It never fails. Every time I am going to take off early to do something important, I get busy as hell and can't get out of here when I want to. I ended up calling the vet and setting Abby's appointment back an hour and I still ended up leaving work only 15 minutes earlier than usual and being 10 minutes late for the appointment. Fortunately the vet was very accommodating.
I picked the x-rays up from the other clinic for the appointment. I have to say the news from my regular vet was much more reassuring.
She reviewed the x-rays and has some concerns, but not nearly to the degree that the first vet (the much younger vet) at the other (high-priced) clinic did. She was concerned that I have again heard Abby cough some in the last couple of days, and gave her some heart medicine for that, as she said the x-ray did show one side of her heart a bit enlarged and the beginnings of some fluid, but nothing at this point that cannot be helped with heart medication, which does not first require an extensive/expensive test. She feels the tumor is not of great concern right now, she said it is relatively detached, though she is concerned that it cropped up so quickly and definitely we should keep an eye to see how fast it grows. If we see that it is growing quickly, then at this point it is easily removable and we would want to do so while that is still the case. While there is always some risk in surgery with older dogs, they do a lot of surgeries on older dogs with no trouble and she feels that Abby would do fine. She estimates that if it becomes necessary, they would do the surgery for just over half the price the other clinic wanted to charge. She also did some bloodwork, and she has already called with the results this morning, and everything looks good; in fact, she said it looks absolutely great for a 15-year-old dog. There was nothing in the bloodwork to indicate any liver problem at all, though she did agree that it looks a bit unusual on the x-ray. She doesn't feel that that the tumor has spread anywhere else at this point, or that it in fact will spread unless it continues to grow.
At this point, I am to continue giving Abby this medicine and monitor to see if she keeps coughing at all. If the cough stops, then this medicine is something she will have to take all of the time. A week's worth cost about $2.00 per day but I am sure it is less expensive in greater quantities (and to me, ultimately a small price to pay). I will also need to watch the tumor to see if and how fast it grows. I got the Canine Noni Juice yesterday so I can start her on that today, too.
In sum... don't go to that 24-hour clinic unless it is after hours and your dog is extremely, as in might-not-make-it-till-morning, ill, and then you will have to pray they can help your dog without bankrupting you.
In other news... I deleted the idiotic April Fools thing I posted Saturday. I wanted to do something creative but naturally when I try to think of something my mind goes blank. Since I usually think of the perfect thing to say or do just after it's too late, maybe I can save that thought and have something good for next year. And besides, for some reason that post sent my right hand column clear to the bottom of the page again, and deleting it fixed it.
American Idol tonight, but a rerun of Boston Legal, dagnabbit. And no BL scheduled for next Tuesday. Please don't tell me we are nearing the end of the season already. Last season they just ended it abruptly, not even letting on that the last episode was the season finale. Fuckers.
I seem to temporarily have a 6th dog now. I don't even want to hear it, it is definitely temporary. Tem-por-rare-eee. Her name is Shelby, she's beautiful and sweet as she can possibly be, but I can not not not not not not not have a 6th dog. A lady I work with was going to take her back to the animal shelter where she adopted her from, which happens to be a kill shelter, which of course I couldn't let happen, so I picked the dog up from her on Saturday morning. She actually stayed with my aunt and uncle Saturday and Sunday nights but I had to get her last night. Introducing her to my 5 did not go well last night but by this morning it seemed better. She and Buddy were having fun playing chase around the yard when I left. Callie seemed to stay in a snit over the whole thing but she will come around. Probably around the time I find Shelby a good home that isn't my home. So, if you live near Dallas and know anyone who wants this dog...

be sure to let me know. She seems to be part shepherd/lab/shar-pei. She's 2 to 3 years old, spayed, current on shots, etc. She can sit, shake and lay down on command and walks well on a leash. She's far better behaved than any of my dogs, in fact. Take her quick, before they corrupt her.
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