of them that Memaw bought for her at Sam's.
Of course at one point the need arose to have a conversation about how we don't eat just the frosting off of the honey bun, we have to eat the whole honey bun. You know, so the kind of bready bun part can at least try to even out all of the sugar in the frosting. Anyway.
As Teacher hugged her, patted her shoulder and mouthed to me that "she'll be all right," I told them both to have a good day and started to leave. I heard another loud wail and looked back through the window. I knew what I had to do.
I sprinted out to the car (inasmuch as what I do can be considered a sprint), got the honey bun, hurried back inside, having to stop of course at security (which is always the slow part and the main reason why I hate to have to go out and come back in, ever, but really I am glad they have such good security) and sped toward her classroom. Through the window I noticed the kid was still standing by Teacher, no longer hugging her and sobbing, but wiping at her eyes and sniffling. When I appeared in the doorway with the honeybun, all thoughts of tears were gone and a huge smile lit up her face. (Though I can't say the same for Teacher)
It was worth being later.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Cookies Are of a Very Serious Nature!
Ok, tonight, American Idol bottom 3: I think Bucky and Ace are shoo-ins, but I can't quite decide on the third. Maybe Paris. Frankly I didn't like Mandisa's song one bit but I think she has too big a fan base to be in the bottom 3. Taylor's was kind of boring, it didn't show his personality at all, but I doubt he'll be in the bottom 3. I think Bucky's getting the boot.
I still have Dog #6 and no leads on a new home. No "we miss her" call yet. Callie's still got her nose out of joint about the situation. She can be a little bitchy. But then, can't we all?
The funniest thing I read today - Quotes from baseball player Kris Benson and his wife Anna:
Anna: ''I told (Kris), cheat on me all you want. If you get caught, I'm going to screw everybody on your entire team -- coaches, trainers, players.''
Kris: ''Well, I met her at a strip joint, not a PTA meeting, so what you see is pretty much what you get.''
I think maybe there's trouble in paradise...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
You Have Got to be Kidding Me
Take this headline, directed at women: "Why You Need a Momma's Boy - Men Who Respect Their Mothers Make the Best Partners."
Really. See, to me, that is hilarious. For some, that may be true in a lot of ways. Or, if you're me, you could marry a man who was living with his mother in another state when you met him, and 3 months after the two of you buy a house, he moves Mom into town and in with you.
So, particularly now as a divorcé for a number of reasons apart from having Mom-in-law move in, I would have to strongly disagree with that headline. Heck, I don't even need to read the article.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is a picture in today's paper with this caption:
" Irving middle school student gets taunted by other students for having an American flag during an immigration protest at Kiest Park."
Taunted for having an American flag? Taunted. For having an American flag.
Well kids, this being America, you have every right to your opinion. But since you are apparently so against the American flag and what it stands for, here's an idea for you: Since you want to wave your Mexico flag, why don't you get thee to Mexico and wave it from there? In other words - GO HOME.
Oh, wait. I forgot. You consider America your home, because after all, you were born here. That's what part of this is all about, the right you think you and your parents have to stay here. But alas, your parents were not born here, nor were they here legally when you were born here. And should the federal government ever figure out a workable means of getting all of the illegal immigrants out of here without having them all first clog up the federal court and prison systems, guess what, kiddos? Your parents are dragging you back with them, and boy, are you in for a rude awakening when you get there, after having lived here all your life.
You might be just a little bit regretful you taunted the American flag.
Now That's Busy
It never fails. Every time I am going to take off early to do something important, I get busy as hell and can't get out of here when I want to. I ended up calling the vet and setting Abby's appointment back an hour and I still ended up leaving work only 15 minutes earlier than usual and being 10 minutes late for the appointment. Fortunately the vet was very accommodating.
I picked the x-rays up from the other clinic for the appointment. I have to say the news from my regular vet was much more reassuring.
She reviewed the x-rays and has some concerns, but not nearly to the degree that the first vet (the much younger vet) at the other (high-priced) clinic did. She was concerned that I have again heard Abby cough some in the last couple of days, and gave her some heart medicine for that, as she said the x-ray did show one side of her heart a bit enlarged and the beginnings of some fluid, but nothing at this point that cannot be helped with heart medication, which does not first require an extensive/expensive test. She feels the tumor is not of great concern right now, she said it is relatively detached, though she is concerned that it cropped up so quickly and definitely we should keep an eye to see how fast it grows. If we see that it is growing quickly, then at this point it is easily removable and we would want to do so while that is still the case. While there is always some risk in surgery with older dogs, they do a lot of surgeries on older dogs with no trouble and she feels that Abby would do fine. She estimates that if it becomes necessary, they would do the surgery for just over half the price the other clinic wanted to charge. She also did some bloodwork, and she has already called with the results this morning, and everything looks good; in fact, she said it looks absolutely great for a 15-year-old dog. There was nothing in the bloodwork to indicate any liver problem at all, though she did agree that it looks a bit unusual on the x-ray. She doesn't feel that that the tumor has spread anywhere else at this point, or that it in fact will spread unless it continues to grow.
At this point, I am to continue giving Abby this medicine and monitor to see if she keeps coughing at all. If the cough stops, then this medicine is something she will have to take all of the time. A week's worth cost about $2.00 per day but I am sure it is less expensive in greater quantities (and to me, ultimately a small price to pay). I will also need to watch the tumor to see if and how fast it grows. I got the Canine Noni Juice yesterday so I can start her on that today, too.
In sum... don't go to that 24-hour clinic unless it is after hours and your dog is extremely, as in might-not-make-it-till-morning, ill, and then you will have to pray they can help your dog without bankrupting you.
In other news... I deleted the idiotic April Fools thing I posted Saturday. I wanted to do something creative but naturally when I try to think of something my mind goes blank. Since I usually think of the perfect thing to say or do just after it's too late, maybe I can save that thought and have something good for next year. And besides, for some reason that post sent my right hand column clear to the bottom of the page again, and deleting it fixed it.
American Idol tonight, but a rerun of Boston Legal, dagnabbit. And no BL scheduled for next Tuesday. Please don't tell me we are nearing the end of the season already. Last season they just ended it abruptly, not even letting on that the last episode was the season finale. Fuckers.
I seem to temporarily have a 6th dog now. I don't even want to hear it, it is definitely temporary. Tem-por-rare-eee. Her name is Shelby, she's beautiful and sweet as she can possibly be, but I can not not not not not not not have a 6th dog. A lady I work with was going to take her back to the animal shelter where she adopted her from, which happens to be a kill shelter, which of course I couldn't let happen, so I picked the dog up from her on Saturday morning. She actually stayed with my aunt and uncle Saturday and Sunday nights but I had to get her last night. Introducing her to my 5 did not go well last night but by this morning it seemed better. She and Buddy were having fun playing chase around the yard when I left. Callie seemed to stay in a snit over the whole thing but she will come around. Probably around the time I find Shelby a good home that isn't my home. So, if you live near Dallas and know anyone who wants this dog...

be sure to let me know. She seems to be part shepherd/lab/shar-pei. She's 2 to 3 years old, spayed, current on shots, etc. She can sit, shake and lay down on command and walks well on a leash. She's far better behaved than any of my dogs, in fact. Take her quick, before they corrupt her.