Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blog Entry Number 56

Can you tell I am reeeeeeeeeeeally tired of thinking up titles?

Why, oh why, is it so hard to find someone to install a couple of appliances for a reasonable price, at a reasonable time of day and who shows up at least close to the time they say they will?

I really don't want to pay half what I paid for the dishwasher to have it installed, nor as much as I paid for the vent hood to have it installed. And I don't want to have to be home "between 12 and 4". I realize it is probably hard to pinpoint precisely when they can be there, but could we at least get it down to a 2-hour window? Preferrably at either the beginning or end of the day. Is that really being that picky?


You can find anything online these days. Maybe I should just google "dishwasher installation for dummies" and see what I find and do it myself.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whew, that was a good one, huh?


I wasn't that impressed with the guys on American Idol last night. I think Kevin and Will are deserving of the boot tonight, and I think I am going to go with Melissa and Kinnik for the girls. Paula may dig it, but I think Ace needs to stop the falsetto stuff - just horrible. I like him when he doesn't do that. I think I am with the majority when I say that Chris is the best. I get a real kick out of Taylor though; I think he would be a fun guy to hang out with.


I have a headache again today. I think I am almost single-handedly keeping the BC Powder company in business. I have decided these headaches are work-related. I don't seem to get them anymore unless I am at work. I am really ready to just go ahead and win the lottery so I can cut out this work thing. I mean, not that I wouldn't work, but I would do something I actually want to do and I wouldn't have to worry that it didn't pay anything. I'd like to work with dogs. Which would be a lot of fun but could also be very bad because I would probably end up with way more than 5. But anyway. C'mon lottery, I'm ready for ya.


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of old guys that advertise in the paper as "rent a hubby" or for handyman services. Look on your local site for retired guys looking to do exactly what you need done!

WendyC said...

That's a good idea, I'll check that out! Ooh, Craigslist is so dangerous though... haven't been on there for awhile... hehe