Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My 101st Blog Entry!

I intended to mark my 100th entry, but naturally, I missed it.

Within hours of my last post, someone stumbled across my blog by Googling "sugar daddy." Wow! It never occurred to me that I could Google myself a sugar daddy! Why didn't I ever think of that? Hey, I bet I could Google the winning Powerball numbers too. Let me get right on that.

So the kid's Easter dress was beautiful; pink of course, and has this glittery stuff on it. Yeah, it got a little glitter here and there, but I really didn't think anything about it. Glitter's pretty, doesn't bother me, isn't toxic or anything, looks nice on the dogs, etc. However...

She wore the dress to school Monday and I didn't think anything about that, either. Until I picked her up and Teacher complained about the glitter and how many times they'd had to wash it off of her face that day. Why would you have to do that? Was it hurting something? Is there some weird fact about glitter being harmful that I am unaware of? It'll all come off in the bathtub. Teacher made a huge deal out of it though - to the point that it makes me want to go buy a shaker of glitter and put it on the kid's clothes every day.

Oops. I guess I'm not supposed to think that way, huh? Or at least not supposed to say it out loud. My bad.

That's why I keep you around, so I can say all the things I'm not supposed to think.

The other night the kid was on the phone with Dada and she cracked me up. They were talking about something and the subject of Memaw's birthday came up. She says, "Memaw's birthday! Wow, there are a LOT of birthdays THIS year!"

Yes, and some of us are beginning to wish we could skip one now and then.

This is SO horrible. (click on the link for Mercy the dog) I don't understand how anyone can be cruel to a sweet, defenseless animal. I got this link yesterday, then I saw the story on the news last night and actually seeing video of this dog and hearing described what they think it's been through made me cry. It's an abomination what's been done to this dog and I hope they find whoever did it and put them in jail for a long time. If you ask me, anyone who can do this to a dog... well, it's just a matter of time before they're doing something cruel to people - that is, if they haven't already. Please make a donation if you can. Operation Kindness is wonderful, a no-kill shelter that always does so much for pets, and Mercy needs your help.

Update: Before I even got this entry published, I got an e-mail from my animal rescue network that they were talking about Mercy on one of the local radio stations (KLUV 98.7) and a listener called in offering to pay for all of Mercy's medical expenses, and so now all other donations made on Mercy's behalf will go to Operation Kindness. Isn't it great that for every rotten person out there, there is at least one wonderful person?

Tonight on American Idol: It's Elliott, Paris and Ace in the bottom 3 and Ace goes home. Yes, I watched the show last night. If you ask me Kellie should at least be in the bottom 3 because that last note of hers was so painful I almost had to cover my ears. At least she had the sense to know it. I doubt she'll wind up in the bottom 3 though.

Augh. Tonight I have to go home and work in the yard. I'd rather do just about anything than work in the yard. There's a possibility my uncle will go over today and take care of it before I get home, but maybe not. We went to Home Depot last night and bought the weed and feed stuff and the bug killer to put down. It needs to be mowed first and I would like to get that stuff down tonight because it's supposed to rain tomorrow which would be good cuz then I wouldn't have to water it in.

Did I mention lately that I am still hearing noises in my kitchen? Yes, months and hundreds of dollars to Truly Nolen later, I seem to still have the problem. So at Home Depot I bought 2 things: One of those (probably cheesy) electronic things you plug in that's supposed to chase pests away (yes, I'm probably a consumer idiot to spend $ on that), and a humongous, good old-fashioned rat trap. Enough with the stupid silly glue traps Truly Nolen is fond of. I want to set (rather, I want my uncle to set) a big honking rat trap behind my refrigerator where the noises seem to be coming from, and then one night very soon (tonight would be perfect), I want to hear a loud *SNAP* and the blood curdling squeal (or whatever noise they make) of a dying rat.

Is there something just wrong about me saying that about a rat in the same entry that I talk about how can someone be so cruel to a dog?

Probably. But remember, that's why I keep you around...

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