I don't even know what to say about that. I bet that guy who was supposed to be released is hating it, because now they're holding him to see if he had any part in helping the guy who escaped...MANSFIELD -- Police were still searching late Tuesday for a 39-year-old drug suspect who walked away from the Mansfield Jail after posing as another inmate who was scheduled for release.
Given that sort of intelligence, this story really troubles me:
Authorities are still waiting for a defendant to challenge Dalworthington Gardens' tough new policy on drunken drivers, under which officers request search warrants for blood tests in all cases, and then draw suspects' blood themselves.Police are drawing blood themselves? That's a downright terrifying thought. I guess the good news is that everyone around here knows, you don't drive drunk in Dalworthington Gardens. You've got to be careful driving sober through there, they'll pull you over for nothing.
American Idol prediction: I did manage to watch it last night so I can make an informed guess. The first 2 in the bottom 3 I think are fairly obvious, Bucky and Ace, and I'm going with Katharine for the third. Based on performances, I think Bucky may have won himself another week and we can all say goodbye to Ace tonight. Nice try on the "we will rock you," dude, but NO. Puhleeze.
Ok, so like, I totally stole this from Danelle but I told her I was going to, AND I gave her credit, so is it really stealing?

I don't think anyone can disagree with that. I just got the e-mail about hey, everybody let's all boycott Exxon and Mobil in an attempt to get the prices down. I forwarded it on with my personal note that it sounds good to me, and completely effortless on my part, because I personally never lifted my boycott on Exxon after the Valdez oil spill (yes I know that was a long time ago; can I hold a grudge or what?), and once Mobil joined their ranks, they joined my boycott list too.
I don't usually read SPAM but the subject line in this one caught my attention. I have a post office box at which I get most of my mail, and the e-mail subject referenced that. This is what I found when I opened the message:
RE: Your property at p.o. box 12345
It appears from our analysis of homes in arlington that you are overpaying substantially each month.
Really? I think the fee for my PO Box is quite reasonable, thanks, but it's kind of small to be called home...
Whee doggies, I just got back from lunch and I was riding up in the elevator with a man I've never seen before but would definitely like to see again, preferably when I weigh about 50 pounds less and have a great tan. He's almost the spitting image of Matthew McConaughey but with darker hair. He definitely has the same "sexiest man alive" look about him.
It's hot in here. Time to turn my desk fan on.
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