Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Back to the Webdings

Yes, I am still fucking sick of thinking up titles. I'm actually still working on yesterday's entry (the entry, not the title). It's quite lengthy. A whole lotta bitchin' goin' on there. I'll post it later today. I think it'll still have yesterday's date on it though.

The kid is sick today. I dropped her at my mom's this morning. Poor sweetie. She didn't have a fever when she woke up but I think she had a slight one by the time we got to my mom's. She has a sore throat and is coughing. I think it is doctor time.

I'm feeling kind of puny myself, but I think I just need to catch up on my sleep. It didn't help last night that I stayed up way too late watching Boston Legals I've saved on my TiVo. I'm weird like that, I'll save a lot of stuff up and then sit down and one particular program is all I'll watch for awhile until I'm caught up. I hadn't even finished watching the last season of BL when I started a few days ago. I'm up to last November now, just watched the one where James Spader (Alan) is terrified of clowns. (That's really a more common fear than you would think - I have a good friend who fears clowns) Hilarious (the show, not my friend) For the record, I am over the whole James Spader/Crash thing. Can I be Alan Shore's secretary?

My satellite radio has some new channels beginning today. A new comedy channel, which is cool, I like to listen to those sometimes. Unfortunately I usually tune in in the middle of something hilarious that I would have liked to have heard all of, and then nothing after that is very funny. Until of course I tune away and tune back later and the cycle starts all over. But I digress. There are also 2 new FOX news channels, the COSMO channel (as in, the magazine), and Playboy Radio.

Playboy Radio? Um, haven't they noticed that radio is not a visual medium? I am half tempted to tune in to find out. That's a creepy thought. Men driving around, listening to Playboy Radio. Remember guys, your hands belong on the steering wheel.

Ok, suddenly I'd have to say that things in my life are not comparably that bad. I just found out that a friend of mine who has been having some disturbing physical problems for the past nearly 2 weeks has just learned that they are going to test to see if she has parasites. Parasites.

Good luck, my friend. Here's hoping it turns out to be something else, something much less ooky and simple to correct.

No indeedy, things in my life are not that bad after all.

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