Tuesday, April 25, 2006

And Then There Were 5

I took Shelby, aka Dog #6, to her new home last night. I would have loved for my aunt and uncle to take her but it was not to be. Shelby has a great new home though, with 1 doggie friend almost her size to play with and a mommy who will let her sleep on her bed, too. She is not far from my parents' store and the lady said she will bring Shelby by to see us on Saturdays sometimes.

We went up to the liquor store first, and the kid decided to stay there and play with Pawpaw while I took Shelby. She didn't express any interest in going, and it didn't seem like much interest in saying goodbye to Shelby. But then later on the way home she started crying that she missed Shelby. Not the easiest thing to deal with when I wanted to cry cuz I missed Shelby too, but we had a talk about how Shelby is better off not having to compete with 5 other dogs for attention and that she has a really good home with a nice lady and we can still see her sometimes, and then we both felt better.

We love you Shelby!

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