Friday, March 03, 2006

Happy Weekend (for lack of a better title)

Well I almost batted 1000. But .500 again isn't bad.

American Idol Update: Heather and Brenna, David and Jose got the boot. I had mentioned all of those but ultimately Brenna and David weren't the ones I figured would go this week. Ah, well, maybe next week. This time I wisely waited until the show had been on for 30 minutes to start watching so I could forward through all the parts I didn't want to hear.

I still don't have an installed, working dishwasher or a new vent hood. Apparently the guy came early and somehow I missed him while I was in the garage doing laundry or out back with the dogs or something. I tried to call him last night at just past the time window he had given me, spoke to him briefly, but got cut off and then got voice mail. This morning he told me he had gotten there early and saw my car but there was no answer. He said he will be able to come back some time this weekend but he will have to get back with me as to when. ARGH!!!!

Have a couple of plans for the weekend. Taking the kid to bowl tonight for her league, then will probably go home and do some laundry and go to bed early - wheeeee, my exciting Friday nights now. Working all day at the liquor store tomorrow as always. Sunday I have plans to overhaul the kid's room with some new shelves and basically going through all of her toys and organizing everything, etc.

Then at 4:00 Sunday I am taking a cake decorating class with Jen. Anyone who knows me must surely be gasping at that. I can't remember the last time I even baked anything like, real. I bought my new oven last March because my old one was, well, old, and about 25 degrees off temperature-wise, and I wanted to bake a low-carb cheesecake, which requires precise oven temperature. I still haven't done it. In fact, probably the only thing that new oven has been used for in the last almost year is frozen pizza. Maybe a Stouffer's lasagna. Anyway. Cake decorating. Sounds kind of fun and it would be something fun to do with the kid. It'd be awesome to be able to make her (and others) really cool birthday cakes, too. Should be interesting. I'm generally not the creative, imaginative type, but maybe I can be taught cake decorating. It's 4 Sundays, 2 hours each day.

Why doesn't Target carry velcro? I went at lunch to get some because the little suction cup that goes on the windshield that holds the mount for my Sirius came off the first day the temp got over 75, telling me it simply isn't going to hold in this Texas heat (yes, in March; can't wait to see what it does in, say, August if it's this hot now), so I decided I could velcro it to the dash. A fine idea, I think - if I could find some freaking velcro. The cashier said "Go to Big Lots." Lady, if I wanted to go to Big Lots, I'd be at Big Lots, not here at Target, and besides, I've spent so long looking for velcro that I now have 10 minutes to get food at crappy Whataburger and drive back to work. Fortunately it's quiet today, all of my attorneys are out, so no one noticed I was a little late. Uh oh. I left the Reese's Easter eggs in the car. I'd better go get them before they melt.

You may have noticed I haven't mentioned Atkins this week and now I have apparently purchased candy. I should probably quit mentioning Atkins until I've actually started it.

Which will be right around the time I bake that low-carb cheesecake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got some velcro at Target, but they didn't carry pipe cleaners which I thought was weird.